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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,高三英语第一轮复习,Unit 3 (S.B. 5),单元知识结构图,一、重点单词,baggage dawn scenery tradition,distance,surround,chat,measure,quiz,mix,mixture,confirm terrify terrified,within,impress impressive,slight slightly wealthy,pleased nearby approximately aboard,二、重点短语,rather than,settle down manage to do,catch sight of have a gift for in the distance,all the way,at dawn be close to dream of,三、,重点句型,1.,It is,the second largest,country in the world.,2.,Rather than,take the,aeroplane,all the way,they decided to fly to Vancouver and,then take,the train west to east across Canada.,3.,The thought,that,they could cross the whole,continent was exciting.,4.,It is so wet there that the trees are extremely,tall,some measuring over 90,metres,.,5.,They,were not leaving for,Montreal,until,later, so they went on a tour of the city.,6.,It,s too bad you can,t go,as far as,Ottawa,Canada,s capital.,同位语从句,:,在主从复合句中,用作同位语的从句,叫同位语从句。同位语从句用来解释说明前面名词的内容。,一、,同位语从句一般跟在某些抽象名词后,,如,:belief, doubt, fact, hope, idea, news, order, possibility, promise, suggestion, problem, thought, word, view,等,用以说明或解释该名词的具体内容。如:,四、语法,eg,: There is widespread belief _ an agreement has been made.,I have no doubt _ he will succeed.,注意,:,同位语从句有时可以跟在它所说明的名词后面,而是被别的词隔开,以使整个句子的结构平衡,。如:,Joan got the,news,from Mary _,a pay rise had been agreed.,The,thought,had crossed my mind _ we were taking a big risk.,that,that,that,that,二、,同位语从句常由,that,引导,,that,不在从句中充当成分,一般不能省略;同位语从句也可以由,whether, who, what, which, when, where, how, why,等引导。,如:,We have some doubt _ they can complete the task on time.,The question _ should do the work needs to be considered.,I have no idea _ the television isnt working.,whether,who,why,【,提示,】,同位语从句与定语从句的区别:,同位语从句相当于名词,即说明它前面的名词的内容;而定语从句与它的先行词是修饰与被修饰的关系。如:,The problem,that,economics is getting worse seems to be quite serious. _,The problem,that,now arises seems to be quite serious. _,注意,:,引导同位语从句的,that,是连词,在从句中不充当成分;引导定语从句的,that,是关系代词,在从句中充当主语、宾语等。,同位语从句,定语从句,四、单词拓展,(A),单词派生,1. _,adj.,轻微的;微小的,_,adv.,稍微;轻微地,slight,slightly,2. _,v.,混合;混淆,_,n.,混合物;混合状态,mix,mixture,3. _,n.,传统,_,adj.,传统的,_,adv.,传统上,traditionally,tradition,traditional,4. _,vt,.,使高兴,;,使满意,_,adj.,欣喜的,;,高兴的,;,愉快的,_,adj.,令人愉快的,;,讨人,喜欢的,pleasing,please,pleased,5. _,vt,.,使留下深刻印象,_,adj.,给人深刻印象的;,感人的,_,adj.,印象;感觉,impress,impressive,impression,(B),灵活运用,1. Im so_ (please) that you are willing to help me.,2. When he visited China, he gave me a remarkable _ (impress).,pleased,impression,3. Health and wealth _ (mix) together as twin brothers.,4,. According to a survey, _ (slight) more than 70% students in China are,short-sighted.,are mixed,slightly,5. Spring festival, as a _ (tradition) celebration in China, has gone further to foreign countries.,traditional,Words,1.,surround,vt,. & vi.,包围;围绕,_,用,包围,_,被,包围,_,adj.,周围的;附近的,_,n.,环境,(,常用复数,),surroundwith,be surrounded by/with,surrounding,surroundings,即学即练,:,1._ (surround) by thick,bamboo