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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,第,19,讲,不定式(一),19.1,不定式的结构形式,1.,不定式的一般形式、进行体和完成体形式:,不定时不带时(,tense,)的标记,也不受主语人称,(,person,)和数(,number,)的制约,但有体,(,aspect,)、态(,voice,)的形态变化。不定式,可以是一般形式(,to write,),进行体形式(,to be,writing,),完成体形式(,to have written,)以及完,成进行体形式(,to have been writing,),Eg,.I have a lot of work to do.,She had no need to be worrying.,He is said to have left Shanghai.,The president was reported to have been flying across the Atlantic.,We decided not to buy that house.,The matter to be discussed at the meeting is a hard nut to crack.,2.,带,to,不定式与不带,to,不定式,A.,在情态助动词之后,:,B.,在半助动词之后,:,C.,在情态成语之后,:,D.,在,rather than/sooner than,之后,:,E.,在“主动词,+,主动词”固定搭配的第一主动词之后,F.,在“使役动词,+,宾语”之后,:,G.,在“感觉动词,+,宾语”之后:,H.,在“,have known+,宾语”之后,I.,在,help(,或,help+,宾语,),之后,J.,在介词,except/but,之后,K.,在“,why./why not.?”,之后,L.,在其他一些习惯用法中,Eg,.We neednt stay this evening.,We dont need to stay this evening.,Need we stat this evening?,I darent go there.,I don not dare to go there.,Does he dare to go?,Eg,.Its sure to rain.,Have you got to go to the dentists today?,Youd better have that bad tooth pulled out.,I happened to be out when he called.,Eg,.Id rather not have eggs and bacon for breakfast.,Id sooner stay at home.,I would as soon do it by myself.,Since its a fine day we might as well walk.,He would rather listen to others than talk himself.,I would just as soon stay as go.,Eg,.Rather than cause trouble,he left.,Sooner than marry that man,she would earn her living as a waitress.,He decided to write rather than telephone.,The manager believes it is important to invest in new machinery rather than to increase wages.,Lets make believe we have a million dollars.,We hadnt time for luncheon,but we made do with sandwiches.,They are not rich,but they make do on what they have.,He let fall a hint of his intentions.,Dont let go of the handle.,Ive heard tell of him.,Eg,.We cant let this go on.,I will not let my children be treated in that way.,Let there be an end of this misunderstanding.,I dont know how she makes the money go round.,He wont have us criticize his work.,John made her tell him everything.,Eg,.Oh,Robert,I didnt hear you say that.,The two boys were sorry indeed to see him go.,They didnt observe Christine come in and go upstairs.,I watched him eat his breakfast.,We feel the house shake.,Look at that boy jump!,Eg,.I have never known that man smile.,Have you ever known him tell a lie?,That man has never been known to smile.,Eg,.All this has helped to raise farm yields steadily.,Can I help to lift this heavy box?,Ill help you solve it.,You may as well help me to get things straight.,Eg,.They did nothing except work.,Theres no choice but to wait.,What he will do is to spoil the whole thing.,All you do now is to complete the form.,The only thing I can do now is to go on by myself.,The thing to do now is to clear up this mess.,Eg,.Why argue with him?,Why not give Mary some flowers?,Eg,.Go post a letter for me.,I must go telephone.,Come look.,Come have a chat with me.,Try eat a little.,Ill try help him.,Me borrow money form him!,19.2,关于不定式符号的几个问题,1.,不定式符号的单独使问题:,为了避免重复,可以省略不定式符号之后的动词原形及其补足成分。这种不定式符号的单独使用常见于非正式语体。,Eg,.George says he is going to leave Shanghai,but I dont think he really wants to.,You may go if you wish to.,He always speaks faster than he needs to.,2.,不定式符号的省略问题:,当两个带,to,不定式由,and,或,or,连接时,第二个不定式符号常可省略。,Eg,.I intend to call on him and discuss this question again.,She asked me to telephone or wire to her on Monday.,Please go to the seaside to swim,to get suntanned.,3.,不定式符号,to,与介词,to,的辨别问题,:,A.,动词,+,介词,to,B.,动词,+,名词,/,代词,+,介词,to,C.,动词,+-ed,分词,+,介词,to,D.,动词,+,副词小品词,+,介词,to,E.,形容词,+,介词,to,F.,名词,+,介词,to,G.,以介词,to,结尾的复杂介词,这类搭配常见的有:,add to,agree to,adhere to,admit to,allude to,amount to,attend to,attest to,bow to,cling to,come to,correspond to,confess to,consent to,contribute to,object to,get to,pertain to,react to,resort to,submit to,succeed to,stick to,swear to,take to,trust to,witness to,yield to,等,这类搭配常见的有:,ascribe.to,apply.to,attribute.to,abbreviate.to,accustom.to,devote.to,dedicate.to,owe.to,prefer.to,reconcile.to,reduce.to,resign.to,等,这类搭配常见的有,be accustomed to,be abbreviated to,be reduced to,be resigned to,be reconciled to,be devoted to,be given to,be,used to,等,这类搭配常见的有:,Get round to,get down to,get near to,face up to,feel up to,look forward to,等,这类搭配常见的有:,Adjacent to,averse to,deaf to,equal to,loyal to,preferable to,similar to,superior to,sensitive to,tantamount to,等,这类搭配常见的有:,Obstacle to,limit to,aid to,objection to,indifference to,key to,answer to,hinderance to,这类复杂介词常见的有:,According to,as to,owing to,preliminary to,preparatory to,previous to,prior to,thanks to,in addition to,in relation to,with a view to,with an eye to.,演讲稿的写法,七个阶段的准备,一、决定话题和目的,二、分析听众和场合,三、满足听众的本能欲求,四、收集材料,五、编制提纲,六、练习词语,七、练习篇章,一、演说者和听众分析,1,、演说的成败,首先决定于演说者的良好心理素质和充分准备。必须克服羞怯、拘谨、冷谈、自卑,做到勇敢、轻松、亲切、自信。任何演讲都必须有满腔热情和必胜的信心。,2,、在演讲前对听众的人数、年纪、性别、教育程度、有关话题的、关注焦点和愿望、固定的态度和信仰等要进行调查,做到有的放矢,才可能收到理想的效果。,3,、在演说过程中,必须目视听众,必须察言观色,注意听众情绪反应做适当的点整。,二、确定目的和选择话题,1,、目的,要么让人快乐


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