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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,2012,年高三英语二轮总复习语法精品课件,(,205,张),wujxzy,高中英语,中名词,一、名词的概述:,名词是用来表示人、事物、地点、现象及其它抽象概念等名称的词。,二、名词的分类:,1.,专有名词:,指一个人或事物所特有的名称。如具体的人物、地点、国家的名称等,不能随意更改,其中实词的第一个字母必须大写。如:,Asia,Mr,Brown, Chinese, Christmas,Harry Potter, Mum,2.,普通名词:,指某类人或事物的名称或者指某种抽象概念。 普通名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词。,三、名词的数,:,1.,可数名词的数,:,( 1 ),规则变化,: desk desks, glassglasses, factoryfactories, knifeknives,( 2 ),不规则变化:,man men, child children, sheep,sheep,( 3 ),复合名词的数:,father -in -law -( fathers -in -law),grown-up -(grown-ups),woman driver -(women drivers ),2.,不可数名词的数:,( 1 ),数词或冠词,+,量词,+ of +,不可数名词,a drop of water , two cups of tea,( 2 ),物质名词的复数表示类别或数量,fish,鱼,fishes,多种鱼,two coffees,两杯咖啡,3.,名词单、复数的特殊用法:,(,1,)只用复数的名词,:,socks, scissors, trousers,earnings, surroundings, greetings,tears, wishes, thanks,(,2,)只用复数的名词词组:,take turns, as follows, in high spirits,(,3,),在短语中单、复数均可的名词,:,单、复数意义相同,:,make a face / make faces,play a joke/ jokes on somebody,have a talk/ have talks with somebody,单、复数意义不同,:,have a word with somebody,have words with somebody,四、名词所有格,概述: 所有格表示所有关系,修饰另一名 词,作定语。,形式:由名词词尾加,s,构成,多用来表示有生 命的东西,.,如,: Mikes pen , the boys mother,由介词,of +,名词构成,多用来表示无生命的东西,.,如,: the name of the book,名词所有格的几个要点:,1.,表示两者或两者以上共同所有,把,s,加在最后的名词上。,如:,Lucy and Lilys friend,露西和莉莉共同的朋友,Tom and Jacks room,汤姆和杰克合用的房间,2.,表示各自拥有某件东西时,每个名词都要用所有格形式。,如:,Lucys and Lilys friends,露西的朋友和莉莉的朋友,Toms and Jacks rooms,汤姆的房间和杰克的房间,3.,名词有同位语时,把,s,加在同位语的词尾。,如:,Have you seen my sister, Kates bicycle?,I bought this book at Smith, the booksellers.,4.,双重所有格 (,of +s,所有格),如:,a friend of her mothers,他妈妈朋友中的一位,a friend of her mother,他妈妈的一位朋友,a picture of his brothers,他弟弟照片中的一张,不一定是他本人,a picture of his brother,他弟弟本人的一张照片,五、名词在句中的作用,名词在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语,/,主语补足语、定语、状语、同位语和呼语等。,1.,作主语,The bag is mine.,2.,作表语,This is an apple.,3.,作宾语,Would you like some coffee?,4.,作补语,We made him monitor of our class.,5.,作定语,We will meet at the school gate.,6.,作状语,The new film will last two hours.,7.,作同位语,Mr,Wang , our headmaster gave us a talk yesterday.,8.,作呼语,Boys and girls, look at the blackboard.,形容词、副词,1)We reached the top of the mountain after two hours climbing, _ and out of breath.,A. Tiring B. being tired C. tired D. to be tired.,2)At seven oclock, coffee was made and the pot was hot on the back of the stove, _ and _ to make dinner.,C,hot,ready,1.,形容词或词组可做状语使用,可放在句首,句中或句尾。,考点重难点解读,2.,形容词的位置:,“,限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老;颜色国籍跟材料,作用类别往后靠”,限定词,+,数量形容词,(,序数词在前,基数词在后,)+,描绘形容词,+,大小、长短、高低,+,形状,+,新旧,+,颜色,+,国籍,+,材料,all half his income,Tony is going camping with _ boys.,A. little two other B. two little other,C. two other little D.,little other two,C,those three beautiful large square old brown wood tables,3.,某些以,a-,开首的形容词例如:,afraid,,,alike,,,alone,,,asleep,,,awake, alive,等只能作表语,不能作定语。,这类形容词一般不用,very,修饰,如:,much,afraid,fast /sound,asleep ,wide,awake be,well,worth,4.,形容词变副词通常是加,ly,其变化有规律可循,请记住以下口诀:,一般直接加,“,元,e,”,去,e,加,,“辅,y,”,改,i,加,,“,le”,结尾,e,改,y,。 