and high forest,,,the ancient city,wasnt discovered until the 1990s.,2.Walking out of the theater, the famous,singer found many fans _,(surround) there to greet her.,3.They built themselves large villas(,别墅,),in the wooded _of the town.,Surrounded,surrounding,surroundings,2.,measure,vi./,vt,.,测量,/,衡量,n.,计量制,/,措施,measure,作,vt,.,时,其后接人或物,意为,:,量,;,作,vi,时,后一般接尺寸,/,面积等意为“尺寸,/,面积是,_,用,衡量,_,依照某人的尺寸做, _,采取措施做某事,_,n.,尺寸;度量;,(,衡,),量,_,adj.,可测量的;重大的,measureby,maketo ones measure,take measures to do,sth,measurement,measurable,即学即练,:,1.This is a well-specified goal for,which,you,can,_ (measure) your,success,easily.,2.The government must take _,(measure) to prevent further pollution of the,environment.,3.Its hard _(measure) his,performances since we havent seen his work.,4.,Education shouldnt be _,(measure) only by examination results.,measure,measures,to measure,measured,3.,mix,vt,. & vi.,混合;调配,_,把,与,相混合,_,弄错,搞混,与,相混,_,混淆黑白,_,n.,混合,(,物,),;混合状态,mixwith,mixup,mix black with white,mixture,即学即练,:,1.How did he clean the floor?,With water _ (mix) with a chemical.,2. I was suggested private life not _ (mix) up with my daily work.,3.The city is a _ (mix) of old and new buildings.,4.,I dont like to mix business_ pleasure.,5. Miss,Xu,_ my results with someone elses.,mixed,be mixed,mixture,with/and,mixed up,4.,confirm,vt,.,证实;证明;批准,_,证实,/,确认某事,_,确认,_,已经确定,_ n.,确认;证实;证明,_,adj.,证实的;惯常的,confirm,sth,confirm that/,wh,-clause,It has been confirmed that-clause,confirmation,confirmed,即学即练,:,1.It _ (confirm) that the meeting will take place next week.,2.The last _(confirm) wild pigeon in the United States was shot by a boy in Pike County, Ohio, in 1900.,3.,The recent airplane crash,_ (confirm),my belief that stronger safety regulations are needed.,4.,He was,_(confirm),as captain for the rest of the season.,has been confirmed,confirmed,confirms,confirmed,5. impress,vt,.,使印象深刻;使铭记,_,使某人铭记某事,_,对,印象深刻,_,令人佩服的是,(it),_,n.,印象;感想,_,给,制造一种印象,_ adj.,令人印象深刻的;感人的,impress,sth,on/upon,sb,=impress,sb,with,sth,be impressed by/with/at,It impresses,sb,that,impression,make/give/create an impression on/upon,impressive,即学即练,:,1.Although she met the old man only once, he made a deep _(impress) on her.,2. What do you think of his performance?,_(,impress)indeed, I never met so young a boy with such great skills.,3.Maybe we buy lattes in order_ (impress) the people around us.,4. We can start the habit by writing learning,summary and remember to record something,_(impress) and meaningful.,5.My father impressed me _ the,importance of hard work.,impression,Impressive,to impress,impressive,with,6.,distance,n,.,距离;远方;遥远;疏远,v,.,不介入,与,疏远,_,在远方,_,由远处;从远方,_,与,保持距离,_ adj.,遥远的;远处的;久远的,in the distance,at/from a distance,keep distance from,distant,即学即练,:,1.After walking _ distance of 5 miles, they finally saw the village in _ distance.,2.He often dreamed of running away to _(distance),lands.,3,._ a distance,she saw her parents coming.,4.Joey often dreams of running away to _ (distance) countries, seeking various challenges,and adventures.,5.The sound of the waterfall may be heard _,a distance of 2 miles.,a,the,distant,From,distant,at,7.,terrify,vt,.,使恐怖;恐吓,_,用,吓某人,_,对,感到恐惧,_,被,吓了一跳,_,adj,.,可怕的;令人恐怖的,_,adj,.,惊恐的;恐怖的;吓坏了的,_,n,.,恐怖,_,n,.,恐怖分子,terrify,sb,with,sth,be terrified of,be terrified at,terrifying,terrified,terror,terrorist,即学即练,:,1.I was _(terrify) at the strange sound when I was sleeping.,2.His _ stories _ the girls who was standing in the corner of the room.,3._ what he said, she cried loudly.,terrified,terrifying,terrified,Terrified of,1.,settle down,定居;平静下来;专心于,_,专心致力于做,_,搬进新居,安顿下来,_,习惯于,适应,(,新工作等,),_,解决问题,/,争议,_,n,.解决,/,处理,/,决定,/,和解,s,ettle,down to doing,s,ettle,in,s,ettle,into,s,ettle,a problem/an argument,s,ettlement,即学即练,:,1.He wants me to _(,安下心来,),but now I want him to find an adventure.,2.With so much noise outside, I couldnt,_(,专心于我的工作,).,3.With the problem_(,解决了,), the Smiths felt very happy.,4.,It always takes the class a while _(settle) down at the start of the lesson.,settle down,settle down to my work,settled,to settle,2.,manage to do,sth,设法做某事,_,经营,/,管理某事物,_,能做到,_,n,.,经理,/,管理人员,/,经济人,_,n,.,管理,/,经营手段,/,管理部门,注意:,manage to do,设法做成(完成)某事,含有,成功之义;,try to do,争取做成某事,不一,定成功。,manage,sth,manage it,manager,management,即学即练,:,1.Fortunately, I _(manage) to get,in touch with (,联系,) a,Dartmoors,Livestock,Protection officer and send her a photo.,2. Come to my house as soon as you,can_(manage,).,3.He_ (try/manage) go to the airport on time, but without luck.,4.He managed_ (get) the work _ (finish) with little money.,managed,manage it,tried to,to get,finished,3.,catch sight of,看见,;发现,_,看不见,_,乍一看;初看时,_,看得见,_,看不见,_,丧失视力,_,进入视野,出现,lose sight of,at first sight,in sight,out of sight,lose ones sight,come into sight,即学即练,:,1.Suddenly, I_(,看见了,) my,English teacher in the crowd.,2.Suddenly they got separated,,,and then,_(,看不见,) each other.,3._(,乍看起来,) their demands,seemed reasonable.,4.The boy waved until it was_,(,看不见,).,caught sight of,lost sight of,At first sight,out of sight,4.,have a gift for,对,有天赋,_adj,.,有天分的;有天赋的,_,对,有天赋,_(be),对,有天赋,即学即练,:,1.,Many of them_(,对,有天赋,),riding wild horses. (gift),2.She_(,对,有天赋,),music. (gifted/talented),gifted (=talented),have a gift for=have a talent for,be gifted/talented in,have a gift for,is gifted/talented in,5.,all the way,一路上;自始至终;一直,归纳拓展,:,_,顺便说一句,_,在某一点上,_,摸索着走,(feel),_,妨碍;挡道,_,在某些方面,_,迷路,_,决不,by the way,in a/one way,feel ones way,in the way,in some ways,lose ones way,in no way,即学即练,:,用,way,短语填空,1.,He kept silent_.,2._,remember to call me on time.,3.Actually,I agree with you_.,4.You just arranged matters so that no one,was_.,5.Its easy,to_in,a new city.,6.I will succeed,and_will,I give up.,7.He_ across the room when the,lights went out.,all the way,By the way,in the way,lose your way,in no way,felt his way,in a/one way/in some ways,Key points,重点句型,:,1.,It is,the second largest,country in the,world.,它是世界上第二大的国家。,考点,:,该句中,the second largest,是,the+,序数,词,+,形容词的最高级结构,该结构表示第,几大、长 、宽、高等等。