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life,he became the _ owner of a bed which had springs and a mattress.Because the weather was very hot,he carried the bed on to the _ of his house.He slept very well for the first two nights,but on the third night,a storm _.A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below.The young man did not _ until the bed had struck the ground.Although the bed was _ to pieces,the man was _ unhurt.When he woke up,he was still on the mattress.Glancing at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him,the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried it into his house.After he had put it on the floor,he _ went to sleep again,.,Fill in the gaps,Tired,saved up,real,proud,roof,blew up,wake up,smashed,miraculously,promptly,_ of sleeping on the floo,III.Questions and main idea:,What did a young man in Teheran buy for the first time of his life?,This young man bought a bed which had springs and mattress.,2.What happened on the third night?,A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below.,3.What happened,to the young man at the end of the story?,Although the bed was smashed to pieces,the man was miraculously unhurt.,Questions:,III.Questions and main idea:,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS,【,New words and expressions,】,tired adj.,厌烦的,real adj.,真正的,owner n.,主人,spring n.,弹簧,mattress n.,床垫,gust n.,一阵风,sweep v.,扫,刮,courtyard n.,院子,smash v.,碰碎,摔碎,miraculously adv.,奇迹般地,unhurt adj.,没有受伤的,glance v.,扫视,promptly adv.,迅速地,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS【,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS,1.,Tire,N&V tar,v(,使,),疲倦,疲劳,Sth tires sb ,使某人疲倦,Eg:The long class tires me.,Working all day tires him.,T:,和你聊天让我很累,Talking to you tires me.,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS1.Tir,be tired of sth/sb/doing sth,对。感觉厌倦,Im tired of staying at home and doing nothing.,我厌倦我的男朋友了,I am tired of my boyfriend.,我的妈妈厌倦和我爸爸吵架了,My mom was tired of quarrelling with my dad.,be tired of sth/sb/doing s,Be tired from doing.,因。感到累,Be tired out,筋疲力尽,Im very tired from running as fast as I can.,After the long walk,I was tired out.,包了一天的饺子让我很累,I was tired from making dumplings the whole day.,在去北京长途旅行后,他精疲力竭,He was,tired out,after his long trip to Beijing.,Be tired from doing.因。感到累B,他厌倦了玩电脑游戏。,我厌倦了这个拥挤的城市。,没有人会厌倦美味食品。,他厌倦了玩电脑游戏。,2.,real,adj.,真正的,(,强调东西不是假的,),true adj,真挚,真诚,符合标准,(,强调符合某个标准,),real man,真人,true man,男子汉,好汉,不到长城非好汉,He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.,2.real adj.真正的(强调东西不是假的),3.,On ones,own,独自的,(alone),He spent the Valentines Day on his own.,He spent the Valentines Day alone.,他独自去了上海,He went to Shanghai on his own.,我自己买了辆奔驰,I bought a Benz on my own.,3.On ones own独自的(alone)He spe,4.,spring,n.,春天;泉水,;,弹簧,4.spring,5.fountain,fant()n,n.,人工喷泉,5.fountain,6.mattress,mtrs,n.,床垫,6.mattress mtrs n.床垫,9.cushion n.,座垫,9.cushion n.座垫,gust n.,一阵(阵)风,a gust of anger,(,一阵,),无名火,breeze n.,微风,gale n.,大风,(突发的)一阵风,(风力比,gust,强),wind n.,风的总称,新官上任三把火,sweep(sweptswept,swept)n.,扫刮,vt.,扫,打扫,她每天早上都打扫地板,/,房间,She sweeps the floor/the room every morning.,vt.,(风)吹;刮 席卷,A huge wave,swept,over the deck,一股巨浪从甲板上卷了过去,sweep sth.away,把,刮走,The newspaper has been swept away by the wind.,A new broom sweeps clean,.,gust n.一阵(阵)风 a gust of,smash v.,碰碎,摔碎,vt.&vi.,打碎,摔碎,(使)碎裂,The cup smashed on the floor.,smash sth.into pieces,把,摔成碎片,tear sth.into pieces,把,撕成碎片,The bed was smashed to piece.,The letter was torn to piece.,crash v.,受挤压而变碎,The egg is easy to crash.,cut sth.into pieces,切碎,剪碎,break v.,打碎,crack v.,裂开不碎,vt.&vi.,重击,殴打,猛砸,/,撞,Why didnt you smash the man with your fist?,A car smashed into the wall.,smash v.碰碎,摔碎,courtyard n.,院子,court n.,院子,庭院;法庭,yard n.,院子,backyard n.,后院,courtyard n.院子,glance v.,扫视,glance at,扫了一眼(有意识地看),glare at,怒视,(,生气的,),stare at,凝视着,gaze at,盯着,(,无限神往,羡慕地看,),promptly adv.,迅速地,promptly,at once,immediately,glance v.扫视,glare at,怒视,glare at怒视,Stare at,凝视,Stare at凝视,gaze at,盯着,(,无限神往,羡慕地看,),gaze at盯着(无限神往,羡慕地看),1.She _at her beautiful new diamond ring.,2.He _over the letter he had just received.,3.I told my son to stop _at that fat woman;it wasnt


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