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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,have&has,第三人称单数:He/She/It/Lily,has,第一人称:I/We,have,第二人称:You,have,复数:They/The girls/The boys/,The children/Bob and Jane,have,.,have 与has 的用法,I,have,a book.,You,have,a book.,They,have,two books.,HeShe,has,a book.,There be 句型,There is a map on the wall.,There is an orange orange on the table.,There is some bread in the bag.,There is some water in the cup.,There are two students in the classroom.,There are some apples on the tree,.,There,is,a map,on the wall.,There,is,an orange,orange on the table.,There,is,some bread,in the bag.,There,is,some water,in the cup.,There,are,two students,in the classroom.,There,are,some apples,on the tree.,am,be,am,is,are,There be句型的基本结构,a/an+C单+地点状语,There,is,U+地点状语,There,are,+c复+地点状语,可数名词:,an apple two apple,s,an aunt three aunt,s,a map,some,map,s,a baseball,a lot of,baseball,s,a student,many,student,s,some/a lot of,“一些”既可以修饰可数名词 也可以修饰不可数名词,“许多”修饰可数名词,不可数名词:,water some water much water,milk some mike much milk,air some air much air,chicken some chicken much chicken,bread some bread much bread,coffee some coffee much coffee,much“许多”修饰不可数名词,There,is,a dog on the floor.,There,is,a boy under the tree.,There,is,a schoolbag is in the tree.,There,is,a lot of water in the glass.,There,is,some coffee in the cup.,There,are,two cups on the table,.,There,are,some dogs on the sofa.,There is,a mouse,in the box.,0n,There is,a cat,on the box.,The mouse is,a mouse,under the box.,There is a mouse behind the box.,There is mouse in front of the box.,Look at my room and my things.,在there be 句型中,主语是,单数,,be动词用,is,;,主语是,复数,,be动词用,are,。,若句子中有几个并列主语时,be动词的形式要,采取就近原则。,例:,1.There,is,a girl,and two boys under the tree.,2.There,are,two boy,s,and a girl under the tree.,There be 句型的句式,否定句:be后加not。注意肯定句中的some变为any。,There is some water in the glass.,There,isnt any,water in the glass.,There are some birds in the tree.,There,arent any,birds in the tree.,There be 句型的否定句,There are two books on the desk,.,There,arent,two books on the desk.,There is some bread in the plate.,There,isnt any,bread in the plate,.,There,is,a book on the bed.,There,isnt,a book on the bed.,There is a bag under the table.,There,isnt,a bag under the table.,There is some water in the glass.,There isnt,any,water in the cup.,There,are,some books in the bookcase.,There,arent,any,books in the bookcase.,There,are some,bags under the drawer.,There,arent any,bags under the drawer.,一般疑问句,:be动词(,is,are,)要,提到句首,。,some 变any,,其他都不变,There is a mouse in the house.,Is,there a mouse in the house?,There are some flowers in the garden.,Are,there,any,flowers in the garden?,Is there?,Yes,there is.,No,there isnt,Are there?,Yes,there are.,No,there arent.,Is,there a bag under the table?,Yes,there is.,No,there isnt.,Is,there,any water in the glass?,Yes,there is.,No,there isnt.,There,are some,bags under the drawer.,No,there,arent,.,Yes,there are.,There,are,some books in the bookcase?,No,there,arent,.,Yes,there are.,两者的区别,There be 和have(has)都表示“有”的含义。,There be 表示“某处存在某物或某人”此时,不强调物归谁有。,例:There is a box on the desk.桌子上有一个盒子。,have(has)表示“某人拥有某物(某人)“,此时,强调所有、拥有关系。,例:We have two basketballs。我们有两个篮球。(强调篮球为我们拥有),对There be结构中的主语提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构:,Whats+介词短语(介词+地点名词)?中间通常不用there.,There is,a bike,under the tree.,Whats,under the tree?,There are,many books,on the table.,Whats,on the table?,练习一、用恰当的be动词填空。,1、There _ a lot of sweets in the,box.,2、There _ some milk in the glass.3、There _ some girls under the big tree.4、There _ a picture and two maps on the wall.4、There _ two pictures and a map on the wall.,are,are,is,are,is,some 和any 在there be 句型中的运用:,some,用于,肯定句,,,any,用于,否定句,或,疑问句,。,and 和or 在there be句型中的运用:,and,用于肯定句,,or,用于,否定句,或,疑问句,。,针对数量提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构是:,1.How many+,名词复数,+are there+介词短语?,There are,two computers,on the desk,.,How many,computers,are there on the desk?,2.How much+不可数名词+is there+介词短语?,There is,some,milk in the glass.,How much,milk,is there,in the glass?,练习一、用“have,has”填空,1.I_ a nice puppet.,2.He_a good friend.,3.They_ some masks.,4.We_some flowers.,5.She_ a duck.,has,have,have,has,have,6.My father_ a new bike.,7.Our teacher_ an English book.,8.Our teachers_a basketball.,9.Their parents_some blankets.,10.Nancy_many skirts,.,has,have,has,have,has,


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