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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,CRISIS MANAGEMENTPLAN,危 机 管 理 计 划,Introduction,前 言,危机管理计划,是为了在发生危机的状况下提供有组织、有效率的反应。危机的发生可能会阻碍酒店的正常运作,甚至导致停业。,The Crisis Management Plan is designed to provide an organized,efficient response to crisis situations.Such crisis may result in disruption of normal hotel operational functions or the closing of the hotel.Relocation of guests,patrons and employees may also result.,什么是危机?,What is a Crisis?,危机是由各种原因引起的,威胁到酒店收益或名誉,不能以正常手段解决处理的突发事件。无论处理哪种危机时,都必须优先考虑以下几个方面:,1.,保护公众/客人;,2.,保护员工;,3,.保证经营;,4.,与相关政府部门合作;A crisis can be defined as one of a number of situations which threaten the profitability or reputation of the Company and for various reasons,cannot be handled by the normal management systems.However,whatever the crisis,those involved must keep as priorities to:1.Protect the public/customer 2.Protect the employees 3.Protect the business 4.Cooperate with the authorities involved,“危机”,基本包括以下几种类型:,Examples of“crisis”incidents include:,火灾,Fire,自然灾害,Natural Catastrophes,机械故障,Mechanical Breakdowns,能源中断,Loss of Utility Services,危险品爆炸,Hazardous Materials Exposure,炸弹威胁,Bomb Threats,恐怖威胁,Terrorist Acts,绑 架,Hostage Situations,持械抢劫、闯窃、凶杀,Armed Robbery,Burglary,Homicide,民事骚乱,Civil Disturbance,大面积突然停电,Power Cut Emergency,特别安全事故,Special Concerns,其它,Other,应急反应小组,Emergency Response Team(ERT),应急反应小组(ERT)是由酒店管理团队成员以及其他专业人士组成。应急反应小组成员必须在危机发生时作出快速有效的反应,控制危机,把损失减到最小。,The Emergency Response Team(ERT)includes the management team members and other experts who can quickly and effectively execute tasks to control a crisis and minimize loss.,应急反应小组成员,CRT members,总经理,General Manager,行政助理经理Executive Assistant Manager,房务经理 Rooms Division Manager,财务总监,Finance Controller,市场销售总监,Director of Sales&Marketing,维护经理,Maintain Manager,保安部经理,Security Manager,人力资源部经理,HR Manager,消防主管 Fire Supervisor,Name,CRT Title,Office Num.,Ceil phone,伟士曼,组长,81626101,15953131188,福瑞德温格纳,副组长,81606081,13905310316,凌贤国,副组长,81626091,15194186660,杜晓红,成员,81626041,15153161222,李慧君,成员,81626201,13356665036,李磊,成员,81626086,13406972266,周淑英,成员,81626061,13791084641,郝慧泉,成员,81626071,13953188272,李平,成员,81626094,15865255533,应急反应小组的主要职责,Primary responsibilities of the ERT,分析事件严重程度。,Evaluate Risks and Exposures to the hotel.,快速反应,按轻重缓急发布指令。,Prompt decision-making and prioritization of tasks.,向有关部门及时汇报。,Help ensure the authorities are notified in a timely fashion.,开展初级急救和扑救工作。,Provide preliminary fire aid and fire fighting efforts.,帮助客人和员工安全离开事故现场。,Provide for the safe evacuation of guests and employees.,决定如何向媒体作出反应。,Development of media/public relations response.,确保酒店财产安全。,Secure hotel assets.,评估损失。,Evaluate and report losses.,尽快恢复运转。,Restore operations in a timely manner,.,预案 1Plan 1,火警和疏散方案,Fire Alarm&Evacuation Procedure,火警,消防中心显示屏报警;总机、消防中心接到报警电话,消防监控中心呼叫巡逻员到现场检查,如属误报,解除报警;如确认火警,指令总机电话通知危机小组成员,灭火组成立:大堂经理、安保主管,、值班工程师、报警楼层服务员带灭火器到现场,指挥组成立:总经理、值班经理、各部门经理至现场进行现场指挥,如火势较小,马上组织扑救,熄灭后停止实施应急方案。如火势较大,需增援力量,马上报告指挥组和监控室,义务消防队到场后立即进行灭火扑,救,如火被扑灭,保护现场,准备,火灾调查。如火势不能控制,马上,报告指挥组,请求疏散,启动消防警铃和消防广播发出疏散,指令,救援组成立:酒店医生及相关人员带急救物品及担架到现场进行救援,指挥组下达全员疏散命令,实施疏散方案,组织客人、员工疏散,根据指挥组的决定向119报警,消防人员到达后,汇报酒店情况并配合他们的工作,监控室通知义务消防队火速增援,火警,The operator or CCTV receive the fire alarm telephone,Security guard go to reach the scene of fire.If it is,misinformation,relieve alarm.If its a real fire alarm,the operator should send the alarm through telephone,Set up a fire fighting group:AM,Security Officer,Duty Engineer and room attendant,Set up a Command Group:GM,MOD and all,department heads go to the CCTV.Keep in touch with Fire Fighting Group,If fire be put off right away,stop the emergency plan.if fire is big and can not be pur off in a short time,report to director group and fire control room,If fire be put out by fire bregade,protect,spot and prepare the fire investigation,if,fire out of control,report the director,group and ask for evacuation,Set up the fire alarm bell and fire broadcast,Set up the rescue group:hotel doctor and relative staff take first aid articles and stretcher to spot,The director group issue the evacuation order for all staff,Carry out the,evacuate plan,organize guests and staff evacuate,Director group can demand whether to dail”119”,if yes,cooperate the fire team when they arrived,The fire control room inform the fire bregade to go to spot,火警应急程序,Emergency Fire Procedures,前厅部,Front Office,(总机Guest Service Center、礼宾部Concierge,、行政楼层,Executive Lounge、健身中心 Health Club),餐饮部,F&B,工程部,Engineering,安保部,Security,客房部 HSKP,(客房楼层 Guest floors、公区Public Area、洗衣房,Laundry、),人力资源部 HR,厨房 Kitchen,行政办、销售部、财务部、电脑房等,EO,S&M,Fin,EDP etc.,预案 2Plan 2,持械抢劫,Armed Robbery,抢劫,是指在被害人面前,违背被害人的意愿拿走其有价值的物,,如现金、首饰、珠宝等。携武器的抢劫威胁到被害人的生命安全,。,在这种情况下,保护客人和员工的安全是主要目的。,千万不能,试图拿员工的生命和健康冒险。,Robbery is the taking of ones valuables,cash,jewelry,ectin the,presence of the individual and against that individuals will.Armed,robbery occurs when the threat of personal harm is present or,implied.The fo


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