新目标八年级下 UNIT9 整个单元

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit9,Have you ever been to an amusement park?,I,构成:,have / has,动词过去分词,(,1,),has,用于主语是第三人称单数, have,用于其它人称。,(,2,)动词的过去分词构成分为规则动词和不规则动词。规则动词在词尾加,ed,,,其规则与过去式一样。不规则动词要记住。,现在完成时构成:,一般在动词原形后加,-,ed,。例如:,look-look,ed,open-open,ed,以,e,结尾的动词加,-,d,。例如:,move-move,d,hope-hope,d,动词过去分词的规则变化和不规则变化:,(,1,)规则变化:,以,辅音字母,加,y,结尾,的动词,变,y,为,i,,再加,-ed,。例如:,study-stud,ied,cry-cr,ied,carry-carr,ied,以,元音字母,加,y,结尾,的词,直接加,-ed,。例如:,play-play,ed,stay-stay,ed,末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,双写该辅音字母,,加,-ed,。,例如:,stop-stop,ped,plan-plan,ned,(2),不规则变化:,do-,done,see-,seen,give-,given,lose-,lost,find-,found,have-,had,等。,II,.,肯定式、否定式和疑问式,I have received a special gift.,I have not received any special gift.,I have never received any special gift.,Have you received any special gift?,Yes, I have. / No, I havent.,He has ever played golf.,He has not played golf.,He has never played golf.,Has he ever played golf?,Yes, he has. / No, he hasnt.,现在完成时:,1,、表示动作发生在过去,但与现在的情况有联,系,或对现在造成了影响或结果。,I have just had breakfast.,2,、现在完成时可以用来表示发生在过去某一,时刻的,持续到现在的情况,常与,for, since,连用,.,(通常和延续性动词连用),Mary has been ill for three days. I have lived here since 1998.,a space museum,amusement park,an aquarium,water park,Have you ever been to,_?,a space museum,Have you ever been to,_?,Have you ever been to,_?,an aquarium,Have you ever been to,_?,太空博物馆,游乐场,水族馆,水上公园,1a Which of these places would you like to visit? Rank them from 1 to 5.,space museum,amusement,park,aquarium,zoo,water park,动物园,n.,娱乐;消遣,Listen. Have these students ever been to,these places?,1b,Amusement Park,Water park,Space museum,Aquarium,Zoo,Claudia,Sarah,neither,的用法,1c PAIRWORK Ask and answer questions about the places in the picture.,A: Have you ever been to an aquarium?,B: No, I havent. How about you?,A: ,区分,have,been,to/ have,gone,to,现在完成时态中,have been to,和,have gone to,都是指已经去了,某个地方,但是,have,been,to,强调的是曾经,去了某个地方并,回来,了;,have,gone,to,强调的,是去了某个地方还,没有回来,。,2a Listening,2b Listen again and circle T (for true) or F (for false).,Conversation 1 Tina went to the space museum last year. T F John has never been to the space museum. T F They are going to take the subway. T F,Conversation 2 Linda has been to the aquarium. T F Linda went to the zoo three times last year. T F Linda is going to the zoo again next week. T F,Conversation 3 Harvey,had a great time,at Water World. T F Harveys friend has never been to Water World. T F Harvey and his friend are going skating. T F,玩的,愉快,PAIRWORK,Have you ever been to an,amusement park?,Yes, I have.,Grammar focus,Have you ever been to an aquarium?,Yes, Ive been to an aquarium.,No, I havent.,No, Ive never been to an aquarium.,2. Ive never been to a water park.,Me neither. =Neither have I.,你曾去过水族馆么?,我从没去过水上公园。,我也没去过。,Have you ever been to,_?,趣味阅读,迪斯尼乐园,Disneyland,是世界著名的游乐园,美国第一个,Disneyland,坐落在,Los Angeles(,洛杉矶)郊区,是美国动画片制作家,Walt Disney,设计创建的。,游乐园中有中世纪的城镇,原始的木筏和,18,世纪流行的画廊,还有热带的原始森林。在卡通馆里,,Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck,Snow White,(,白雪公主)等卡通明星热情接待着游客。,迪斯尼乐园旁边有一条,10,米宽的河流,游客可乘船游览。河流两岸森林茂密,不时传来阵阵猿鸣声。岸边有走动的大象,河里经常有鲨鱼和海豹的出没。听起来挺原始的。不过,这些人和鸟兽多数是人造的,由电子仪器控制。,乐园内也有,dining room,shop, movie house, coffee house,等公共场所。整个游乐园仿佛是洛杉矶的一座卫星城,被视为现代游乐场所的奇迹。迪斯尼游乐园吸引了世界著名各地众多的游客,是孩子们心目中的天堂。,3a Read this article about a theme park. Circle the places, things, and activities you think are interesting. Underline the ones you think are boring.,Have you ever been to Disneyland?,Most of us have probably heard of,Mickey Mouse,Donald Duck, and many other famous Disney,character,s. Perhaps we have even,seen,them in movies. But have you ever been to,Disneyland,? In fact, there are now four different Disneyland amusement parks around the world. Two are in the United States,one,is in Japan, and,the other,is in France.,Mickey Mouse,米老鼠,Donald Duck,唐老鸭,character,n.,人物;角色,seesawseen,Disneyland,迪斯尼乐园,onethe other,一个,另一个,hear - heard - heard,听见,hear,sb,. do/doing,hear of/about,听说,(know),Ive never heard of him before.,hear from,sb,收到,的信,Ill be glad to hear from you in a few days.,Disneyland is an amusement park, but we can also,call it,a theme park,. It has all the normal,attraction,s that you can find at an amusement park, but it also had a theme. The theme, of course, is Disney movies and Disney characters. For example, you can find a,roller coaster,in most amusement parks, but in Disneyland, the roller coaster,is themed with,Disney characters. This means that you can find Disney characters all over the roller coaster. You can also watch Disney movies, eat in Disney restaurants, and buy Disney gifts. And you can,see,Disney characters,walking,around Disneyland all the time!,theme,n.,主题,call it a theme park,把它叫做主题公园,call,+,宾语,+,补语(常为名词):称呼;叫作,attraction,n.,有吸引力的事物(或人),roller