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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit Five,Text B,Stop Spoiling Your Children,L3 kit,a skiing,kit,(,包括服装在内的)一套滑雪用具,a well-stocked first aid,kit,备置充分的急救用品,a lavatory,kit,盥洗用品,L5 make a point,提出论点,他讲到他与其他成千上万的人一样失了业,这是说到了问题的关键。,He made the point that he was _ along with thousands of others.,unemployed,你,发言中有个新颖的观点。,You,made an original point,in your speech.,beside the point,make a point of,on the point of,to the point,离题,的,不相干的,重视,正要之际,切中要害,切题,L6 far,ad.much,这些实验所用的时间实在是太长了。,These tests are simply taking,far,too long.,Its,far,too hot in this room;open the windows.,L12 hold down,保住工作,使屈服,压制(价格),He is a good worker,and will,hold down,his job.,一名警察按住强盗,另一名把他铐上。,One cop,held down,the robber while another handcuffed him.,在艰难时期,商人们压低价格,这样顾客们就仍然会在他们的店里买东西。,In bad times,merchants,hold down,prices so customers will still shop at their stores,.,L13 accommodation,和解,调解,膳宿,双反未能在每一点上都取得一致,但达成了和解。,The two sides failed to agree on every point but came to,an accommodation.,那个酒店的住宿条件是一流的。,The,accommodation,at that hotel is first class.,L16 pine for,pine for:want very much,esp.when it is unlikely that one will be able to have,刚来的人在到达新国家的头几周,常常思念故乡。,Newcomers are often,pining for,home within weeks of arriving in their new country.,Many people,pine for,the country life.,L20 stand up to,sb,./,sth,.,1.勇敢地面对,坚决抵制,如果你在他面前更勇敢些,他就会更尊重你。,He,ll,respect you more if you,stand up to,him.,战士必须勇敢地面对各种危险。,A soldier must,stand up to,all kinds of dangers.,2.耐用,经得起,经过今年冬天的霜打之后,这些树仍旧挺拔。,The trees,stood up,pretty well,to,the _ this winter.,frosts,我太太经不起这种寒冷而潮湿的气候。,My wifes health will not,stand up to,this cold,damp climate,.,stand by,stand for,stand out,stand up,stand up for,袖手旁观,代表,引人注目,站起来,(论点)站得住脚,支持,维护,L21 fluctuate,1.,change frequently,变化不定的见解,fluctuating,opinions,他的情绪波动不定,一会儿高兴,一会儿沮丧。,His attitude seems to fluctuate between _ and _.,happiness,hopelessness,2.(,of price,number,rate.)rise and fall,价格在5美元和6美元之间波动。,The price,fluctuates,between$5and$6.,L24 loosen,放松纪律,loosen,discipline,A few drinks,loosened,his tongue.,一两杯酒下肚,他的话匣子便打开了。,L25 sour,a.,酸的,出错,行不通的,This milk has gone,sour,;it has a,sour,taste.,当我们发现没有石油而且我们的赞助商抽回资金时,那项计划就搞不下去了。,The project,turned/went sour,on us when we found no oil and our backers pulled out their money.,v.,使变,酸,使出错恶化,The milk,has soured,overnight.,种种不幸的经历使她对人生的看法充满厌恶。,Various unhappy experiences have,soured,her view of,life.,L32 insensitive,a.,麻木不仁的,感觉迟钝的,警方因对公众的意见麻木不仁而受到批评。,The police have been criticized for _ to complaints from the public.,being insensitive,在,Alaska,生活过以后,我几乎感觉不到冷了。,After living in Alaska,I am almost,insensitive,to cold.,L33 undermine,损害某人的声誉,undermine,someones name,吸烟损害健康。,Smoking,undermines,health.,老鼠破坏了教堂的地基。,Mice had,undermined,the foundations of the church.,L 40 on demand,一经要求,查票时旅客须出示车票。,Passengers must show their tickets,on demand.,索款即付。,This will be paid,on demand,.,婴儿应该按需喂食。,Babies should be fed,on demand.,L46 submit,vt,.,你必须在1月1日前递交申请。,You must,submit,your application before January 1,st,.,suggest,我主张这项计划必须做较大改动后才能付之实施。,I,submit,that the plan will not work without some major changes,.,L49 turn over a new leaf,悔过自新,洗心革面,他们决定给他最后一次机会,让他重新做人。,They decided to give him a _ opportunity to turn over a new leaf.,last,现在咱们从头开始。,Now lets,turn over a new leaf,.,


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