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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Free talk:,1.What day is it today?,2.Whats the date today?,3.How is the weather today?,Read and fill,Long long ago,there was a lion lived in the forest.It was _ and _.One day,he was _.A _ and _ mouse walked by and _ the lion _.The lion was _ and wanted to eat it.“I can help you,”the mouse said _.The lion laughed _ and _ the mouse go.,large,strong,sleeping,weak,small,up,woke,angry,quietly,let,loudly,The next day,two men _ the lion with a large _.He couldnt _ the net with his _ teeth.“How can I get out?”He asked _.The mouse saw the lion and _ a big hole in the net.The lion thanked the mouse _.,_ then on,they _ good friends.,caught,net,bite,sharp,sadly,made,happily,From,became,Look and recite,There was a lion,.,He was very,.,a mouse,and,.,The lion,and,.,“Please dont eat me.,I can help you,”,the mouse,.,“Youre so,!,How can you help me?,the lion,.,Then,he,.,Look and read,Look and read,two men,.,bite,的过去式,咬,The lion,with his,but that did not help.,“How can I,?”,the lion,.,Look and read,the mouse saw the lion.,“I can help you,”he said.,Soon,the mouse,with his teeth.The lion got out.“Thank you!”,the lion and the mouse,.,Fun time,Lion:Im and,Animals:Here comes the lion.Run!,Lion:What are you doing here,Little Mouse?,Im going to!,Mouse:Please dont,Lion.I can some day.,Lion:Ha ha!,You are so How can you help me?,Lion:Help!Help!Please help me!,Mouse:Dont be Lion.I can help you!,Lion:,Little Mouse!,The lion said excitedly/.,loudly/.,Lion:Im and,Animals:Here comes the lion.Run!,Lion:What are you doing here,Little Mouse?,Im going to!,Mouse:Please dont,Lion.I can some day.,Lion:Ha ha!,You are so How can you help me?,Lion:Help!Help!Please help me!,Mouse:Dont be Lion.I can help you!,Lion:,Little Mouse!,How can we say and act the story?,三人合作为每句台词选择合适的副词来表现动作或语气。,1,2,3,4,6,5,7,8,Lion:Im and,Animals:Here comes the lion.Run!,Lion:What are you doing here,Little Mouse?,Im going to!,Mouse:Please dont,Lion.,I can some day.,Lion:Ha ha!,You are so How can you help me?,Lion:Help!Help!Please help me!,Mouse:Dont be Lion.I can help you!,Lion:,Little Mouse!,1.The lion said,2.The animals,3.The lion,4.The mouse,6.The lion,5.The lion,7.The mouse,8.The lion,Use adverbs,your actions and tones to act better!,活用副词、动作和语气让你们的表演更出色!,Act in groups of three.,1.Narrator,2.Lion,3.Mouse,Read and feel,Wait!Wait!,I can help you!,Ha!Ha!,How can it be?,Help!Help!,Who can help me?,Thanks!Thanks!,Youre really helpful!,The mouse said,,,The lion laughed,,,The lion asked,,,The lion said,,,quietly,loudly,sadly,happily,Grammar time,The mouse said,quietly,.,The lion laughed,loudly,.,The lion asked,sadly,.,The lion said,happily,.,adverbs,副 词,What are the adverbs for?,They show the actions more vividly.,副词能更,生动形象,地表现,动作,。,The boy is happy.He laughs happily.,happy,happily,形容词,副词,The girl dances _ .(beautiful),Can you listen to the teacher _?(careful),beautifully,carefully,Know more,quiet,loud,sad,excited,worried,fearful,surprised,happy,angry,quiet,ly,loud,ly,sad,ly,excited,ly,worried,ly,fearful,ly,happ,ily,angr,ily,surprised,ly,1.,一般情况下直接加“,ly”,,如,quick-quickly,,,quiet-quietly,2.,以辅音字母加,y,结尾的形容词要变,y,为,i,然后再加,-ly,。如:,happy-happily,形容词变副词的规则,:,你能写出这些形容词的副词吗?,excited,ly,quiet,ly,loud,ly,sad,ly,happ,ily,动词,副词,副词修饰动词,你能找到规律了吗?,The woman is _.She is crying _.(sad),sad,sadly,Jack has a big game today.,He,quickly/fast,Look,and Write,Tips,形容动作完成的方式,要用副词哦,!,His friends all come to cheer for him,.,loudly/happily,Come on!,Jack wins!,about the great game!,excitedly/happily,They go to a movie to celebrate.,What a funny movie!,happily/loudly,Ha!Ha!,After the movie,they go home to tell Dad,about the great news.,He,quietly,What story is he reading?A woman gets hurt,And she,Who can help me?,sadly,Imagine and say,Hes a happy boy.,He often laughs,happily,.,He,happily,.,He,happily,.,He reads,happily,.,He,happily,.,He,happily,.,He,happily,.,Jack is a sad dog.,Jack,sadly,.,Jack,sadly,.,Jack,sadly,.,Jack,sadly,.,Jack,sadly,.,Linda is an excited girl.,


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