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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,中考词汇复习,中考词汇复习,Enjoy a song!,Its been a long day without you my friend,没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长,And Ill tell you all about it when I see you again,与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有,Weve come a long way from where we began,回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程,Oh Ill tell you all about it when I see you again,与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有,When I see you again,与你重逢之时,How do you feel about the song!,Enjoy a song!Its been a long,Show your feeling!,Your life in junior high school is coming to the end.Well say goodbye two months later.There must be some good memories left in your mind.,Pairwork,Q1:How do you feel about your junior high school life?,Q2:What will you remember?,Feelings,Things&People,adj,n,Show your feeling!Your life in,How do you learn,new words,?,Groupwork,How do you learn new words?Gro,一,.,词音,(Pronunciation),1).,拼读音标,拼写单词,invait invent invitein invenn,_ _ _ _,2).,听力练习,补全句子,invite,invent,invitation,invention,一.词音(Pronunciation)1).拼读音标,Moving on,The end of school is here at last,It has come so very fast,We look ahead with such delight,The future looks so very,_,Its now time to say goodbye,Were all leaving,_,high,Other subjects,a new class,Different teachers and,_,to pass,For everyone in this hall,A new life,_,you all,So dont look sad and cry,Youre moving on,_,high,Other people,other places,Different schools,different,_,Please dont feel bad and grieve,On the day you take your,_,But,_,and raise your glass,And say goodbye to all your class,Moving on,Moving on,The end of school is here at last,It has come so very fast,We look ahead with such delight,The future looks so very,_,Its now time to say goodbye,Were all leaving,_,high,Other subjects,a new class,Different teachers and,_,to pass,For everyone in this hall,A new life,_,you all,So dont look sad and cry,Youre moving on,_,high,Other people,other places,Different schools,different,_,Please dont feel bad and grieve,On the day you take your,_,But,_,and raise your glass,And say goodbye to all your class,bright,junior,exams,waits,senior,faces,leave,celebrate,Moving on bright junior,二,.,词义,(Meaning),1).,名言警句,英译汉,1.All roads,lead to,Rome.,_,2.An apple a day,keeps,the doctor,away,.,_,3.,Still,waters run,deep,.,_,4.Nothing is,impossible,to a,willing,mind.,_,5.,Failure,is the mother of,success,.,_,二.词义(Meaning)1).名言警句,英译汉 1,二,.,词义,(Meaning),1.All roads,lead to,Rome.,条条大路通罗马。,2.An apple a day,keeps,the doctor,away,.,每,天一苹果,医生远离,我,。,3.,Still,waters run,deep,.,静水流深。,4.Nothing is,impossible,to a,willing,mind.,世上无难事,只怕有心人。,5.,Failure,is the mother of,success,.,失败乃成功之母。,1).,名言警句,英译汉,二.词义(Meaning)1.All roads lea,三,.,词形,(Form),1).,连接单词与词性,succeed,success,successful,successfully,adj,adv,v,n,三.词形(Form)1).连接单词与词性 succee,三,.,词形,(Form),2).,用,success,的适当形式填空,Some people _,while others may not.If you want to be _,you must be optimistic(,乐观的,).Then reading is another thing to _,you can learn about how other people have _,made their dreams come true.,succeed,successful,success,successfully,三.词形(Form)2).用success的适当形式填空,四,.,词性,(Part of speech),1).Chart:,辨别词性,归类单词,friendly,spend,across,relaxed,luckily,love,noise,spend,love,love,noise,friendly,relaxed,luckily,across,四.词性(Part of speech)1).Char,五,.,词组,(Phrase),(1).Match the meaning of the phrases.,look after,look at,look for,look up,look forward to,A.seek(,寻找,),B.take care of,C.seek information,in a book,D.anticipate(,期望,),with pleasure,E.examine carefully,五.词组(Phrase)(1).Match the m,Advice 1,Learning new words is like making new friends.,The more you meet them,the more you know about them,then the better you will use them.,Practice,makes perfect!,Advice 1 Learning new words,Advice 2,词不离句,句不离篇。,在篇章中,通读,上下文,把握词语的具体,语境,运用单词的,正确形式,!,Advice 2词不离句,句不离篇。,Gift giving is different from culture to culture and person to person.When giving gifts,sometimes color is important.For example,for many _(,中国的,)people around the world,red is a _(,幸运的,)color,and people often like to _(,包装,)gifts in this color.However,do you know that in South Korea,red is a color of _(,死亡,)?But our life is full of color,full of feeling.In western _(,国家,),the color of wrapping paper is not really important.But color does matter when giving flowers,_(,尤其地,)roses.You should not give red roses to a western person you don,t know very well because they are symbol of love.You could give yellow roses _(,代替,)as these are a symbol of _(,友谊,).You could also send pink roses as gifts to say,“,thank you,”,.,Passage 1,Gift giving is differ,Gift giving is different from culture to culture and person to person.When giving gifts,sometimes color is important.For example,for many _(,中国的,)people around the world,red is a _(,幸运的,)color,and people often like to _(,包装,)gifts in this color.However,do you know that in South Korea,red is a color of _(,死亡,)?But our life is full of color,full of feeling.In western _(,国家,),the color of wrapping paper is not really important.But color does matter when giving flowers,_(,尤其地,)roses.You should not give red roses to a western person you don,t know very well because th


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