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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,My friends,Part A,(,Lets talk & Lets play,),Unit Three,Main scene,点,击,图,片,,,播,放,视,频,或点击此处播放视频,Warm up,Lets guess,Guess, tall,or,short?,Guess, boy,or,girl?,Guess, man,or,woman?,Look and say,Theyre _.,friendly,Lets talk,Presentation,Lead in,Who is he?,His,name is John.,Task1,:,Watch and think,(观看并思考),Who are they?,What are they talking about?,Whos his friend?Whats his name?,点,击,图,片,,,播,放,视,频,Lets talk,或点击此处播放视频,Task2,:,check the answers,(核对答案),They are John and Johns mum.,Theyre talking about Johns friend.,Who are they?,What are they talking about?,Whos Johns friend?,His friend is Zhang Peng.,这是一般疑问句的省略形式,其完整形式是:,“,Is he/she a Chinese friend?,”,,其回答可直接用,“,Yes,”,或者,“,No,”,。,知识点,1,表疑问语气的省略句,课文原句:,A Chinese friend?,Language points,I have a new bag.,A red one?,回答,Her/His name is,她,/,他叫,Whats your name?,你叫什么名字?,Whats her/his name?,她,/,他叫什么名字?,回答,My name is,我叫,新朋友见面要问答姓名,互相介绍。一起来看看吧!,课文原句:,Whats his name?,His name is Zhang Peng.,知识点,2,用,What,来问答姓名,句型结构:某人,+be,动词,+,表达外貌特征或性格特点的形容词,知识点,3,如何描述他人的外貌特征或性格特点,课文原句:,Hes tall and strong.,Hes tall and thin.He is friendly.,Jenny,认识了一个新朋友,一起来看看她是怎样向妹妹描述的:,拓展:,外貌特征及性格特点的词汇,tall short thin strong,friendly kind young cute,funny clever beautiful,Lets play,Presentation,Lucy,Bob,Lily,Tim,Talk about new friends.,key sentences,(关键句),I have a new friend.,His / Her name is ,He / She is ,I have a new friend.,Shes tall and thin.,Whats her name?,Her name is Lucy.,Oh, there she is.,Practice,Bob,I have a new friend.,Hes tall and strong.,Whats his name?,His name is Bob.,I have a new friend.,Shes short and friendly.,Whats her name?,Her name is Lily.,Lily,单项选择。,( )1.I _ a good friend.,A. have B. has C. is,( )2.Who is she?,_ name is Sarah.,A. She B. Her C. Shes,( )3.He is tall _ strong.,A. and B. or C. is,A,B,A,Exercise,Summary,(,听、说)词汇:,his,1.Whats his name?,His name is Zhang Peng.,2.A Chinese friend?,3.Hes tall and strong.,句子:,你掌握了吗?,My friends,Part A,(,Lets learn & Lets chant,),Unit Three,Warm-up,点,击,图,片,,,播,放,视,频,Lets sing,或点击此处播放视频,Lets learn,点,击,图,片,,,播,放,视,频,Presentation,或点击此处播放视频,Whos he?,His name is John.,Lets welcome them.,I have many,friends,.,Today is my birthday.,My friends,will visit(,拜访,) me.,His,name is Tom.,Who is he?,Hes,tall and strong.,他,又高又,强壮,。,反义词,:,weak,虚弱的,The man is,strong,.,Li Lin,Who is he?,Hes,short and thin,.,他,又矮又瘦,。,Hes,tall and,strong,.,他又高又,强壮,。,Hes,short and thin,.,他,又矮又瘦,。,Who is she?,Shes,friendly,.,她很友好。,拓展,:,friendship,友谊,Shes a,friendly,girl.,近义词,:,kind,友好的,Zhao Chen,Lu Yao,Shes _.,她很安静。,quiet,短语,:,Keep/Be quiet.,保持安静,Hes a,quiet,boy.,Practice,Look and say,tall and strong,short and thin,friendly,quiet,Whos he / she?,His / Her name is,Hes / Shes,Lily,Li Lin,Zhao Chen,Lu Yao,Tom,Language points,知识点,1,询问某人身份的句型,课文原句:,Who is he?,Whos,是,Who is,的缩写,意为,“,是谁,”,。,“,Who is,?,”,用来询问,“,某人是谁?,”,询问一个人用,“,Whos+she/he/,单个人?,”,回答时用,“,Shes/Hes.,”,Whos this boy?,Hes my friend.,询问对方或多个人用,“,Who are+you/they/,多个人?,”,回答时用,“,Im/Were/Theyre,”,Theyre my friends.,Who are the boys?,Lets chant,Step1: Listen and read together.,Tim is my friend.,Hes a good, good boy.,Hes tall and thin.,Hes a good, good boy.,Lily is my friend.,Shes a cute, cute gril.,Shes quiet and friendly.,Shes a cute, cute girl.,Step2: Watch and sing,点,击,图,片,播,放,视,频,或点击此处播放视频,翻译下列单词或短语。