coaster,过山车,see,sb,. doing,sth,.,看见某人做某事,Have you ever heard of a Disney,Cruise,? These are huge,boat,s that also have the Disney theme. You can,take a ride,on the boat for several days, and you can sleep and eat on,board,. There are also many attractions on board, just like any other Disneyland. You can shop, go to Disney parties, and eat dinner with Mickey Mouse! The boat rides all take different,route,s, but they all,end,up,in the same place. That is Disneys own,island,.,It is just so much fun in Disneyland!,cruise,n.,巡游;巡航,boat,n.,小船,take a ride,兜风,board,n.,甲板,on board,在船(或车、飞机)上,route,n.,路线,end up,结束,island,n.,岛;岛屿,PAIRWORK,Read the article again and write a conversation. Then practice the conversation with your partner.,A: Id like to go on a Disney cruise.,B: Whats that?,A: Its like Disneyland, but its on a boat.,B: Why do you want to go on that?,A: Well, you can travel to,Disneys own island.,Survey and report,Have you ever,You,Your partner,Studied with more than three friends?,Traveled to another province of China?,Said something you didnt want to say?,Helped someone you didnt know?,Lived in another country?,Argued with your parents?,Have you ever ,?,Have you ever studied with more than three students?,Yes, I have./ No, I havent.,Have you ever traveled to another province?,Yes, I have./ No, I havent.,Where have you,been?I,have been to.,Unit 9 Have you ever been to amusement park?,Section B,Why do you study English?,I want to understand English language movies.,Its fun to learn another language.,I want to travel.,I want to study in an English-speaking country.,Reasons:,I like English songs.,I want to make a foreign pen-pal.,I want to talk with foreign teacher freely.,I want to be an English tour guide.,I want to understand English newspapers and story books.,Its very popular to learn English .,I have to !,I want to be a translator.,What is the most important to you ?,Some of these reasons are important to you ,some are not.Compare your answers with your partner.,Why ?,1b PAIRWORK Compare your answers in 1a with your partner.,A:,For me, “I have to!” is number five,.,B:,Really? For me, “I have to!” is number two,.,2a Listen to a teacher interviewing a student. Circle the questions you hear.,a. How do you spell your last name?,b. Where are you from?,c. Why do you want to improve your English?,d. Have you ever been to an English-speaking,country?,e. When did you start studying English?,f. How long have you been studying English?,2b. Listen again and fill in the questionnaire.,Name:,Studying English for:,English-speaking countries visited:,When:,Reasons for learning English:,Thomas Ruzic,Three years.,The United States,When he was thirteen.,He wants to travel the world.,2c. pairwork,Look at the questions in activity 2a and role play the interview. Answer with the information that is true for you.,A: Good morning. Are you Tom? The new exchange student?,B: Yes, I am.,A: Welcome to my class. I need to ask you some questions,3a Read this article from the Hilltop Language School newsletter and write answers to the questions.,Come to the Hilltop Language School and change your life.,Heres what two of our students said about our school. When I was a young girl, all ever wanted to do was traveling, and I decided that the best way to do this was to become a flight,attendant,for two years now. Its a really interesting job because I travel all over the world. I,discover,ed that the most important,requirement,was to speak English well, so I studied English at the Hilltop Language School for five years before I became a flight attendant. It was because I could speak English that I got the job. Thank you, Hilltop Language School!,Mei Shan,attendant,n.,出席者;参加者,discover,v.,发觉;发现,requirement,n.,要求;必要条件,I want to be a tour,guide,. In fact, its all I have ever wanted to be. I want to travel, especially to English-speaking countries such as the United States and Australia. However , I know that I have to improve my English, so Ive started,tak,ing,lessons,at the Hilltop Language School. The Hilltop Language School has really helped me learn English. Ive been a student here for a year now, and I really love it. Maybe when I leave school Ill think about becoming an English teacher,rather than,a tour guide!,David,Feng,guide,n.,导游,take lessons,上课,rather than,而不 用于连接两个并列结构。其后可接,do, to do,或,doing,等形式。