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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lecture 3Translation,Contents,I.Assignment Discussion,II.Process of Translation,-Comprehension,-Presentation(Literal or Free Translation?),-Proofreading,III.Practice,I.Process:,-Comprehension,-Presentation,-How to present?,Principles,1.,忠实与通顺兼顾,2.,内容和形式兼顾,无法兼顾时,舍形传义。,3.,处理好创作与翻译的关系:克制自己的创作欲望和语言风格。,-Literal translation,-Free translation,-,Foreignizing,(,异化法,),-Domestication,(归化法),Literal Translation,1.Literal translation takes sentences as its basic units and the whole text into consideration at the same time in the course of translating.,2.Literal translation strives to reproduce both the ideological content and the style of the original literary work,it does not mean word-for-word translation,i.e,neither a word more nor a word less.,3.A literal translator is asked not to alter the figures of speech,and strive to retain as much as possible the original sentence structures or patterns,such as SV,SVO,SVC,SVA,SVOO,SVOC,SVOA.,“在译文语言条件许可时,在译文中既保持原文的,内容,,又保持原文的,形式,-,特别是保持原文的比喻、形象和民族、地方色彩等。,”,死译,硬译,感:,sense,责任感,安全感,自卑感,优越感,,A sense of responsibility,A sense of safety,A sense of inferiority,A sense of superiority,节奏感,正义感,羞耻感,幽默感,,A sense of rhythm,A sense of justice,A sense of shame,A sense of humor,无助感,方向感,紧迫感,,A sense of helplessness,A sense of direction,A sense of urgency,First of all,Christmas takes you out of the ordinary routine of life.,首先,圣诞节使你摆脱日常生活的轨道。,The spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday promotes life,friendship,closeness and family unity.,感恩节的宗旨就是提升生活,增进友谊、加强亲密关系和促进家庭团结。,When should we depend on LT?,1.,含义广为流传,读者较为熟悉的短语、习语等,Examples,No news is good news.,没有消息就是好消息。,One swallow does not make a summer.,独燕不成夏。,Health is not valued till sickness comes.,有病方知健康贵,Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade.,靠近大树好乘凉。,turn over a new page,shed crocodiles tears,有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎,?,Is it not delightful to have friends coming from afar?,2.,英语句子结构与中文较为接近时。,“,Merry”,as you may know,has two meanings:happy and drunk.,你可能知道“,MERRY”,有两层意思:快乐和醉酒。,mon civilization,cold war,冷战,hot line,热线,spicy girl.,辣妹,P,illar industry,支柱产业,First Lady,第一夫人,丢脸,lose face,The benefits of LT,Being faithful to the original in,ideological content,.,Reflecting the,scene,and,flavor,of the foreign country concerned.,Absorbing some,exotic expressions,.,Loan words,borrowed words.,Free Translation,1.Free translation aims at the communicative effect of the translated version.It is also called communicative translation or assimilation.,2.Free translation aims at reproducing the original ideological content,and stressing the TL smoothness.It does not mean random translation.,3.A free translator can change the original works figures of speech,sentence structures or patterns,but he can not make addition or omission of the original meaning at will.Make the implied meaning known to the TL readers.,Free Translation,意译是指当原文的思想内容与译文的表达形式又矛盾不适宜采用直译法处理时,就应采用意译法,即:,抛弃原文的语言形式,译出原文所表达的意思。,Waterloo Bridge.,乱世佳人,Gone with the Wind.,魂断蓝桥,David Copperfield.,孤星血泪,When to depend on FT,?,1,包含典故的文化习语:,英语和中文表达的语义有较大差异,需要按照汉语习惯进行表达,以避免违反文化习惯。,One boy is a boy,two boys half a boy,three boys no boy.,一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。,Everyones business is nobodys business,.,人多互打乱,鸡多不下蛋。,Every family is said to have at least one skeleton in the cupboard.,家丑家家有。,It is raining cats and dogs.,正在下倾盆大雨。,Every dog has his day.,凡人皆有得意时,!,Dog does not eat dog.,同类不相残、同室不操戈,John is a bull in a China shop.,行为粗鲁笨拙,Talk of the devil and he will appear.,说曹操,曹操就到,Sense comes with age.,老马识途,2.,根据上下文语境,对有些词汇、句式进行适当调整、转换。,非请莫入。,Staff only.,A virtuous wife is a mans best prize.,贤妻夫祸少。,生命诚可贵,爱情价更高,若为考研故,二者皆可抛。,Love is dearer to me than life,but for the sake of the success in the postgraduate entrance examinations,both of them may be ignored.,Every life has its roses and thorns.,每个人生都是欢乐和痛苦相随。,Love lives in cottages as well as in courts.,爱情不分贫贱与高贵。,Relationship between LR&FR,Literal translation and free translation are complementary to each other with the former as the primary method and the latter as the secondary method.,Free translation believers do not oppose to literal translation,and literal translation do not oppose to free translation.,A successful translation is usually a combination of both methods,and both methods ought to be adopted in a flexible and realistic way.,Proofreading,再次推敲语言,特别是:,1.,人名,地名,日期,方位,数字等;,2.,译文的段、句或重要的词有无错误;,3.,修改以上错误;,4.,力求译文没有冷僻罕见的词汇,标点符号正确。,1,Good to the last drop,滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡,),2.Focus on life.,瞄准生活。,(,奥林巴斯 相机,),3.A Kodak moment.,就在柯达 一刻。,(,柯达相纸,/,胶卷,),4.Tides in,dirts out.,汰渍 到,污垢逃。,(,汰渍 洗衣粉,),Practice,1)extremely urgent,2)underestimate ones capabilities,3)commit the same error,4)full of conceit,5)miss a good chance,6)fellow sufferers,7)make a superficial change,LT V.S.FR,1,)极端紧急,v.s,.,十万火急,2),低估自己的能力,v.s,.,妄自菲薄,3),犯同样的错误,v.s,.,重蹈覆辙,4),充满自负,v.s,.,目空一切,5),失去一个好机会,v.s,.,错失良机,6),一道受苦的人,v.s,.,难兄难弟,7),只作表面的改变,v.s,.,换汤不换药,Rossini Watch:Time always follows me.,要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝!,1.Shakespeare,put his hometown on the map,.,2.John would not


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