,1.tall and thin,2.short and thin,3.friendly,4.quiet,5.cute,又高又瘦,又矮又瘦,友好的,安静的,可爱的,Exercise,(听、说、认读)词汇:,friendly, quiet,tall and strong,short and thin,句子:,Who is he?,His name is.,你掌握了吗?,Summary,My friend,Part A,(,Lets spell,),Unit Three,Warm up,Lets chant,The d,o,g is,o,n the b,o,x,the,o,range b,o,x.,See the d,o,g.,See the b,o,x.,See the d,o,g.,On the,o,range b,o,x.,你发现规律了吗?,d,o,g,o,n,o,range,o,b,o,x,Lead in,Mr,J,o,n,e,s,is going to meet his friend.,琼斯先生打算去见他的朋友。,When will they meet?,他们什么时候碰面呢?,Lets look at the,n,o,t,e,.,Whats Mr Jones doing ?,琼斯先生在做什么?,Hes,drinking,C,o,k,e,.,喝,The,n,o,t,e,is on his,n,o,s,e,.,The,C,o,k,e,is on the,n,o,t,e,.,Mr J,o,n,e,s,Lets spell,Presentation,Step 1:,Read and listen,Step 2:,Watch and find,点,击,图,片,播,放,视,频,或点击此处播放视频,你发现规律了吗?,n,o,s,e,n,o,t,e,c,o,k,e,Mr J,o,n,e,s,o-e,字母,o,以及字母组合,o-e,的发音规律,字母,发音及口型,发音要领,例词,o,/ /,o-e,发音时声带振动。发音时,由 音,滑向 音,,前重后轻,口型随之变化。,d,o,g,b,o,x,n,o,s,e,h,o,m,e,/ /,舌后缩,舌后部比发 音时抬得略低,双唇呈中圆口型,微向前伸。,Talk show,Do not d,o,z,e,with your n,o,s,e,on the n,o,t,e,.,不要趴在笔记本上打盹儿,。,A d,o,g with a d,o,t can h,o,p to r,o,ck.,有个斑点的狗能跳过岩石。,Read, listen and tick.,Listen, circle and write.,nose,mom,note,Exercise1,nos,e,home,not,e,ros,e,rope,hot,mope,poke,toe,hope,not,mom,o,o,-e,Find their home,划线部分的读音是(T)否(F)一致。,( )1.h,o,me r,o,se ( )2.n,o,t h,o,pe,( )3.l,o,st h,o,t ( )4.b,o,x l,o,t,T,F,T,T,Exercise 2,字母,o,以及字母组合,o-e,的发音规律,1.,发音:,/ /,2.,发音要领,:,/ /,:,你掌握了吗?,Summary,:,/ /,/ /,舌后缩,舌后部比发 音时抬得略低,双唇呈中圆口型,微向前伸。,发音时声带振动。发音时,由 音,滑向 音,,前重后轻,口型随之变化。,My friend,Part B,(,Lets talk & Lets play,),Unit Three,Revision,Look and say,Look at my friends,who are they?,He is,fat,.,He has,no hair,.,no hair,fat,She is,short and thin,. She has,red shoes,.,She has,a red,bag,too.,red shoes,a red bag,He has,glasses,.,His shoes are black.,glasses,black shoes,Lets talk,Lead in,Presentation,Mike and John,are talking about,his friend.,正在谈论,Task1,:,Listen and answer.,Is his friend a boy or a girl?,A boy.,Task 2,:,Watch and answer.,点,击,图,片,,,播,放,视,频,或点击此处播放视频,Mikes good friend.,Who is he?,Whats he like?,(他长什么样?),What colour are his shoes?,Answer the questions.,He is Wu Yifan.,He is tall and thin.,His shoes are blue.,Language points,知识点,1,选择疑问,,or,来帮忙,课本原句:A boy,or,a girl?,or,意为,“,或者,还是,”,,它连着两个供选择的人或物。对于这样的疑问句,我们只要选择其中一个来回答就可以了。,例如:,A cat.,A dog or cat?,句型结构:某人,+have/has+,其他(衣物等物品),知识点,2,课本原句:He,has,glasses and his shoes are blue.,如何描述人物的穿着打扮,Mary,has,glasses and her bag is red.,have/has,在不同的语境中,翻译也不同,在此句型中意为,“,穿;戴,”,。用来描述某人的穿着打扮和外貌特征。,特别提醒,:,当主语是第三人称时,要用,has.,拓展:描述物品的特征,课本原句: He,has,glasses and,his shoes are blue,.,他的鞋子是蓝色的。,句型结构,:,物品,+be,动词,+,描述特征的形容词,.,The ruler is long.,The schoolbag is orange.,物品,be,动词,形容词,Lets play,Talk about your friends with your partner.,Pair work,Practice,I have a good friend.,Introduce your friends.,She is,.,She has,.,Her shoes,are,.,She is,She has,Her shoes,are,tall,and thin.,two,big,eyes and a small mouth.,red.,And she is friendly,.,把问句和答句连起来。