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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Meeting Your Ancestors,Unit 5,What are they?,Terra cotta warriors and horses(,兵马俑,),Inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells(,甲骨文,),A clay lamp,from Greece,A musical instrument,(Chinese chimes),A stone,/,jade axe,A face of an,Egyptian,Pharaoh,(,death mask),What is archaeology?,These objects above are finds of _.,archaeology,Archaeology is the ancient civilizations by scientific analysis of physical remains found in the ground.But unlike history it often has to deal with civilizations that have no written records.,What job should an,archaeologist,do?,excavate,identify and,analyze,collect,Whats the job like?,It is specific,significant,systematic,accurate,Thanks to archaeology/archaeologists,were able to follow the dream of meeting our ancestors.,Zhoukoudian Site-Beijing,Peking man,How much do you know,about,Zhoukoudian,Caves?,It is on the,Longgu,Mountain,Fangshan,District,Beijing.It is famous for,Peking Man,a complete skull(,头盖骨,)of an ape-man(,猿人,)dating back 600,000 years.,.,1.What kind of life did Peking,Man live?,2.Did they suffer from cold,starvation or disease?,3.What may Peking Man have done and used thousands of years ago?,A Visit To The,Zhoukoudian,Caves,Reading,Skimming,Reading Comprehension I,The text is about the visit to the _.,A.,Shanding,Caves,B.,Sanxingdui,Tombs,C.,Zhoukoudian,Caves,D.,Mawangdui,Tombs,2.The group of students come from _.,A.Germany B.the USA,C.France,D.England,Topic1,Topic 2,Topic 3,life,in the cave,What can we learn from a,needle,What can,we learn from a,necklace,1)Find out the three topics that the archaeologist talked about.,Scanning,Learning tips:,Pay attention to the pictures,2)Read the text again and write down the three ways in which the life of early people differs from modern ones.,Use the information from the reading passage to help you with each category.,Caves,perhaps with_ to keep out the cold,Scrapers,axe-heads,bone,_,_skins sewn together with needles and_,necklaces,Homes,Tools,Dress,skins,needles,Animal,thread,Topic1,:,Life in the cave(beginning-line23),Careful-reading,1.Where did Peking Man live?,They lived in caves higher up the hill.,2.How did they keep warm during the freezing winter?,They used fireplaces in the center of the cave,.,They might have hung animal skins at the cave mout,h.,3.What wide animals were there?,There were tigers and bears.These were their most dangerous enemies.,what else did they,use fire for?,Topic2:needle(line24-line36),Go through the dialogue on page 38,Task1,:,Describe the needle for us,Task2,:,How did they make clothes from animal skin?,pay attention to the connective words,such as first,second,then,after,finally,It is at most three centimeters long and made of bone.There is a hole in it.,Task2,:,How did they make clothes from animal skin?,It seems that,they used the _to _ animals and remove their skin.,Then,_were probably used to _ the fat and meat from the skin,After,that,they would _ an,ample,amount of salt onto the skin to make it _,Finally,cut it and _ the pieces together.,Quite a difficult and _task.,sharpened,stone tools,cut up,smaller,scrapers,remove,rub,soft,sew,messy,Whats the necklace made of?,Some beads were made of animal _ but some were made of _.,bones,shells,Why was the archaeologist sure that some beads were made of fish bones?,As the botanical analyses have,shown us,there used to be a large shallow lake.,Topic3:necklace,seashells,animal,bones,fish bones,They traveled to the seaside on their journeys.,What was the st,u,dents puzzle?,How did those seashells get there since it,wa,s miles from the sea?,Reason,1:_.,Reason 2:_.,There was trade between early peo,p,le,根据课文,A Visit to the,Zhoukoudian,Caves,完成下列短文。,A group of students from England have come to the,Zhoukoudian,Cave for a visit.,archaeologist is showing them around.The archaeologists,(excavate),here for many years.After finding human and animal bones,_,those caves higher up the hill as well as tools and ornaments,,,they think,reasonable to assume,they lived in these caves,,,regardless of the cold.They discovered fireplaces in the center of the caves,_,they constructed fires.Some evidence suggests that our ancestors _ indeed wear clothes,(make)from animal skins.The archaeologist also shows the students a primitive necklace,(preserve)quite well.Indeed,,,as the botanical analysis has been,(special)showing us,,,all the fields around here used to be part of a large shallow lake.Perhaps there was trade between early peoples,they traveled to the seaside on their journeys.,An,have been excavating,in,it,where,did,made,preserved,specially,or,Post-reading,1)Go over the text.,2)Preview“the present perfect continuous tense”on your English Weekly.,Homework,


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