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Unit 1 ArtLearning about language 1 Find the word or expression for each of the following meanings from the text. 1. _ excellent; splendid2. _ purpose; intention3. _ silly or unreasonable4. _ trust; strong belief5. _ easily noticed or understood6. _ traditionalsuperbaimridiculousfaithevidentconventionalDiscovering useful words and expressions 7. _ room or building for showing works of art8. _ based on general ideas rather than specific examples9. _ method of doing or performing something, especially in the arts or sciences10. _ the art of making figures, objects, etc out of stone, wood, clay, etcgalleryabstracttechniquesculpture 2 Complete the passage below using the words in the box in the correct form. predict, adopt, attempt, possess, by coincidence, a great deal, on the other hand ARE THOSE SUNFLOWERS A REALPAINTING BY VAN GOGH? The most popular art style in Western countries is Impressionism. Many people would love to _ an Impressionist painting and spend _ of money to own one. _ there are a lot of painters who can _ the art style of any famous Impressionist artist andpossessa great dealby coincidence adopt produce unknown “masterpieces”. One such painter, Otto Wacker, _ to make a lot of money quickly and painted lots of “masterpieces” in the style of Van Gogh. Many were considered to be Von Goghs own work by important art critics. On the one hand some of them were discovered. _ some famous art critics wonder if there are many attemptedOn the other hand other “masterpieces” hanging on gallery walls. As a man looking after Van Goghs paintings said: I would not be surprised if the number (of “masterpieces”) grows to more than 200.” So who can _ where and when the next “masterpiece” will be discovered? predict Pandora opened her box Whats left in the box? vIf she had been warned of danger, would she have opened the box?misfortuneshope Life is not based on “ifs”.Many people are not happy because they base their life on “ifs”.If I had a million dollars, ObjectiveYou need to understand that, in conditional sentences:1 The situation is not real; it is hypothetical2 Hypothetical situations are expressed using the subjunctive mood. If you could have three of these paintings on the walls of your classroom, which would you choose?Have you ever wished you could paint as well as a professional artist?If you were an artist, what kind of pictures would you paint?Lets look at the following sentences. What would you rather do paint pictures, make sculptures, or design buildings? Why?If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures. Without the new paints and the new technique, we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous., but without the Impressionists, many of these painting styles might not exist. These are the sentences that use subjunctive mood from the text. Statement:Pair work Question: Answer:If you got the chance to talk to the president, what would you say? If I got the chance to talk to the president, I would ask him to The food in our school canteen is terrible. Statement:Pair work Question: Answer:The girl eats very little to lose weight. If you were the girl, what would you do? If I were , I would Statement:Pair work Question: Answer:What would you do if your father appeared in the net bar? If my father My father doesnt allow me to go to the net bar. Statement:Pair work Question: Answer:Who beat the tough guy? Nobody.Had the Spiderman been here, he could have beaten the tough guy. Statement:Pair work Question: Answer:Can he fly? No, he cant.The actor wishes he could fly like a bird. Statement:Pair work Question: Answer:Whats the fact? The sunlight will be with us forever.Should there be no sunlight, there would be no life. Statement:Pair work Question: Answer:What does it mean in Chinese? (法 律 /法 规 ) 要 求 我 们 采取 措 施 保 护孩 子 。