,注意,:,英文中,形容词和副词比较等级的构,成规则是在该词后加,er,最高级则是在该,词后加,est,即学即练,:,翻译下列句子,1.,襄阳是湖北省的第二大城市。,_,_,2.,长江是中国最长的河流。,_,_,XiangYang,is the second largest city in,HuBei,province.,The Yangtze River is the (first) longest,river in China.,2.,Rather than,take the,aeroplane,all the,way,they,decided to fly to Vancouver,and,then take the train west to east,across Canada.,她们不想一路乘飞机,而,是决定先飞到温哥华,再从西海岸乘火车,横穿加拿大到达东海岸。,考点,:,该句中,rather than,表示而不是或,与其,.,不愿,用来,连接并列成分。,归纳拓展,:,_,某人不做,B,却做,A, _,_,宁可做,A,而不做,B (would), _,宁可,/,更喜欢做,A,而不做,B (prefer),_,除了,/,不同于,do A rather than do B,would rather do A than do B =,would do A rather than do B,prefer to do A rather than do B,other than,注意,:,1.rather than,可以连接谓语、非谓语或其,他结构;其关键点要掌握其前后是对称,的结构。连接不定式时省略,to,,连接主,语时,谓语与,_,的主语一致。,2.would rather,后接宾语从句,谓语用虚,拟语气。表现在或将来的愿望,谓语用,_,表过去的愿望,谓语用,_,。,前面,一般过去时,过去完成时,即学即练,:,1.The,little girl likes drawing rather than,_ (dance).,2.She,rather than you _ (be) going to go,camping,tomorrow.,3.He is a teacher_(,而不是医生,).,4.,Old as he is, he,_,work,_,sit,idle.,5.,I,would,rather you,_(,没有告诉,),him the truth.,dancing,is,rather than a doctor,would,rather than,hadnt told,3.,The thought,that,they could cross the whole,continent was exciting.,他们可以穿过整个大陆的想法是令人激动的。,考点,:,该句中,that,引导的是同位语从句用来解释,和说明名词,thought,的内容。,注意,:,同位语从句通常由,that,引导,,that,不在从,句中充当成分,一般不能省略;同位语从句也,可以由,whether, who, what, which, when,where, how, why,等引导。,即学即练,:,用适当的连接词填空,1.We have some doubt _ they can,complete the task on time.,2.The question_ should do the work needs,to be considered.,3.I have no idea _ the television isnt,working.,4.I have no doubt _ he will succeed.,5.There is little hope_ they will be found,alive.,whether,who,why,that,that,4.,It is so wet there that the trees are extremely,tall,some measuring over 90,metres,.,那里气候湿润,所以树木长得非常高,有些高达,90,多米。,考点,:,some measuring over 90,metres,是独立,主格结构作定语,进一步说明上文内容,相当于,定语从句,some of which measure over 90,metres,或并列句,and some of them measure,over 90,metres,。,独立主格结构在句中作状语,可以表示时间、,原因 、条件或伴随等,其结构形式为:,(1),名词,/,代词,doing,(,表示主动或正在进行,),(2),名词,/,代词,done,(,表示被动或已完成,),(3),名词,/,代词,to do(,表示将要发生的动作,),(4),名词,/,代词,adj/adv/prep(s),(,常用来说明名词或代词的性质、特征,或所处的状态,),。,1.,So,many,people,_,the,meeting had to,be called off.,(absent),这么多人,缺席,,会议不得不被取消。,2.,The meeting,_, they all went home.,会议,一结束,,他们就都回家了。,(over),3.Time_, well have a dictation.,如果时间,允许,,我们就听写。,(permit),4. Jack will make a model plane, some old,parts _.,借助,一些旧零件,杰克要做,一个模型飞机。,(,help),5.Her glasses_(break), she cant,see it.,absent,over,permitting,to help,broken,5.,They,were not leaving for,Montreal,until,later, so they went on a tour of the city.,她们要晚些时候才动身去蒙特利尔,因此就在,多伦多市游览了一番。,考点,:,notuntil,为固定句式,意为“直到,.,才”,句中,were not leaving,为进行时态表示将来,come,go,arrive,see,leave,stay,fly,take,等动词常,有此用法。,注意,:,(1)not until,引导的时间位于句首时,主句,用部分倒装语序。,(2)not until,引导的状语用于,强调句,It is/,was+not,until+,被强调部分,+that,中时,主句不再用倒装语序。,1.Betty,is_for,Guangzhou by plane,tomorrow. (leave),2.Hurry,up.Because,time_.