四年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Daily routine Unit 3 It's time to get up2_教科版(广州深圳)

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四年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Daily routine Unit 3 It's time to get up2_教科版(广州深圳)_第1页
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四年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Daily routine Unit 3 It's time to get up2_教科版(广州深圳)_第2页
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四年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Daily routine Unit 3 It's time to get up2_教科版(广州深圳)_第3页
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Module 2 Daily routine Unit 3 Its time to get up课件 2 What time is it?Its seven oclock.Lets learn Lets play 12 369 12 39 61 2457810 11 10118 7 1 245seven oclock ten past sevenWhat time is it? 129 36 1 2457810 11126 39 1 24510 118 7seven thirtyhalf past seven seven fifty ten to eightWhat time is it? pastto 时间的表达方法:整 点 表 达 法 : _ o clock( 逆 读 ) 几 点 已 过 几 分 (30分 之 内 用 加 法 ): 分 +past+时 :1:05 five past one, 4:15: fifteen past four, a quarter past four.2:30 half past two ( 逆 读 ) 还 差 几 分 到 几 点 ( 30分 之 后 , 整 点 加 1, 分 钟 减 法 ) :分 +to+时7:35 twenty-five to eight.8:45 a quarter to nine.9:50 ten to ten 1 2345678910 11 12 1 2345678910 11 12 1 2345678910 11 121 23 45678910 11 121 2345678910 11 12 1 23456789twenty past one 11 12 1 2345678910 11 12 1 23 45678910 11 12fifteen past one five past one twenty past eleven10twenty to two fifteen to two five to two twenty to twelve Write them in English.(用英文逆读法写出时间)8:008:058:158:308:45 8:55 eight oclockfive past eightfifteen past eightfifteen to nine half past eight five to nine a quarter past eight a quarter to nine 家 明 现 在 升 上 了 四 年 级 , 每 天 都 有 很 多事 情 做 , 我 们 一 起 来 看 下 他 每 天 在 什么 时 间 干 那 些 事 情 吧 ! It s time to What time is it?get upIts seven oclock. Its 7 oclock.Its time to .Its half past 6.Its a quarter to 7. Its time get up .toItstime to get upget up What time is it ?Its eight oclock.It s time to have breakfast, have breakfast Time to have breakfast. have breakfast. What time is it ?It s fifteen past eight .a quarter past eight.It s time togo to school, go to schoolTime to go to schoolgo to school. It s one o clock .It s time tohave lunch, have lunchWhat time is it ?Time to have lunch.have lunch. A: What time is it ?B four.Its half pastgo back home, go back homego back homeTime toIt s time to go back home B;_a quarter_ .A: It s time to have dinner.A: What time is it ?Its past fivehave dinner have dinnerTime .to have lunch B;_half_ . take a bath.A: What time is it ?Its past sixtake a bath , take a bath Time to take a bath .Its time to take a bath . A: What time is it ?B;_ten_ .Its past sevendo my homework.Do my homework, do my homework .Time to do my homework .Its time to do my homework . B;_a quarter_ .A: What time is it ?Its to tentired sleepsleep , sleep,sleep .Time to sleep .Its time to sleep . ( ) 1. go home a. 6:00 ( ) 2. have lunch b. 22:00 ( ) 3. go to bed c. 12:00 ( ) 4. do homework d. 18:00 ( ) 5. go to school e. 19:00 ( ) 6. have breakfast f. 7:00 ( ) 7. have dinner g. 6:30 ( ) 8. get up h. 17:00adhcbefg Lets chantTime, time, time, time, time .Time to get up,get up .Its time to get up .Time, time, time, time, time .Time to go to school ,go to school .Its time to go to school.Time, time, time, time, time .Time to go back home, go back home .Its time to go back home. 善舞红袖传飞鸿 莫言深闺空寂寞Thank you!


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