分别举例如下:,quickquickly, tr,ue,tru,ly,hap,py,happ,ily, possib,le,possib,ly,.,friendly,,,lively,,,lonely,,,likely,,,deadly,,,orderly, timely, daily, yearly, monthly, brotherly, motherly,等。,某些以,-,ly,结尾的词是形容词而不是副词:,5.,同根副词,1)close,closely2)free,freely 3)hard,hardly4)late,lately 5)most,mostly 6)wide widely7)high,highly 8)deep,deeply,1,),.It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood _ to her mother.,closeB. closely C. closed,D. closing,2). We decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining_.,A. hard B. hardly C. strongly D. heavy,A,A,1),Lizzie was_ to see her friend off at the airport.,A. a little more than sad,B. more than a little sad,C. sad more than a little,D. a little more than sad,B,6.,倍数的考查,1,),The new building,is four times the size,(the height),of,the old one. (,height/ length/ width,),2,),Asia is four times,as large as,Europe.,Your school is three times,bigger than,ours.,The length of the road is four times,what it was three years ago,.,7.,表示形容词比较级的句型:,用,much , even, still, a bit, a little, a great deal , far, by far,等副词修饰形容词比较级;,“,The more. the more.”,The harder he works, the happier he feels.,比较级与否定连用表示最高级,I could,never,see a,better,hotel.,1,),. Marys biology is _ than _ in the class.,A. a lot of better; anyone elses,B. far better; anyones elses,C. much better; anyone else,D. a lot better; anyone elses,2) Bob ran the 100 meters in 9.91 seconds, and I have not seen _ this year.,(,05,浙江卷),A,the best B,better,C,the most D,more,B,D,8. cant/ can never too /too much/ enough,句型表示“无论,都不过分;越,越好 ”,他如此伟大,我们无论怎样赞扬都不过分。,He is such a great man that we cant praise him too much.,既然是好事,越早开始做越好。,Since its a good thing, we cant do it too soon.,你做作业的时候,越仔细越好。,While you are doing your homework, you cant be careful enough.,1) Must I turn off the gas after cooking ?, Of course . You can never be _,careful with that . (,05,江西卷,),A,enough B,too C,so D,very,2,),- He is _ a brave man.,- We cant admire his courage _.,A. actually; very much B. indeed; too a lot,C. really; too much D. truly; a bit,B,C,代 词,考什么,?,考点,1,it, one, the one, that, those,的考点,考点,2,either, both, neither, any, all,和,none,的考查,考点,3,another, the other, others, the others,的用法辨析,考点,4,not a little,和,not a bit,的考查。,考点,5,简略答语中的替代,考点,6,改错,中,代词的,考查,考点,1,it, one, the one, that, those,的考点,1.,it,指代前文出现过的某一名词,且就是,同一东西,。,2.,one,也指代前面出现过的名词,但它只表示,同类,东西中,泛指,的一个(即除了这个以外还有其它的)。,one=a/an+,名词。,There was only one carpet left in that shop that day, so I had no choice but to buy_.,考点突破,It is a world of magic and wonders, _ where anything can happen.,it,one,4.,that,常用来指代前面出现过的,不可数名词,3.,the one,指代前面出现过的名词时,表示,同类,事物中,特指,的某一个。,I dont want this towel. Give me _ on the left.,The weather here is colder than _ in Shanghai.,that,也可指代,可数名词,,但,that,须带,后置定语,,且限制的范围内只可能有一个东西,The monitor of my computer is better than,that,of our monitors.,the one,that,5.,those,指代可数,名词复数,指一个范围内所有的人或物。,The materials,offered by that construction corporation are of higher quality than,those,offered by this small building firm.,考点,2:,either, both, neither, any, all,和,none,1.,两个中任意一个用,either,;“两个都”用,both;,两个中任何一个,“,都不,”,用,neither,。