,1.What does Mei Shan do?,2. How long had she had the job?,3. Why did she want the job?,4. How long did she study English?,5. What kind of job does David want?,6. Has he ever been to an English-speaking country?,7. How long has he been studying at the school?,8. What other job is he thinking of doing?,She has had the job for two years.,Because she wanted to travel.,She studied English for five years.,David wants to be a tour guide.,No.,Hes been studying at the school for one year.,Hes thinking about becoming an English teacher instead.,Read and find the answers to the questions below.,Shes a flight attendant.,Write an article about yourself for the school magazine. Write about:,The kind of job you want,How long you have been studying English,Why you started studying English,What you like best about studying English,Self Check,Fill in the blanks with the words given.,understand decide travel improve start,1. My English writing is good, but I need to,my,listening skills.,2. I dont,. Could you explain that again,please?,3. The children,_,watching the film at 2 oclock and it hasnt finished yet.,4. Have you,what you want to do after school?,5. He is a tour guide. He has,_,all over Europe.,improve,understand,started,decided,traveled,Have you ever been to Singapore?,Reading,Location:,in Southeast Asia,Language points,方位:,north,south,west,east,northwest,northeast,southwest,southeast,in on to,Section 1 Before You Read,Its good to find out about a place you are going to visit before you go there. Choose a place to visit, and write down four things your groups knows about it.,Do you know the country?,America,Have you ever been there before?,Do you know about the country?,France,Have you ever been there before?,Do you know the country?,Australia,Have you ever been there before?,Have you ever been to Singapore?,Have you ever been to Singapore? For many Chinese tourists, this small island in,Southeast,Asia is a,wonderful,place to,take a holiday,.,On the one hand, more than,three quarters,of the,population,are Chinese, so you can simply speak Putonghua a lot of time.,On the other hand, Singapore is an English-speaking country, so its also a good place to practice your English!,southeast,n.,东南,wonderful,adj.,极好的,take a holiday,休假;度假,quarter,四分之一,three quarters,四分之三,population,n.,人口,on the one hand,一方面,on the other hand,另一方面,Language points,分数表达法:分子基,分母序,当分子大于一时,分母加,s.,Eg,.,五分之三,three fifths,六分之五,five sixths,一半,a half,四分之一,a quarter,四分之三,three quarters,Language points,Population:,当表示人口的整体时,视为单数。,当表示人口中的部分时,视为复数。,Eg,. The population of China _ 1.3 billion.,Three quarters of the population _Chinese.,is,are,Have you ever tried Chinese food outside of China? Maybe you,fear,that you wont be able to find anything to eat in a foreign country. In Singapore, however, youll find a lot of food from China; you wont,have,any,problem finding,rice,noodle,s, or,dumpling,s. However, if youre feeling,brave, Singapore is an,excellent,place to try new food. Whether you like,Indian,food, western food, or Japanese food, youll find it all in Singapore if you look!,fear,v.,害怕;担心,noodle,n.,面条,(,常用复数,),dumpling,n.,饺子;汤团,brave,adj.,勇敢的,excellent,adj.,卓越的;极好的,Indian,adj.,印度的;印度人的,have problem doing,做某事与困难,Most large cities have zoos, but have you ever been to a zoo at night? Singapore has a night zoo called the ,Night,Safari,. It might seem strange to go to a zoo when its,dark,. But if youve ever been to a zoo during the daytime, you might understand why this zoo is so special. A lot of animals only wake up at night, so this is the best time to watch them. If you go to see lions, tigers, or,fox,es during the daytime, theyll probably be asleep! At the Night Safari, you can watch these animals in a more,natural,environment,than a normal zoo.,Safari,n.,旅行;狩猎远征,Night Safari,夜间野生动物园,(,新加坡,),dark,n.,黄昏;黑暗,fox,n.,狐狸,natural,adj.,自然的;自然界的,environment,n.,环境,One great thing about Singapore is that the,temperature,is almost the same,all year round,. This is because the island is so close to the,equator,. So you can choose to go,whenever,you like,spring, summer,autumn, or winter! And, of course, its not too far from China!,temperature,n.,温度,all year round,一年到头;终年,(=,all year long,),all day long / round,整天,all night long / round,整夜,equator,n.,赤道,whenever,conj.,无论如何,spring,n.,春天,autumn,n.,秋天,Section 3a Complete the word map with the words from the reading.,Names of places,China,Animals,lions,Seasons,summer,Languages,Chinese,Kinds of food,rice,Singapore,Southeast Asia,zoo,Night Safari,tigers,foxes,spring,autumn,winter,Putonghua,English,noodles,dumplings,Indian / western / Japanese food,The statements are all false. Using information from the reading. Write four true sentences.,1. Singapore is a big country in Europe.,2. In Singapore, you can only find Japanese food.,3. Its good to see lions and foxes during the daytime because theyll probably be awake.,4. Its best to visit Singapore in autumn.,Singapore is a small(island / country) in Southeast Asia,.,You can find many kinds of food in Singapore,.,Its better to see lions and foxes at night when they are awake.,You can visit Singapore at any time of year / in any season.,3c,GoodBye!,


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