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,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second Level,Third Level,Fourth Level,Fifth Level,Rogers State University,*,Blood,Lymph and Immune Systems,Chapter 10,Blood,hem,/o and,hemat,/o,plasma-55%,formed elements-45%,serum-,plasma without clotting proteins,Blood Cells,RBC-erythrocytes-,erythropoiesis,WBC-leukocytes-,leukopoiesis,Platelets-,thrombocytes,-,thrombopoiesis,Erythrocytes,erythr,/o-,red,cyte,-,cell,Hemoglobin-blood protein transports oxygen,Reticulocyte,-immature erythrocyte,RBCs,produced by red bone marrow,Leukocytes,leuk,/o-white,Protect the body against invasion,Pass through capillary walls,Granulocytes,neutrophils,(,phagocytosis,),eosinophils,(allergies),basophils,(promote inflammation),Agranulocytes,lymphocytes(production of circulating antibodies),monocytes,(macrophages),Collection of dead and living bacteria and leukocytes called pus,abscess,.,Thrombocytes,smallest formed element,made in bone marrow,essential to blood coagulation,If injury,blood comes in contact with any tissue other than the lining of the vessels,platelets stick together,form plug,seals wound.Chemicals released,series of reactions,formation of clot.,Plasma,plasma,92%water,8%plasma proteins,albumin,globulin,fibrinogen,serum-,plasma without clotting proteins or fibrinogen,Functions of the Immune System,To protect the entire body from a variety of harmful substances,pathogenic microorganisms,allergens,toxins,malignant cells,Structures of the Immune System,Unlike other body systems,Immune System is,NOT,contained within a single set of organs or vessels,Action depends on structures from lymphatic,cardiovascular,and Integumentary systems,Works,primarily,through antigen-antibody reaction,Lymphatic System,Major structures,lymph vessels,lymph nodes,lymph fluid,tonsils,Also,spleen,thymus,Functions of the Lymph System,lymph/o,drain fluid from tissue spaces and return to it to the blood,transport materials(nutrients,hormones and oxygen)to body cells,carry away waste products to the blood,transport lipids away from digestive system,control of infection,Lymph System,Lymph originates in blood plasma,Interstitial fluid,cleans and nourishes body tissues,collects cellular debris,bacteria,return to blood or lymph capillaries,Lymph Nodes,located in lymph vessels,small round or oval structures (filters),depositories for cellular debris,bacteria and debris,phagocytized,Lymph Nodes,inside are masses of tissue which contain,WBCs,(lymphocytes),almost always grouped 2 or 3 to 100,invading cells destroyed in nodes and often swell as an indicator of the disease process,Spleen,sac-like mass of lymphatic tissue,filter for lymph,phagocytic,cells,hemolytic,Thymus,lymphatic tissue,mediastinum,primary role:changes lymphocytes to T cells for cellular immunity,Tonsils,masses of lymph tissue designed to,filter,tissue fluid,not lymph,located beneath certain areas of moist epithelium exposed to outside and hence to contamination,any or all may become so loaded with bacteria that the pathogens gain dominance,should not be removed unless absolutely necessary.,Antigen-Antibody Reactions,Antigen,-any substance that the body regards as foreign(virus,bacterium,toxin),Antibody,-a disease fighting protein developed by the body in response to the presence of an antigen,Antigen-antibody reaction,or immune reaction,WBCs,for Immune Reactions,monocytes,-type of lymphocytes,formed in bone marrow/transported where needed by body,become,macrophages,macrophage-,phagocytic,cell that protects body by ingesting invading cells,lymphocytes-major class of,WBCs,formed in lymphatic tissue,Lymphocytes,T cells or T Lymphocytes,mature in thymus gland,Cell mediated immunity,B cells or B Lymphocytes,mature in bone marrow,antibody-mediated immunity,T Cell or T Lymphocyte(Cell Mediated Immunity),T Cell(cell mediated immunity),circulating lymphocytes,produced in bone marrow,matures in thymus,live for years,primary function:coordinate immune defenses and kill organisms,Lymphocyte:T Cells,helper T cells,-essential to proper functioning of immune system,Memory cells,-remember antigens and stimulate a faster response if same antigen introduced at a later time,Blood Groups,Four blood groups based on presence or absence of blood antigens(,agglutinogens,)on surface of,RBCs,A-A antigen,B-B antigen,AB-both AB antigens,O-no AB antigens,Plasma does not contain the antibody against own antigen,Antigens,on the donors,RBCs,react with the,antibodies in patients plasma,and cause a,transfustion,reaction.,Rh,Factor,Rh,factor is antigen present on RBC of 85%of pop.of US.,Rh,positive and,Rh,negative,Rh neg,pregnant woman may develop antibodies to the,Rh,protein of her,Rh,-positive fetus.,hemolytic disease of the newborn,prevented with,RhoGAM,Immunity,Immunity,-state of being resistant or not susceptible to a specific disease,Acquired immunity,-any form of immunity NOT present at birth and obtained during life,Factors That Influence Immune System,Health,Age,Heredity,Anemias,Oxygen-carryi


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