It is required that we (should) take action toprotect the children. real conditionals unreal conditionals Five “if clauses” below: tell the differences 1. If a child buys these toys, he or she will learn nothing.2. If I were you, I would take an umbrella. 3. She wouldnt have opened the box, if she had been warned of danger.4. If I were to be reborn, I would be a musician.5. Sales of products fall if prices rise. Subjunctive moodGrammar一 、 语 气 的 分 类英 语 的 动 词 一 般 可 带 三 种 不 同 的 语 气 : 陈 述 语 气 、 祈 使 语 气 和 虚 拟 语 气 。不 同 的 语 气 用 动 词 的 不 同 形 式 来 表 示 。 虚 拟 语 气 的 特 点n 1. 虚 拟 语 气 用 以 表 示 假 定 , 想 象 , 愿 望 等非 事 实 的 观 念 。n 2. 虚 拟 条 件 从 句 中 的 条 件 是 假 设 的 , 因 此主 句 的 结 论 也 只 能 是 想 象 的 , 非 事 实 的 。n 3. 这 些 特 点 决 定 了 它 必 须 使 用 不 同 于 真 实句 的 动 词 形 式 。 陈 述 语 气I went to the theatre yesterday.Jack hadnt come back home yet. 祈 使 语 气Lets go.Dont touch anything on the table until the bell rings. 关 于 陈 述 语 气 1 What will you do if it rains tomorrow? I will stay at home if it rains tomorrow. 关 于 陈 述 语 气 2 关 于 祈 使 语 气 1 关 于 祈 使 语 气 2 关 于 祈 使 语 气 3 关 于 祈 使 语 气 4 虚 拟 语 气If I were you, I would not leave her alone.Our teacher suggested that we go to the library this afternoon. 条 件从 句 If 从 句 的 谓 语 形式 主 句 的 谓 语 形 式现 在过 去未 来 V+ ed (were)had done would/could/should/might +V (原 )would/could/should/might+have+p.p.1. V. + ed.2. should+ V.(原 )3. were to do would/could/should/might +V.(原 )一 、 虚 拟 语 气 在 条 件 状 语 从 句 中 的 用 法 如 果 现 在 不 下 雨 的 话 , 我 们 就 出 去 野 餐 了 。 If it were not raining, we should go for a picnic.如 果 他 来 这 儿 , 他 就 能 够 帮 助 你 了 。If he came here, he might be able to help you. 要 是 当 初 她 被 邀 请 的 话 , 她 就 会 去 参 加这 次 聚 会 了 。 She would have gone to the party if she had been invited. 今 天 早 上 , 她 要 是 不 叫 我 的 话 , 我 就 会睡 过 头 了 。 If she hadnt called me, I would have overslept this morning. 明 年 我 要 是 二 十 岁 , 我 就 会 学 法 语 。 If I were to be twenty years old next year, I would take the course of French.要 是 失 败 了 , 我 会 再 试 一 次 。If it should fail, I would try again. 1. 如 果 你 早 来 5分 钟 ,你 就 赶 上 这 趟 车 了 。If you _ here five minutes earlier, you _ the bus.2. 如 果 我 现 在 不 忙 ,我 就 来 帮 你 了 。If I _ not busy, I _ you now.3. 如 果 明 天 下 雪 了 ,我 们 怎 么 办 ?What _ we do if it _tomorrow?had gotwere would helpshould were to snowwould have caught If I _ busy last night,I _ to see thefilm with you.had not beenwould have gone If he _ more carefully,he _ the car accident yesterday. would not have had had driven If I _(know) your telephone number, I _ (telephone) you yesterday.had knownwould have telephoned 二 、 虚 拟 语 气 特 殊 句 型 :1. wish 的 宾 语从 句 现 在 : 过 去 时 (were)过 去 : 过 去 完 成 时 (had done)未 来 : would/could/might +V.(原 ) should 我 现 在 要 是 年 轻 十 岁 就 好 了 。I wish I were ten years younger now.我 昨 天 要 是 遇 见 他 就 好 了 。I wish I had met him yesterday.我 希 望 成 为 一 名 科 学 家 。I wish I would be a scientist. I wish I were as tall as Yao Ming. I wish I were a bird. I wish every day were my birthday. I wish/wished I hadnt eaten so much watermelon. 表 示 对 过 去 情 况 的 虚 拟 : 从 句 动词 常 用 “ had 过 去 分 词 ” 。 The party was terrible, I wish I had never gone to it. I wish it would rain tomorrow. 2. would rather that 现 在 :过 去 :未 来 : I would rather you paid me now. I would rather I hadnt come yesterday. I would rather you came tomorrow.过 去 时过 去 时过 去 完 成 时 3. as if /though + 从句 现 在 :过 去 : 过 去 时过 去 完 成 时 She loves the baby as if it were her own son. I remember the whole thing as if it had happened yesterday. 他 们 就 像 多 年 的 朋 友 一 样 交 谈 。They talked as if they had been friends for years. 他 看 上 去 像 是 醉 了 。He looks as if he were drunk. 她 看 起 来 似 乎 是 冰 做 的 。She looked as if she were made of ice. 我 们 该 去睡 觉 了 。4. Its (about/high) time +that 过 去 时 (were)should(不 省 ) +V.你 该 走 了 。 Its high time that you went.Its high time that you were going.Its high time that you should go.Its time that we went to bed.Its time that we should go to bed. 5. 表 示 要 求 、 命 令 、 建 议 的 虚 拟 语 气 。 使 用should + 动 词 原 形 , 或 者 将 should省 略 。常 见 动 词 : 一 个 坚 持 , 两 个 命 令 , 三 个 建 议 , 四 个 要 求 。 