,Whos he?,Whats your name?,A boy or girl?,Is she Lily?,A girl.,Yes. Youre right.,Hes Mike.,My name is Amy.,Exercise,(听、说)词汇:,or, right,句子:,Whos he?,He has glasses and his,shoes are blue.,A boy or girl?,你掌握了吗?,Summary,My friend,Part B,(,Lets learn & Say and draw,),Unit Three,Revision,Free talk,T:I have a good friend.,S: Whos he/she?,T:Her/His name is.,Hes tall and strong.,Hes/Shes.,Presentation,Lets learn,Lead in,I have a friend.,Lets have a look!,Lily is a cute girl.She is my friend.,Her _ is long.,Her _ are brown.,hair,shoes,hair,shoes,She has,long hair,.,短语,:,long hair,长发,short hair,短发,black hair,黑色的头发,He has a pair of brown,shoes,.,短语,:,a pair of shoes,一双鞋,单数,:,shoe,s,Tim is a good boy.,His hair is _ .,His shoes are _.,long,black,long hair,black shoes,Practice 1,Look and say,I have _ _.,I have _ _. And I have _.,short hair,blue shoes,glasses,glass,es,Oh!You have,blue glasses,.,I have new,glasses,.,短语,:,a pair of glasses,一副眼镜,a,green,bag,blue,yellow,black,brown,an,o,range,bag,Its a green bag.,点,击,图,片,播,放,视,频,Lets learn,或点击此处播放视频,Practice 2,Describe the picture.,My hair,is,_.,My shoes,are,_.,long,brown,还可以怎么描述?,Sarah has_.,long hair,She has_.,brown shoes,Say and draw,(Step 1):,Talk about your friend with your partner.,I have a friend.,She has,She hasand,I have a friend.,He has,He hasand,For example:,(Step 2):,根据伙伴所描述的内容画出图像。,I have a friend.,She has short hair.,She is friendly.,She.,判断下列单词或短语与图片()是(,)否一致,。,1. 2. 3. 4.,short hair,long hair,glasses,shoes,Exercise,Summary,(听、说、认读)词汇:,long hair,short hair,a green bag,brown shoes,blue glasses,你掌握了吗?,My friend,Part B,(,Read and write & Lets check & Lets sing,),Part C,(Story time),Unit Three,Warm up,点,击,图,片,播,放,视,频,Lets sing,或点击此处播放视频,Revision,Choose and say,strong,thin,tall,short,friendly,cute,quiet,nice,good,black hair,yellow,bag,He is _ and _ .,thin tall,He has _ .,His shoes are _.,strong,thin,tall,short,friendly,blue,quiet,nice,white,black hair,yellow,bag,black hair,white and blue,Presentation,Read and write,Lead in,Today, we will play a game “Who is he/she?”,She has,long hair,. She has,orange shoes,. What is her name ?,hair,头发,long,长的,shoes,鞋子,orange,橘色的,Her,name is Ann.,James,Kate,Ben,Ann,He has,short hair,. He has,a big green bag,. What is his name,?,hair,头发,short,短的,a green bag,一个绿色的包,His,name is James.,James,Kate,Ben,Ann,She is,tall,.She is,friendly,.She has a,blue hat,.Who is she?,hat,帽子,blue,蓝色的,Her,name is Kate.,James,Kate,Ben,Ann,He is,short,and,thin,. He,has glasses,.He is near the window.Who is he?,His,name is Ben.,James,Kate,Ben,Ann,点,击,图,片,,,播,放,视,频,read and match,或点击此处播放视频,Look, choose and write.,Now write about one of your classmates!,Practice,He is strong and tall.,He has green hair.,He has a red bag.,Whats his name?,Guessing time,Jack,Frank,He is Jack.,Lets check,Tips:,1.听录音之前,先认真观察每幅图片中人物的外貌特征。2.边听录音边标号。,Listen and number.,1,2,3,4,听力原文,1.Boy:Hey.I have a new friend.He has long hair and,brown shoes.,Boy:Who is he?,Boy:His name is Tim.,2.Girl: Look at her. She has orange shoes.Who is she?,Girl: Her name is Ann.,3.Boy: Whats his name?,Girl,:,His name is Mike.Hes very friendly.,4.Boy: My friend Bob is tall and strong.,Girl: Really?,Boy: Yes.There he is.He has glasses.,Look and match.,Story time,点,击,图,片,播,放,视,频,或点击此处播放视频,你掌握了吗?,Summary,短语:,short hair, long hair,blue hat,orange shoes,a big green bag,句子:,What is his/her name?,Who is he/she?,


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