情态动词 第一、二讲 情态动词can could用法

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*,*,*,*,情态动词:,can/could,用法归纳,英语讲师 高继英,考点透视,:,can/could,1.,表泛指能力,能够,,(,could have done,,过去本有能力做某事);,2,.,用在否定句、疑问句中表示推测,可能,一定;,(,can,t/couldn,t have,done,是对过去发生事情的否定推测,一定没有做过,),3,.,常与频度副词,sometimes、at times,等,连用,表示发生几率不大,可能;,4,.,构成常见的固定结构:,can,t help doing,情不自禁;,can,t help but do,只好做、不得不做,;,can,t,too/,enough,越,越好,再,也不为过。,典题直击:,can/could,用法(一),【,典题,】,1.,(,2013,湖南,)He _ sleep,although he tried,when he got on,such a hunt for an idea until he had caught it.,A.wouldn,t B.shouldn,t C.couldn,t D.mustn,t,2.(2011,四川,),The police still haven,t found the lost child,but they,re,doing all they _.,A.can B.may C.must D.should,典题直击:,can/could,用法(一),注意与,be able to,的区别,:,(1997,全国,),The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone,_ get out.,A.had to B.would C.could D.was able to,【,典题,】,1.(2012,北京,),We_ the difficulty together,but why didn,t you tell me?,A.should face B.might face,C.could have faced D.must have faced,2.(2005,山东,)He paid for a seat,when he _ have entered free.,典题直击:,can/could,用法(二),典题直击:,can/could,用法(三),【,典题,】,1.(,2013,天津,),No one_be more generous,;,he has a heart of gold.,A.could B.must C.dare D.need,2.(2011,江西,),It _ be the postman at the door.It,s only six,o,clock.,A.mustn,t B.can,t C.won,t D.needn,t,典题直击:,can/could,用法(四),【,典题,】,1.,(,2013,浙江,),I _ myself moreit was a perfect day.,A.shouldn,t have enjoyed B.needn,t have enjoyed,C.wouldn,t have enjoyed D.couldn,t have enjoyed,2.(2008,天津,),She_have left school,for her bike is still here.,A.can,t B.wouldn,t,C.shouldn,t,D.needn,t,典题直击:,can/could,用法(五),【,典题,】,1.(20,08,福建,),It is usually warm in my hometown in March,but it _ be,rather cold sometimes.,A.must B.can C.should D.would,2.(2005,浙江,),The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the,World Wide Wait because it_be very slow.,A.should B.must C.will D.can,【,归纳,】,can/could,用在肯定句中可以表示一种,发生几率不大的可能性,,,可以翻译为,“,有可能,”,,此时常与频度副词如,sometimes、at times,等连用。,典题直击:,can/could,用法(六),【,典题,】,(,2012,陕西,),I_ thank you too much for all your help to my son,while we were away from home.,A.won,t B.can,t C.can D.will,典题直击:,can/could,用法(七),【,典题,】,(,2003NMET)A left-luggage office is a place where bags _ be left for a,short time,especially at a railway station.,A.should B.can C.must D.will,能力突破,1.(2012,全国,II)I,m going to Europe on vacation together with John if I,_ find the money.,A.can B.might C.would D.need,2.(2012,江苏,),-Happy birthday!,-Thank you!It,s the best present I_for.,能力突破,4.(2013,四川,),Why are your eyes so red?You _have slept well last,night.,Yeah,I stayed up late writing a report.,A.can,t B.mustn,t C.needn,t D.won,t,备考指津,1.,历年高考中对情态动词,can/could,的考查较多,考点主要集中在它们的,基本用法和表示推测的用法上。,谢谢您的观看!,


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