即1) insist 2) order, command 3) advise, suggest, propose4) demand, require, request, ask I suggest that we (should) hold a meeting next week.He insisted that he (should) be sent there.注 意 : 如 suggest, insist不 表 示 “建 议 ” 或 “坚 持 要 某 人 做 某 事 时 ”, 即 它 们 用 于其 本 意 “暗 示 、 表 明 ”、 “坚 持 认 为 ”时 , 宾 语 从 句 用 陈 述 语 气 。 1) The guard at gate insisted that everybody _ (obey) the rules.2) He insisted that she _ (be) seriously ill and that _ (send) to hospital at once.obey wasbe sent3) He suggested that we _ (have) a meeting at once.4) His pale face suggested that he _ (be) ill. have was 以 上 动 词 相 应 的 名 词 构 成 的 名 词 性 从 句包 括 主 语 从 句 、 表 语 从 句 和 同 位 语 也 要使 用 虚 拟 语 气 , 从 句 中 的 动 词 形 式 为(should) + 动 词 原 形order, advice, suggestion, proposal, demand, request 6. Its necessary/strange/natural/ important/pity/no wonder/impossible + that 从 句 , 从 句 中 的 动 词 要 用 虚 拟 , 即 (should) +动 词 原 形 我 们 掌 握 一 门 外 语 是 非 常 重 要 的 。It is important that we (should) master a foreign language. 很 奇 怪 她 竟 然 拒 绝 来 参 加 聚 会 。 It is strange that she refuse to come to the party. 我 们 有 必 要 努 力 学 习 。Its necessary that we should study hard. 7. 虚 拟 语 气 用 于 If only 引 导 的 感 叹 句 中 ,“ 要 是 就 好 了 ”If only I were a flying bird!= How I wish I were a flying bird!要 是 我 看 过 那 部 电 影 就 好 了 !If only I had seen the film!=How I wish I had seen the film! 8. 在 含 有 If it were not for或 If it had not been for 条 件 句 的 虚 拟 语 气 中 。nIf it were not for the rain, the crops would die. 要 不 是 你 的 帮 助 , 我 们 就 不 可 能 提 前 完 成 任 务 。If it had not been for your help, we couldnt have finished the work ahead of time.= But for your help= Without your help= Had it not been for your help, 9. 混 合 型 的 条 件 句 当 条 件 从 句 与 主 句 所 表 的 时 间 不 一 致 时 , 虚 拟 语 气 的 形 式 应 作 相 应 的 调 整 。 主 句 和 从 句 的 谓 语 动 词 并 不 相 互 呼 应 , 这 种 条 件 句 叫 混 合 条 件 句 。 较 多 见 的 混 合 型 条 件 句 是 从 句 用 过 去 完 成 时 ( 指 过 去 行 为 ) , 而 主 句 用 一 般 时 ( 指 目 前 状 态 ) 。 如 果 他 听 了 我 的 劝 告 , 他 现 在 会 通 过 考 试 。He would pass the test if he had taken my advice. 假 如 昨 天 我 对 他 说 了 , 现 在 我 就 知 道 该 怎 么办 了 。If I had spoken to him yesterday, I should know what to do now. 假 如 我 是 你 , 我 当 时 就 不 会 打 破 那 杯 子 。 If I were you, I would not have broken the glass. 10. 连 词 if的 省 略 如 果 虚 拟 条 件 句 的 谓 语 部 分 有 were, had和 should时 , 可 省 略 if, 把 were, had 和 should放 到 从 句 主 语 前 面 去 , 多 见 于 书 面 语 。 要 是 没 有 你 的 帮 助 , 我 就 失 败 了 。 Had you not helped me, I should have failed. 假 如 你 处 在 我 的 地 位 , 你 也 会 这 样 干 的 。 Were you in my position, you would do the same. 假 如 他 们 进 攻 我 们 , 我 们 就 把 他 们 彻 底 消 灭 干 净 。 Should they attack us, well wipe them out completely. 11.in case, for fear that “以 防 , 以 免 ”He took his raincoat with himin case it should rain.=He took his raincoat with him for fear that it should rain. 他 带 上 了 雨 衣 , 以 防 下 雨 . 12. 某些简单句的固定句型: Heaven help him! God bless you! May you succeed! Long live the Peoples Republic of China! 1. _ he come, the problem would be settled. A. would B. should C. shall D. if 2. _, man could not live at all. A. were it not for the sun B. if it was for the sun C. had it not been for the sun D. if it shouldnt be for the sun B A 3. _. Everything would have been all right. A. he had been here B. here he had been C. been here he had D. had he been here 4. _ fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off. A. would you be B. should you be C. could you be D. might you be D B 错 综 时 间 条 件 句 。 即 假 设 条 件 从 句 谓 语 动 词发 生 的 时 间 与 主 句 所 假 设 的 谓 语 动 词 不 一 致 。主 句 和 从 句 的 谓 语 动 词 要 根 据 各 自 的 时 间 而 定 。* 近 几 年 各 类 考 试 中 常 见 的 试 题 类 型 :If the United States had built more homes for poor people in 1955, the housing problems now in some parts of this country _ so serious.A. wouldnt be B. will not have beenC. wouldnt have been D. would have not beenA 如 果 你 采 纳 了 我 的 建 议 , 你 现 在 就 会 好 得 多 。 If you had followed my advice, you would be better now.如 果 你 之 前 努 力 学 习 了 , 你 现 在 就 是 一 名 大 学生 , 四 年 后 就 会 大 学 毕 业 了 。If you had studied hard before, you would be a college student now, and you would graduate from a college in four years time. 假 设 条 件 虚 拟 倒 装 。 