(run),3.Bach died in 1750, but it was _ the,early 19th century _ his musical gift,was fully recognized.,巴赫死于,1750,年,但是,直到,十九世纪初他的音乐天赋,才,被认可。,4.Not until he came_the truth.,直到他到来,,我们才知道,真相。,(know),5.,单句改错,:,We wont start the work when he,came.,leaving,is running out,not until,that,did we know,when,改为,until,6.,It,s too bad you can,t go,as far as,Ottawa,Canada,s capital.,很可惜你们不能一直走到加拿大的首都渥,太华。,考点,:,该句中,as far as,表示,远到,远至。,eg,:,In ancient times, people rarely,travelled,long distances and most farmers only,travelled,_.,古时候,人们很少出远门,大多数农民去的,最,远的地方是当地集市,。,as far as the local market,归纳拓展,:,as far as,作从属连词时,意为就,来说,在,范围内,尽,所能,引导状语从句,强调程度或范围,从句中动词常用,know, see,concern, remember,等,相当于,so far as,。,_,就某人,/,某物而言,_(see),依我看,_(know),据我所知,_(long),只要,_,(many/much),多达,/,达到,之多,_(soon),一,就,as far as,sb/sth,is concerned,as far as I can see,as far as I know,as/so long as,as many/much as,as soon as,即学即练,:,1.,Standing,here,you,can see,_,(,一直看到,),the foot of the hill.,2.,She didnt go,_(,那样远,),the others,(did).,3._(,就我所知,),it is convenient to,do shopping in that small town.,4.,Besides,_(,就他,而言,),what other people thought was not the,most important thing.,5.His parents supported him_,(,尽他们全力,).,as far as,As far as I know,as far as he was concerned,as far as they could,as far as,Revision,课文语法填空,Li,Daiyu,and Liu,Qian,traveled across Canada by train from west to east._(,而不是,),take the plane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver, which is Canadas most beautiful city, _ (,被包围,),mountains and the Pacific Ocean. The forests there are so wet that the trees are very tall, some_ (measure) over 90,metres,.,Earlier that,day,when,they crossed the Rocky Mountain, they_ (,设法,),and saw wild scenery,,,a grizzly bear and some mountain,goats.Canada,is very empty in the,centre,which,is a wheat growing,area.The,city of Thunder Bay is a port in the centre of,Canada.Ocean,ships can come all the way to the top of the Great Lakes.,In Toronto,,,we went up the CN Tower and saw the mist from the Niagara,Falls.We,visited the covered stadium,,,which is the home of several famous basketball,teams.We,saw Chinatown and had dinner at the Pink Pearl restaurant. When we arrived in Montreal the next day,,,we saw many signs and ads in French. Then we went to Old Montreal, sitting in a typical cafe beside the St Lawrence,River.We,spent the afternoon in shops and visiting the artists in their workplaces.,Rather than,surrounded by,measuring,managed to,_(,看见,) some mountain goats.,Many of the cowboys_(,有,的天赋,) riding wild horses. In Toronto, there,was frost on the,ground,_(confirm,),that fall had arrived in Canada. And they went to Old Montreal, sitting in a typical cafe beside the St Lawrence River. Time permitting, its,too bad for them to go_(,远到,/,直到,),Ottawa,Canadas,capital.Actually, it is,a good place for people to _(,定居,).But,anyhow,they,re,_ (impress) by,the journey so much.,catch sight of,have a gift for,confirming,as far as,settle down,impressed,Goodbye!,


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