,There is coffee and tea; you can have _.,Thanks.,A. either B. each C. one D. it,I saw a stream with red flowers and green grass on,_,/ _ side of it.,either,each,Which driver was to blame?,Why.,_,! It was the childs fault, clear and simple. He suddenly came out between two parked cars.,A. both B. each C. either D. neither,2.,三个或三个以上中任意一个用,any,;“三个或三个以上都”用,all,;三个或三个以上中任意一个,“,都不,”,用,none,。,1. I had to buy,_,these books because I didnt know which one was the best (04,上海,),A. bothB. noneC. neither D. all,2. We had three sets of garden tools and we seemed to have no use for_ .(04,浙江,),A. noneB. either C. anyD. each,3.-How many elephants did you see?,- _. A. None B. No one C. Not many ones D. Nothing,3. both,和,all,前加,not,或谓语部分否定时,,属部分否定句,;,若表示,全部否定,要用,neither,和,none,。,Not both,of the twin sisters are clever.,=Both of the twin sisters,are not,clever.,Not all,of us want to go.,=All of us,dont,want to go.,Neither,of the twin sisters is clever.,1. I have two pens. One is red, _ is green.,2. This pair of gloves doesnt fit me well. Can you show me _ pair?,3. The,colour,of these trousers doesnt suit me. Show me some _, please.,4. To some life is a pleasure,while to _ it is suffering. 5. For some reason the young couple frequently quarrel with _.,the other,another,others,others,考点,3,another, the other, others, the others,each other,not a little,修饰形容词或副词时,相当于,very,,修饰动词或指代不可数名词时相当于,much; not a little=much,而,not a bit=not at all,。, Are you hungry?,Not a little.(=very hungry,.) I feel as if I could eat an ox now.,Were you tired when you climbed to the top of the hill?,Not a bit, because we were in high spirits.,考点,4,not a little,和,not a bit,的考查。,1.,在,Im afraid, I believe, I think , I hope,等之后的,not,等于一个否定的从句;,so,等于一个肯定句。,(1) She must be busy now,.,- I think,so, she cant go with us.,(2) Is she feeling better today?,-Im afraid,not,.,(3) Do you think he will attend the meeting?,-I guess,not,./ I hope not,考点,5,简略答语中的替代,否定句中既可以用,not,又可以用,so,的动词有,b,e,s,t,+imagine,既,believe, expect, suppose, think, imagine,.,例如,:,-Is he going to fly to America?,-No,I dont think so,.,=No, I think not.,这种用法常见的有:,Why so? Is that so? I hope so.,否定句中用,not,的有,:,Im afraid not./ I hope not./ I guess not.,I just smiled to me and thought,,“,What can I do? _,On the first day of camp, you came up to myself while I was sitting alone. _,The men threw away most of his clothes to save themselves. _,4. In our Greece unit, we have been learning about its rich culture and long history. _,5. We have learned a lot from the textbook, but I believe you personal experience will be a lot better. _,myself,me,their,its,your,考点,6,改错,中,代词的考查,6. Surely Im expecting lots of sightseeing tours , parties and another exciting things.,7. Yes, it is clear that your life in your country is quite different from me.,8. You may keep the books for several weeks so that you can have enough time to finish it.,_,9. Before I could answer him, he continued to ask me the name of the fish on another one plate. _,10. Just at that timeI woke up and found me still in bed! _,other,mine,them,one,myself,1. -I dislike _ when others laugh at me in public or speak ill of me behind. -So do I. A. them B. those C. it D. that,2. -Shall I help you, sir?,- I appreciate _ if you do me the favor to pack the luggage.,A. / B. that