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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1 My names Gina.,Tracy Yuan,Class 6 Grade 7,Whats this in English?,Its aan .,1a,_,_,_,_,_,_,Whats this in English?,Its a.,clock,ball,trash bin,cap,gold fish,book,A,:,_ your name?,B,:,Tracy.,(,Im,Tracy/,I am,Tracy.,My names,Tracy.),Nice to meet you!,A,:,Nice to meet you,too,!,How to,introduce ourselves,(,介绍我们自己,)?,names,Whats,A:My name is Tracy,B,:,Im Tony/I am Tony.,My names Tony.,Nice to meet you!,A,:,Nice to meet you too!,How to introduce?,names,A,:,Hello!,Im Mary.,B,:,Hi,Mary!Im Jim.,Nice to meet you!,A,:,Nice to meet you,too!,How to introduce?,names,listening1b,Olympic celebrity guess,奥运名人猜想,Whats name?,his,His,name is Michael Phelps,Whats name?,her,Her,name is Shawn Johnson,Whats,his,name?,Jim,Tom,Tony,Bob,His,names,Boys names,Whats,her,name?,Gina,Mary,Jenny,Linda,Mary,Her,names,Girls names,name,名字,My,name is,Mary.,I am,Mary.,Im,Mary.,My,names,Mary.,What is,your name?,Whats,your name?,3,1,2,4,2a,Listening,Tony Tom Jenny Bob Mike Jim,2b Listen and circle the names you hear.,What other names did you hear?,(,你还听到哪些其他的名字了?,),make your own conversation,A:Hello!Whats your name?,B:My names,A:Im,B:Nice to meet you!,A:,A:Whats his name?,B:His name is,A:And whats her name?,B:Her name is,Lets play a name game.,Whats name?,his,His,name is Michael Phelps.,First name,Last name,Family name,Whats name?,her,Her,name is Shawn Johnson.,First name,Last name,Family name,Whats name?,her,Her,name is Zhang,Shaohan,.,First name,Last name,Family name,英语国家人名常识,first name=given name 名,last name=family name 姓,在英语中,通常先说名再说姓。如:,Steve Mann,Steve是他的名,而Mann 才是他的姓。,Steve Mann,first name,last name,在美国,万人以上的大姓有三千多个,其中最大的姓氏是Smith,美国十大姓氏的排列顺序是:,1.Smith 史密斯 2.Johnson 约翰逊,3.Williams 威廉姆斯 4.Brown 布朗,5.Jones 琼斯 6.Miller 米勒,7.Davis 戴维斯 8.Martinson 马丁森,9.Anderson 安德森 10.Wilson 威尔逊,英语国家人名常识,英语国家人名分析图,the,full,name,the,given,name,the family name,the middle name,the last name,the,first,name,George,W.,Bush,Whats your first name?,Whats your last name?,Pairwork,1.Tony 6.Jack,2.Green 7.Smith,3.Miller 8.Brown,4.Mingming 9.Zhang,5.Gina 10.Mary,L,L,L,L,L,F,F,F,F,F,BOYS,GIRLS,FIRST NAME,LAST NAME,FIRST NAME,LAST NAME,Tony,Wang,Make a survey:,Tracy,Yuan,Report:,My friends name is Tony Wang.He is a boy.His first name is Tony,His last name is Wang,Requirement,(要求),:,At least(,至少,)3 boys and 3 girls,Using(,使用,):,Whats your first name?,Whats your last name?,Exercise,Hello,my first name is,_,.My last name is,_,.I have,_,friends.She is my new friend.Her first name is,_,.Her last name is,_,.And he is my friend,too.His first name is _.His last name is _.,Make your own conversations about asking first names,last names.,Homework,1.Copy the new words from“my”to“girl”for 3 times.,2.Finish exercise book 1(page 10).2(page 8).,3.Listen and read the conversations of Section A 1b,2a,2b on page84 for 3 times,


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