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,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Section 3 Product Description and Manuals,Main Points,what is a product?,What is a product description?,How can you introduce your product by using a product description?,Business Sayings,Core Words and Phrases,Typical Sentences,Paragraph Writing and Translating,Discussion and Assessment,Applied Writing,1.What is a product?,Generally speaking,the word“product”means things offered to a market that satisfy peoples want or need,but in practice,its meaning can vary in different situations.,For example,products are called merchandise in retailing;products are called raw materials purchased and finished goods sold in manufacturing.When we call products commodities they usually represent either raw materials such as metals and agricultural products or things traded in the open market.Even printed materials and training course for educational purposes or services can be special forms of products.,2.What is a product description?,People write an enquiry when they need information about the product or service that interests them.Being interested in purchasing a product,people would require more information before making a decision.In this circumstance suppliers need to offer a product description.,It is a separate document going into more details:for example,the product description for a publication will describe its guidance,content,the different sections,its formats etc.,Generally speaking,a product description usually contains an introduction,the use of the product,the range of the product,details of the product,delivery of the product,quality criteria,and review process.You have to offer relevant information about the purpose of product,details of what it will consist of,and set quality criteria.,3.How can you introduce your product by using a product description?,If you have a desire to write a good product description you must try all means to convey the benefits of using the product and convince your customers that they need the product and they need to purchase it from you.A good way to start your product description is to highlight the features of the product by using the product yourself.,It is also important to know your customers.Then,determine what product benefits will appeal to your target market.Make sure that you use words that all your customers will understand.Do not use technical jargon unless your customers know the words.Writing a good product description requires that you create a balance between technical and emotional writing while keeping your words count down.Remember the number one rule is“Do not bore your customer with long product descriptions because they will move on.”,II.Business Sayings,1.Not to advance is to go back.不进则退。,2.Care and diligence bring good luck.谨慎勤奋行好运。,3.People of the same trade are enemies to each other.同行是冤家。,4.The good and the expensive do not always go together.好的未必贵,贵的未必好。,5.Good wine needs no bush.酒好客自来。,6.A rotten apple injures its companions.一粒老鼠屎,带坏一锅粥。,III.Core Words and Phrases,Sales potential,Clear the stock,Energy-saving,Economical,Ready sales,Superior quality,Overseas market,Advance version,New feature,Importer,Easy-to-use,Newly developed,Limpid in sight,Dramatic results,Developing,Roasting,Enclosed,Brochure,Exquisite craftsmanship,Order online,Up-to-date style,Reliable performance,Elegant and graceful,Import licence,IV.Typical Sentences 1,2,您可以在线订购或通过传真、电话订购,我公司将按照你方的规格量身定做,设计方案将由联邦快递次日送达你方。,You can order online,via fax,or by phone.The companys design,to be completed to your specifications,will then arrive at your home the next day by Federal Express.,该手提电脑大小和大多数笔记本相似,但配备多项全新功能,而且零售价较同类产品便宜,20%,。,This kind of computer is the same size as most laptops but comes with some totally new features.Besides,the retail price will undercut its nearest competitor by at least 20%.,IV.Typical Sentences 3,4,应消费者主张更为天然的产品的要求,公司正着手取消在可口可乐中添加苯甲酸钠,一种有争议的所谓可能与,DNA,损伤和儿童多动症有关的添加剂。,In response to consumers insistence on a more natural product,the company is in the process of phasing out sodium benzoate,the controversial additive linked to DNA damage and hyperactivity in children,of Diet Coke.,因产品存在缺陷造成受害人财产损失的,侵害人应当恢复原状或者折价赔偿。受害人因此遭受其他重大损失的,侵害人也应当赔偿损失。,Where damage is caused to the property of the infringed due to the defect of a product,the infringer shall restore the damaged property to its original state,or pay compensation at the market price.Where the infringed suffers any other serious losses,the infringer shall also compensate for such losses.,IV.Typical Sentences 5,6,该产品的目的就在于轻轻松松地把你的电视和互联网连接起来,让音像世界以崭新、强大而又便捷的方式进入你的起居室。,The purpose of this product is to make it easy to set up a connection between the Internet and your television,to allow audio and visual world to come into your living room in new,powerful and easy ways.,未经商标注册人的许可,在同一种商品或者类似商品上使用与其注册商标相同或者近似的商标的属于侵犯注册商标专用权。,Using a trademark that is identical with or similar to a registered trademark in respect of the same or similar goods without the authorization from t


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