C. you D. it,?,it,也常用来表示一般的笼统的情况,1. -He was nearly drowned once.,-When was _?,- It was in 1998 _ he was in middle school.,A. that; when B. this; this C. this; it D. that; that,2. It is the ability to do the job _ matters not where you come from or what you are,A,one,B,that C,what,D,it,3. It was not until 1920 _ regular radio broadcasts began.A. while B .which C .that D. since,强调句式,1. I dont know whether I should go abroad or not, Mum., I leave _ to your own judgment whether you should do it.,A. thatB. it,C. his D. what,2.,_ is well known _ Hong Kong returned to China on July 1st, 1997.,A. It, that B. As, / C. As, as D. It, which,It,作形式主语或形式宾语,1. What was the party like,?,Wonderful,!,Its been years _ I enjoyed myself so much,2. It will be 3 years _ we meet again.3. It will be midnight _ they get there .,A. after,B.when,C. before D. since,D,C,B,It + be +,段时间,+ since-clauseIt + be +,段时间,+ before-clauseIt + be +,时间点,+ when-clause,1. It is,(,high,),time that we _ to school.A. go B. went C. have been D. have gone,2. It is the second time that we _ to Beijing.A. go B. went C. have been D. have gone3. Its no good _ such a thing.A. do B. to do C. doing D. done,It + is +(high / about/really) time + that,从句,It / This / That +is /,was+the,first(second, third ) time + that,从句,It is no,use/no,good,/,useless doing,sth,.,其他一些,it,词组,make it,How is it going?,Its my turn.,Thats it.,cant help (it),成功;成功到了,情况怎样?,轮到我了,这就对了,就这样,没办法了,倒装句,倒装句,一、全部倒装的情况,情况,例句,1.,表示方向的副词,(here,,,there,,,up,,,down,,,in,,,out,,,back,,,off,,,away,,,over),、介词短语以及,now,,,thus,,,then,等引导的句子,主谓用全部倒装,In front of the house sat a lady in red.,特别提醒:当主语是人称代词时,即使表示方向的副词或介词短语放在句首,也不倒装。如:,Here he comes.,倒装句,情况,例句,2.,由,there be/appear/enter/come/exist/happen/lie/stand/live/remain/seem,等引导的句型,主谓用全部倒装,There stands an old building where I used to study.,3.,强调分词动作,用,“,分词,be,主语,”,结构,也属于全部倒装范畴,Gone are the days when we use the foreign oil.,倒装句,情况,例句,4.such,用作表语放在句首时,也用全部倒装,Such is what I want to remind you of.,5.as,表示,“,尽管、虽然,”,时,Try as he might,,,he couldn,t get the door open.,倒装句,二、使用部分倒装的情况,情况,例句,1.,含有否定的副词或连词放在句首,引起主谓部分倒装,Hardly had I concentrated on my work when he came in.,2.,“,only,介词,/,副词,/,从句,”,放在句首,引起主谓部分倒装,(,如果是,only,从句,则主句谓语部分倒装,),Only when I came near could I recognize that she was my mother.,倒装句,情况,例句,3.,由,so,,,neither,,,nor,引导的句子,表示某人,/,物也和前面提到的人,/,物情况相同,He was accused of robbing the woman,,,so was she.,4.not only.but also,用来连接两个并列句子时,紧接在,not only,后面的句子用部分倒装,Not only did he get exhausted,,,but also he got hurt.,倒装句,情况,例句,5.hardly.when,,,scarcely. when,,,no sooner.than,,,so.that,,,such.that,等引导的句子,第一句用部分倒装,Hardly had we spoken when he got in a word.,6.not until,引导的句子放在句首,引起主句谓语部分倒装,Not until my father died did I make up my mind to return home and stay with my mother for some time.,倒装句,情况,例句,7.,由,if,引导的虚拟语气的条件状语从句,如果助动词是,were,,,should,,,had,,可以省略,if,,然后用部分倒装,Had you required me to help you,,,I would have given you a hand.,Were I free,,,I would often visit my mother.,8.,由,often,,,always,,,once,,,now and then,,,many a time,,,every day,,,every other day,,,thus,等状语放在句首,引起主谓部分倒装,Many a time have I reminded you of him.,9.,表示祝愿的句子,Long live the friendship between our two countries,!,定语从句,定语从句,一、用什么词引导定语从句?,我们要判断到底使用关系代词还是关系副词,应先把先行词放回定语从句中,如果先行词在从句中充当主语、宾语或定语,则用关系代词“,that(,充当主语、宾语或表语,),,,who(,充当主语、宾语或表语,),,,whom(,充当宾语,),,,which(,充当主语、宾语或表语,),,,as(,充当主语、宾语或表语,),,,whose(,充当定语,)”,;如果充当状语,则用关系副词“,where,,,when,,,why”,等。