条 件 从 句 中 有 should, were, had三 个 助 动 词 , 可 以 把 if 省 略 , 并 将 这三 个 词 提 至 句 首 。_ she a man, she might be elected president.A. If were B. Were C. Be D. IsB If I had time, I would come. If it should rain tomorrow, we would not go climbing.Had I time, I would come.Should it rain tomorrow, we would not go climbing. 含 蓄 虚 拟 条 件 句 。 句 中 有 without, or, otherwise, but for等 词 隐 含 某 种 假 设 。I lost your address, otherwise I_ you long before.A. had visited B. have visited C. would have visited D. should visitC 没 有 你 的 帮 助 , 我 们 就 不 会 实 验 成 功 。Without your help, we couldnt have succeeded in the experiment.要 不 是 这 场 雨 , 我 们 就 完 成 工 作 了 。But for the rain, we would have finished the work. 常 见 的 几 种 固 定 句 式 。如 If only, insist, suggest 及 Its time/necessary/important that 从 句 等 等 。If only I _ to my parents advice!A. listening B. listen C. am listening D. had listenedHis silence at the meeting suggested that he _ to your plan.A. shouldnt agree B. wouldnt agree C. hadnt agreed D. didnt agreeD D The old professor gave orders that the experiment _ before 6. A. was finished B. will finish C. be finished D. shall be finishedIts high time he _ home.A. goes B. went C. will go D. is going to goEven if he _(be) here, he couldnt solve the problem.A. was B. were C. be D. is C B B The volleyball match will be put off if it _.A. will rain B. rains C. rained D. is rained解 析 : 真 实 条 件 句 主 句 为 将 来 时 , 从 句 用 一 般 现 在 时 。 B 1. Everything _ if Albert hadnt called the fire brigade (消 防 队 ).A. will be destroyed B. will have been destroyed C. would be destroyed D. would have been destroyed Quiz I: Multiple choice. A. were to sink B. has sunk C. was sinking D. sunk2. I _ you some money, but I hadnt any on me then.A. would lend B. would have lent C. could lend D. may have lent3. Supposing this ship _, do you think there would be enough life jackets for all the passengers? 4. Are you thinking about going to Hangzhou for the vacation? No, but if I _ time, I _ very glad to go there.A. have, will be B. had had, would have been C. had, would be D. had had, would be 5. Sally finally got here from Chicago. If she _ earlier, we _ her to the party then.A. came, would take B. had come, would have taken C. comes, will take D. had come, would take 1. 要 是 你 准 备 功 课 再 仔 细 一 点 的 话 , 你 就能 通 过 考 试 了 。 If you had prepared your lessons more carefully, you could have passed the exam.2. 要 是 那 场 飓 风 发 生 在 晚 上 的 话 , 将 会 有更 多 的 人 死 亡 。 If that hurricane had happened at night, there would have been more deaths.Quiz II: Translation. 3. I wish I _ (和 你 在 一 起 ) yesterday.4. _ _ (如 果 他 按 照 我 告 诉 他 的 办 法 订 票 ), we would have had quite a comfortable journey.5. I might have made the speech _ _ (要 不 是 有 人 把 我 的 话 打 断 了 ).had been with youIf he had booked tickets in the way I told him if I had not been interrupted 1. You didnt let me drive. If we _ (drive) in turn, you _ (not get) so tired.2. _ it _(not be) for your help, I couldnt have made any progress.had drivenwouldnt have gotHad not beenQuiz III: Fill in the blanks with the verbs given in the brackets in their proper forms. 3. If he _ (be) my teacher, I _ (be) happy.4. _ it _ (rain) tomorrow, the match would be called off. wereWere / Should to rain / rainwould be 5. Most of the students felt rather disappointed at the English party. They said that it _ _ (organize) better.6. Jean doesnt want to work right away because she thinks that if she _ (get) a job, she probably wouldnt be able to see her friends very often. could have been/ should get / gotwere to getorganized 7. Much labour would have been saved if electronic computer _ (invent) before.8. Well done, Jack! Thanks. But given more time, I _ (do) it better.had been inventedcould / would / might have done Magic LanternMagic BrushTime MachineDiscussion:What would you do if you had a ? Homework1. Remember the rules of Subjunctive mood.2. Do Exercises 2, 3 on page 5.


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