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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,The pleasure of reading,读书之乐,Warm up,1 Do you often read books?,Yes,I love reading and I often read books.,2 How much time a week do you spend on reading?,I spend about 20 hours a week on reading.,Detailed Study of the Text,1 but we must know how to,make use of,this treasure and how to,get the most from,it.,make use of,:to use sth that is available in order to achieve sth or to get an advantage for yourself 利用,使用,我们会充分利用我们家附近的图书馆。,We will make full use of the library near our home.,get the most from/out of,:to gain the greatest possible advantage from sth 最大限度地利用,Jack知道如何最大限度地利用他的电脑。,Jack knew how to get the most from his computer.,Detailed Study of the Text,2 The most unfortunate people in the world.,unfortunate,:adj.having bad fortune;unlucky不幸的,倒霉的,un-是表否定的前缀,,如:unlucky不幸的,unfriendly不友好的,3 If I am interested in people,others are interested not so much in who as in how.,not so much.as.与其说是.不如说是.,Others are not very interested in who.Others are interested in how.,Others are not so much interested in who as in how.,P109.4,Detailed Study of the Text,4,fiction,:n.books and stories about imaginary people and events小说,科幻小说,science fiction,历史小说,historical fiction,通俗小说,popular fiction,figure:,n.sb who is important or famous in some way(重要的或有名的)人物,人士,公众人物应注意他们的言行举止。,Public figures should pay attention to their manners.,Detailed Study of the Text,5 Although they are separate,together they all,add up to,something,separate,:,adj,.not joined to or touching sth else独立的,分开的,add up to,:to lead to a particular result结果是,6.try another till you find one that,means something to you,.you will almost certainly have a good time,mean sth to sb,:to be important to sb 对某人很重要,你不会知道这份礼物对我来说有多重要。,You dont know how much this gift means to me.,Detailed Study of the Text,have a good time:,to enjoy oneself very much 过得愉快,玩得痛快,上周我们去爬泰山,我们玩儿的很愉快。,We had a good time in climbing Mount Tai last weekend.,7 you wont have suffered during the process.,suffer:v.to experience physical or mental pain感到疼痛,遭受痛苦,那个明星在学习唱歌的时候遭受了很多痛苦。,The popular star suffered a lot in learning singing.,Phrases,利用 make use of,最大限度的利用 get the most from/out of,只存在于某人脑海中 in sbs imagination,与.比较 campare with,结果是 add up to,出现,露面 turn up,依据,取决于 according to,应该,应当(做某事)ought to,对某人很重要 mean sth to sb,玩得愉快 have a good time,Key to Exercises,Comprehension,para.1 C para.2 A para.3 F para.4 B,para.5 E para.6 D,Vocabulary and structure,1 plant 2 pen 3 separate 4 boring,1 exist,exsiting 2 eager,eagerness,3 explanation,explain 4 related,relation,Key to Exercises,1 explanation 2 action 3 relation 4 competition,5 expression,1 I am skillful not so much at skiing as skating,2 I am fond not so much of the song as of the singer.,3 He is not so much a genius as a hard worker.,4 Success lies not so much in luck as in hard work.,Key to Exercises,Translation,1 A 2B,1All games should be played,according to the rules,.,2 You will be informed when,this book is available,.,3 Susans room seemed like a palace,compared with mine,.,Grammar,Transitive verbs:,light make overcome cross,Intransitive verbs:,go fly,Linking verbs:,become remain,1 grew 2 look 3 remains 4 tastes 5 feels,Writing,1 Miller said to Sam,I am still responsible for the organization of the ceremony.,or:Miller said to Sam,Sam,you are still responsible for the organization of the ceremony.,Or:Miller is still responsible for the organization of the ceremony,and he told it to Sam.,2 Helen called 110,but the police didnt arrive in time.,3 People say one cannot avoid two things:death and taxes.,4 Driving her fathers car for the first time made Barbara nervous.,5 Knowing he had failed the text was very sad for David.,Or:David knew he had failed the text;that news was very sad.,


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