,定语从句,He is the,man_never,gives in to difficulty.,我们将先行词“,the man”,放回定语从句中,则得出“,the man never gives in to difficulty.”,在这一句子中,“,the man”,在句中充当主语,因此不可能用关系副词,排除了填“,where,,,when,,,why”,的可能性;由于“,the man”,指代人,在句中又充当主语,因此也不可能用“,which,,,whom,,,whose”,;只有当先行词前面有“,such,,,the same”,时才能用“,as”,,因此,以上句子只能填“,that/who”,。,定语从句,二、在什么情况下一般只能用,that,引导定语从句?,情况,例句,先行词同时是人和物时,I still remember some people and things that were related to Miss Brown,,,who used to be monitor in our class.,先行词是不定代词:,all,,,any,,,anything,,,everything,,,few,,,little,,,much,,,none,等,Though I can,t remember everything that happened during the time in university.,定语从句,情况,例句,先行词前面有,all,,,any,,,every,,,little,,,much,,,no,,,some,,,the only,,,the very,修饰时,The exam is getting,near.There,is little time that we can make use of.,在以,which/who,为疑问词的特殊疑问句中,I want to know who the lady is that you referred to in your diary.,当主句以,there is/here is/it is,开头时,Here is a story that makes me remember Miss Brown until now.,定语从句,三、在什么情况下一般只能用,which,引导定语从句?,情况,例句,引导非限制性定语从句时,One afternoon,,,she and I arrived in New York,,,which we would look forward to.,定语从句,情况,例句,句子中同时有两个定语从句,其中一个已经用,that,引导时,There,,,she persuaded me to buy a grammar book that could offer me knowledge of grammar and a dictionary which I could look up the new words in.,先行词是物,紧接在介词后面时,We went to the biggest bookshop in which there were different kinds of books to be sold.,定语从句,四、如何区分,the same.as,和,the same.that?,“the same. as”,表示同一类人或物,如:,Miss Brown also bought the same books as I,did.“the,same.that”,指同一个人或物,例如:,He is the same person that you referred to.(,同一个人,),定语从句,五、在什么情况下,whose,和,of which,不能互换?,whose,和,of which,在用来指物时可以互换,如“,This is the room whose window (of which the window/the window of which) is broken.”,,但在下列情况下不能互换:,1,先行词是人时,只能用,whose,,不能用,of which,;,定语从句,2,of,不具有所属关系含义时,只能用,of which(,或,of whom),,不能用,whose,。,Its the first time the boy whose father is an engineer has paid a visit to our school.(,不能用,of which,替换,whose),She would like to read the novel of which a great number of people have heard.(,不能用,whose,替换,of which),定语从句,六、在什么情况下一般用,who,不用,that?,先行词是人称代词时,一般用,who,不用,that,。,He,,,who just heard the news of his fathers death,,,burst into tears.,定语从句,七、,way,后面的定语从句,way,后面的定语从句的引导词有,in which,,,that,或不填。,I recognized hes from Australia from the way in which (that/,不填,)he speaks.,定语从句,1,同位语从句和定语从句的区别,同位语从句是对其前面的词所表示的具体内容做进一步的解释或说明,定语从句则对其前面的词起到限定或修饰的作用;,that,用来引导同位语从句时不充当句子成分,用于引导定语从句则充当句子成分;用,when,,,where,,,why,引导同位语从句时,其前面的词不是相应的时间、地点、原因,而定语从句则必须是相应的时间、地点、原因。,定语从句,The suggestion that he come right now is,reasonable.(that,引导同位语从句,),The suggestion that you put forward is,reasonable.(that,引导定语从句,),定语从句,2,限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的区别,限制性定语从句对前面的先行词起到限制的作用,说话者强调的是定语从句的内容,如果去掉从句,原句意思就不完整;非限制性定语从句对前面的先行词只起到补充说明的作用,说话者强调的是主句的内容,去掉从句不影响说话者原来的意思;非限制性定语从句一般用逗号和主句隔开,限制性,定语从句,定语从句没有逗号和主句隔开;限制性定语从句的先行词不能是一个句子,非限制性定语从句的先行词可以是整个句子;,as,引导的非限制性定语从句可放在句首,也可放在主句之后,,which,引导的非限制性定语从句只能放在主句之后。