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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,How to Write Good Topic,Sentences,nina,如何写好主题句,:,1.,取材立意,2.,遣词造句,3.,衔接过渡,4.,修辞表达,5.,逻辑思辩,1.,取材立意,As a university student,a variety of personal qualities are required,including aggressiveness,initiative,responsibility,sincerity and so on,among which,the most important,in my opinion,is aggressiveness.,In order to be a competent college student,we should possess a wealth of qualities,among which honesty,in my opinion,is the essential.,这个主题句写得比较成功,内容丰富,交代了主题的目的。此外,视野开阔,主题,honesty,是许多优秀品质(,a wealth of qualities,)之一,有一点层次感。不少学生会这样写:“,I think honesty is an important quality for a college student.”,这就比较单薄。,Indeed,crime has been disturbing the American,people and has become a serious social problem just next to the unemployment problem.Some figures are terrifying:1 of 4 Americans has been a victim of some kind of crimes;nearly 22 million crime cases occurred last year throughout the country.A simple arithmetic calculation indicates that on average,a crime is being committed in every 2 seconds.,Another equally important personal quality is ability,including ability to study,ability to practice,ability to create,ability to communicate,etc.,显然这个主题句包含的内容太多,有学习能力,实践能力,创新能力,甚至交际能力,共有四项。英语习作篇幅有限,一般,200,左右,一篇文章除去开头、结尾、过渡句、主题句之外,支持句的数量并不是很多,这么大一个主题句靠为数不多的支持句是阐述不清的,除非是长篇大论,这为文章的展开制造了不小的麻烦,到底阐述哪一项能力?其实,句子中提到的四项能力中的任何一项都可以当作主题句来进一步阐述。因此,改进的方法是把主题句范围缩小,只提及其中的一项能力。,Keeping a good mood does good to social development.,有的学生写作文时,动不动就把自己的观点和“社会进步,经济发展,和谐社会”等扯在一块,不管它们有无联系,,类似牵强附会的主题句并不鲜见。解决的办法是多审题,多练主题句。收集一些写作题目,有些练全文写作,有些只练主题句,强化其主题句意识。,2.,遣词造句,主,题句是文章观点的浓缩,在谴词造句方面尤其要凝练,,用有限的词汇表达丰富的内容,如果赘词太多,文章将空洞无物,要,尽量避免主题句口语,化,努力使用抽象名词。,问题:主,题句中抽象名词使用频率低,。,外,语学习到了一定阶段应该学会使用抽象名词,抽象名词的适当使用可使文章言简意赅,增强文章的说,服力。,抽,象名词的使,用有难度,,谦词造句能力薄弱的学生往往想不到或回,避使用抽,象,名词。,主,题句是文章观点的概括,内容的提炼,尤其需要抽象名词的使,用,主,题句是否耐人寻味,抽象名词的使用将起到关键作用。,1.To achieve this goal,priority should be given to quality education.,2.Mozart is often quoted as a familiar example of sustained endeavor.Walking,or at the theater,or even while engaged in social amusements,he lived in a self-created atmosphere of music.His head was working all the time.Nobody,runs his own account,takes as much pains in the study of composition as I.,主,题句在句式选择上也要多推敲,选用经,典句式,,让人一看便知作者有足够的语言输入,储存了大量语言素材,功底扎实。下面是几例比较成熟的主题句。,Nothing can match expectations for inspiring an utterly disheartened person to regain his confidence.,Perhaps I can think of no better illustration of the spirit of a scientist than the examples of Columbus,Galileo,Einstein,and other great men who devoted their lives to conquering uncharted places,discovering unknown facts and exploring new frontiers.,3.,衔接过渡,问题,1,)主,题句前缺乏铺,垫,,问题,2,)主,题句之间缺乏过渡或,照应,.,学生写题句时时要么滥用,firstly,secondly,等简单罗列法,要么主题句的出现比较突然,缺乏铺垫、引导,读起来不是很顺畅。理想的做法是在主题句出现之前,使用一个起铺垫作用的句子,既顺利地过渡到主题句,又增强了文章的层次感。另外,从心理学的角度讲,为主题句的出现多少制造一点悬念,让读者注意力集中在即将出现的主题句上。,A number of factors could account for unhappiness among youngsters today.The major one,perhaps,is the academic pressure they have to bear.The pressure to achieve at an early age is so great that the identity and uniqueness of childhood is totally lost.,这一小段文字中共有三句话,第一句的功能在于引出第二句即主题句,使得主题句的出现比较自然,不那么突兀,增加文章层次的层次感,从而使读者得知主题“压力”(pressure)只是众多年轻人不快乐的因素之一。第三句是支持说明句。,Much is said about population density in places like Tokyo or New York.In terms of swarming humanity,however,nothing approaches the city of Shanghai between 4 and 6 p.m.on a weekday.Men have solved the problem of flying to the moon,but they are completely mystified when it comes to getting from one point to another inside Shanghai.,一,篇,文章经,常不止一个主题句,不少学生主题句与主题句之间不善于写过渡或照应句,。过,渡的方式有多种,如代词、副词、连词、短语、句型等的使用,在此不赘述,这,里以,语序调整为例探讨其过渡功能。下面是两个主题句:,主题句,1,:,Taking a second major obviously could increase our competitiveness.,主题句,2,:,And to the well-known advantage of this,another one should be added:broadening a students outlook.,调整语序是主题句衔接主题句的过渡方式,把短语,add to,分裂,将“,to the well-known advantage of this”,置于句首,既很好地衔接了主题句,1,,又自然地引出主题句,2,,值得学习者模仿。再者,这样的主题句新颖别致,比较有吸引力。,再看一例通过语序手段实现主题句过渡的类似句型:,Closely related to this is that we still stick to our belief when we come into trouble.,4.,修辞表达,下面两句用了什么修辞手法?,1.No expectations,no goals.,2.The ability of teaching oneself is to a university student as the cornerstone is to a building.,3.Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money;it lies in the joy of achievement,in the thrill of creative effort.,Every one faces the problem of choosing an occupation after graduating from university,which is of vital importance in his whole life.But the truth is that the competition in job market is very severe.As a result,taking a second major will help a lot in finding a good job and it will surely enlarge our knowledge source.,英语以直截了当的方式表述,突出主题句,背景信息一般置后,该段拟修改为:,In a job market with increasingly fierce competition,taking a second major will help a lot in finding a well-paid job.,5.,逻辑思辩,Diligence enables us to master more knowledge.,Diligence drives us never to stop learning.,


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