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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit,5,Module 3,Animals,Save the endangered animals,speaking,Unit Module 3 AnimalsSave the,Who is your favorite star?,Who is your favorite star?,What information can you get from the video?,polar bear,whale,elephant,rhino,South China tiger,People kill it for,We should say no to illegal trading of wildlife products.,What information can you get f,Discuss and share,World Wide Fund for Nature,mark,forward,comment,like,Discuss and shareWorld Wide Fu,1.What is the dream of the animals in the video?,2.What happen to their dreams and why?,Discuss in groups and share your opinions about the video you saw last night.Then make a short report to the whole class.,I Dreamed A Dream,1.What is the dream of the an,初中英语unit-5Module-3-Animals-Save-the-endangered-animals口语拓展课,初中英语unit-5Module-3-Animals-Save-the-endangered-animals口语拓展课,Their dream is to_,live in happiness without fear,Their home/food/water/family is destroyed because/because of,green house effect,global warming,water pollution,rubbish in the sea,illegal trading,(,非法贸易,),deforestation,(,森林砍伐,),Their dream is to_,Think and talk,Me:,A:I havent seen polar bear before.I dont think its necessary to save it.Besides,Im just a student.There is nothing big I can do.,C:Do you know it needs a huge amount of money to save them?Instead,that money can be used to save millions of people in hunger!Animals life depends on nature.Sooner or later,they die out.,B:what can I do?As a businessman,I have to sell arts made of ivory and rhinos horn,and make a living by selling coats made of animals fur,because some people just like them.I cant stop those people either.,Think and talk Me:A:I hav,Write down your comments,Please choose one role to talk about your opinion.,As a student/a businessman/an ordinary person,I think _,Write down your comments Pleas,As a student,we should also try to do something for the world.For example,we can keep the environment clean.At the same time,we should persuade our parents not to buy products made of endangered animals.,As a businessman,we can not only think about making money.Our lives are precious(,宝贵的,),so are the endangered animals.,As an ordinary person,we can help not only the poor and the people in hunger,but also the endangered animals.If we cant keep the balance of the nature,sooner or later,well die out as well.,As a student,we should also t,Search,discuss and conclude,Browse the web of“WWF”,search for the useful information and discuss in groups.Try to find out what we can do to help the endangered animals.,Search,discuss and concludeBr,Students can do_,to _ water_.,Its important for government to,_.,Complement,nature reserve(,自然保护区,),build more nature reserves,_,to punish people who kill endangered animals,.,Laws must be built,voluntary,work,keep,clean,law,voluntary work,Students can do_It,不要删减保护救助资金,不要删减保护救助资金,象征意义上收养一只受保护的动物,象征意义上收养一只受保护的动物,阻止捕猎野生动物的犯罪活动,阻止捕猎野生动物的犯罪活动,参与一些为救助濒临灭绝动物而举行的募捐活动,参与一些为救助濒临灭绝动物而举行的募捐活动,申请担任,WWF,的形象大使,到处宣传并号召大家一起保护濒危动物,申请担任WWF的形象大使,到处宣传并号召大家一起保护濒危动物,初中英语unit-5Module-3-Animals-Save-the-endangered-animals口语拓展课,Actions speak louder than words!,Take action from us!,Start from now on!,Actions speak louder than word,


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