,定语从句,(1)He is the only child in the family,,,who is always active in politics.,(2)He is the only child that doesnt lose heart easily.,(3)He will end up in prison,,,as everybody expects.,As everybody expects,,,he will end up in prison.,(4)He always comes late,,,which makes his teacher angry.,名词性从句,名词性从句,英语名词性从句由连词、连接代词和连接副词引导,按其作用与功能,分为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。,名词性从句,名词性从句的关联词,类别,关联词,备注,连接词,that,宾语从句中可以省略,其他从句中不可省略,if,,,whether,宾语从句中多可通用,其他从句中用,whether,名词性从句,类别,关联词,备注,连接,代词,who,,,whom,,,whose,,,what,,,which,,,whoever,,,whatever,连接副词,when,,,where,,,how,,,why,等。,名词性从句,1.,主语从句,(1),主语从句在句子中作主语。它可以放在主句谓语动词之前。,What he said sounded reasonable.,他所说的听起来是合理的。,(2),但多数情况由,it,作形式主语,而把主语从句放在主句之后。,It is very important that we should master at least two foreign languages.,我们起码应该掌握两种外语, 这一点很重要。,名词性从句,2.,宾语从句,宾语从句在句中作及物动词或介词的宾语。,We all know (,that)the,Earth is round.,Yao Ming will talk to us about what he saw in the USA.,名词性从句,【,注意,】,某些形容词或过去分词后常接宾语从句。这些形容词和过去分词常见的有:,afraid,,,certain,,,glad,,,happy,,,surprised,等。,I am not sure whether I can afford to buy the furniture.,名词性从句,宾语从句的否定转移:某些动词如,think,,,believe,,,expect,等,如果宾语从句的意思是否定句,常把否定转移到主句的谓语上。如“我认为他不会遵守诺言。”一句,在英语中应说:,I dont think he will keep his promise.,名词性从句,3,表语从句,表语从句位于主句中的系动词之后。,That is why he was absent from school yesterday.,That is where he once lived.,名词性从句,【,注意,】,连词,because,,,as if,也可以引导表语从句。,It looks as if it was going to snow.,It is because he was ill.,名词性从句,4,同位语从句,同位语从句跟在名词之后,进一步说明该名词的具体内容。常见的这类名词有:,fact,,,hope,,,idea,,,order,,,problem,,,belief,,,doubt,,,truth,,,suggestion,,,thought,,,question,等。,We all know the fact that he always tells lies.,名词性从句,I am glad and excited at the good news that Ive got the first prize for the competition.,听到我竞赛获得一等奖的消息,我既高兴又激动。,名词性从句,【,注意,】,引导同位语从句一般不使用连接代词。,如果主句的谓语太短,为了使句子平衡,常把同位语从句置于主句谓语之后。,The news came that the enemy soldiers were completely wiped out.,敌军被完全消灭的消息传来了。,状语从句,状态从句,状语从句就是在复合句里起状语作用的从句,修饰主句中的动词、形容词或副词等,可表示时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、让步、比较、方式、条件等。引导状语从句的连词叫从属连词。状语从句的位置可在句首,也可在句末。放在句首时,从句后面常用逗号与主句隔开;放在句末时,从句前面往往不用逗号。,状态从句,一、时间状语从句,1,普通类从属连词,引导时间状语从句的普通类从属连词有,when(,当,时,),,,while(,在,期间,),,,as (,当,,一边,一边,),,,before(,在,之前,),,,after(,在,之后,),,,since(,从,以来,),,,till/until(,直到,),,,whenever(,无论何时,),,,as soon as (,一,就,),等。,状态从句,When I went into the classroom,,,he was reading.,当我走进教室时,他正在看书。,Once time is gone,,,you will never get it back.,时光一去不复返。,状态从句,【,注意,】,在时间状语从句中,不能用一般将来时、过去将来时或将来完成时,而要用相应的一般现在时、一般过去时或现在完成时来代替。,Ill telephone you as soon as I get there.,我一到达那里就打电话给你。,Dont get off the bus until it has stopped.,等车停稳后再下车。,状态从句,2,含,time,的短语,可引导时间状语从句的,time,短语有,every time,,,each time,,,(the) next time,,,(the) last time,,,by the time,,,the first time,,,any time,等。,Every time I listen to music,,,Ill think of it.,每当我听音乐,我就想起这事。,状态从句,3,表示“一,就,”,除,as soon as,外,还有三类:名词型,the moment,,,the minute,,,the second,,,the instant,;副词型,immediately,,,directly,,,instantly,;句式型,no sooner.than.,,,hardly/scarcely.when.,。,The moment I saw him I knew that


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