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Unit7 Will people have robots? Be going to +VWill +V What will you be in the future? I will be a teacher. What will you be in the future? I will be a/an a pilot an engineer A doctor A basketball player A painter Where will you work?I will work in Hawaii Beijing Paris Will you be a /an ?Yes, I will. No, I wont. Ill be A doctor A basketball player A painter Will you work in?Yes, I will.Hawaii Beijing ParisNo, I wont. I will work in e.g. The little girl can even recite the article. 小 女 孩 甚 至 还 能 背 诵 这 篇 文 章 。1. even adv. 甚 至 ; 连 ; 愈 加2. human adj. 人 的 n. 人 e.g. A human can think and talk, but an animal cant. 人 能 思 考 、 说 话 , 但 动 物 不 能 。 e.g. My aunt is already fifty, but she looks very young. 我 姑 姑 早 已 五 十 岁 了 , 但 她 看 起 很 年 轻 。3. already adv. 已 经 ; 早 已 4. dangerous adj. 有 危 险 的 ; 不 安 全 的e.g. Some animals are in great danger. 一 些 动 物 处 于 极 大 的 危 险 中 。名 词 danger +后 缀 ous dangerous Lions are dangerous animals. 狮 子 是 危 险 的 动 物 。 fall down 突 然 倒 下 ; 跌 倒 ; 倒 塌 5. factory n. 工 厂e.g. There will be more factories in the future. 将 来 会 有 更 多 的 工 厂 。e.g. The house might fall down in a few months. 几 个 月 内 这 所 房 屋 也 许 就 会倒 塌 。6. fall v. (fell/ fel/) 倒 塌 ; 跌 倒 ; 掉 落 前 缀 (dis) + agree (同 意 )disagree7. disagree v. 不 同 意 ; 持 不 同 意 见 ; 有 分 歧e.g. My father agrees, but my mother disagrees. 我 爸 爸 同 意 , 但 我 妈 妈 不 同 意 。 believe sb. 相 信 某 人 说 的 话believe + that 从 句8. believe v. 相 信 ; 认 为 有 可 能e.g. I believe that you can finish the work on time. 我 相 信 你 会 按 时 完 成 工 作 。 e.g. What is the shape of your kite? 你 的 风 筝 是 什 么 形 状 的 ?9. shape n. 形 状10. hundreds of 许 多 ; 大 量 = lots of【 辨 析 】具 体 数 字 + hundred 如 : three hundred 三 百e.g. There are hundreds of flags in front of the building. 在 那 个 高 楼 前 有 很 多 旗 帜 。 11. over and over again 反 复 地 ; 多 次 还 可 以 说 over and overe.g. They sang the song over and over. 他 们 反 复 地 唱 那 首 歌 。 He called over and over again but nobody answered. 他 多 次 打 电 话 但 没 有 人 接 。 12. possible adj. 可 能 的 ; 可 能 存 在 或 发 生(前 缀 )im+ possible impossible 不 可 能 的e.g. Do you think its possible to beat them? 你 认 为 战 胜 他 们 有 可 能 吗 ? To cross this river seems impossible. 穿 过 这 条 河 中 似 乎 不 可 能 。 Think about our future future worldschool life daily lifescience cityHow will the world be different in thefuture, 100 years from now? People will have robots in their homes.A: Will people have robots in their homes?B: Yes,they will. / No,they wont. I thinkI dont think A:Will people live to be 200 years old? B:Yes, they will./No, they wont.live to be +基 数 词 “ 活 到 多 少 岁 ”People will live to be 200 years old.I thinkI dont think People wont use money. Everything will be free.A: Will people use money?B: No,they wont. Because everything will be free. Kids wont go to school. They will study at home on computers.In 100 yearsA: Will kids go to school in?B: No,they wont. Because they will study at home on computers. In 100 yearsBooks will only be on computers,not on paper.A: Will books only be on paper in?B: No,they wont. Because they will be on computers. 大 胆 畅 想 未 来lets predict our futures 感 冒 时 , 特 殊 的 机 器 会 照 看 你 的 鼻 子 。After 100 years, special devices will automatically take care of your runny nose when you are ill. 如 果 你 要 去 其 他 国 家 , 你 可 以 自 己 开 车 去 。After 100 years, if you want to go to another country, youll be able to drive there. 四 条 腿 的 裤子 保 证 你 随时 随 地 可 以休 息 。After 100 years, the four-legged jeans will make sure you have a place to sit everywhere you go. By the year 3000, you wont carry a backpack. It will carry you. By the year 3000, cars will always have to stop for stop signs. By the year 3000, your computer will punish you if you type something nasty( 肮 脏 的 ) . In the future, youll save time by having a robot make you exercise while you sleep. 直 升 机 式 的 帽 子 可 以 快 速 地带 你 到 达 目 的 地 衣 服 能 自 动 换 成 时 新 样 式 People will have robots in their homes.Yeah!in the future What do they look like?They look like humans. What do they look like?They look like humans. What do they look like ?They look like snakes. What does it look like?It looks like a dog. This robot looks like a huge arm. What can the robots do?speak do exercise run cook play the piano There are some other robots, what can they do ?Play football dance Play the pianowhat can they do ? talk This robot is very strangeWhat can it do ? Explore(探 险 ) the universe( 宇 宙 ) What will robots do for us in the future? What can robots do? shapeshumanssnakehuge arm dogdo homeworkplay with people play footballlook for peopledo unpleasant jobswalk and dance talk Language Goal:Make predictions more trees more water 可 数 名 词more + 不 可 数 名 词 less meatless + 不 可 数 名 词fewer peoplefewer + 可 数 名 词 manymoremost muchmoremost fewfewerfewest littlelessleast修 饰 可 数 名 词 ( C N) 修 饰 不 可 数 名 词 ( U N) 1) 用 more, less, fewer 填 空 。 1.We plant trees every year, there will be _ trees.2. If we waste water, there will be _ water. 3.If every family has a baby, there will be _ people. 4. There will be _ robots everywhere, and humans will have _ work to do. morelessmoreless fewer “ 在 之 后 ” 的 表 达 “ in与 after+时 间 ” 都 可 表 示 “ 在 之后 ” 。 当 它 们 用 于 一 般 将 来 时 态 时 , in后接 “ 时 间 段 ” , after后 接 “ 时 间 点 ” 。 1. Hell come back in three years. 他 三个 小 时 以 后 回 来 。 2. Hell come back after three oclock. 他 三 点 钟 以 后 回 来 。 3、 不 可 数 名 词 , 意 为 “ 钱 , 金 钱 ” 。可 用 : much, some, any, a lot of 等 修 饰 。纸 币硬 币 paper moneycoin small money = change零 钱ready money= cash 现 金 earn / make money 赚 钱 bank money 把 钱 存 入 银 行 save money 攒 钱 5、 live to be + 基 数 词 + years old 活 到 岁adj. 活 着 的 .置 于 名 词 之 前 , 作 定 语 。在 世 的 .常 作 表 语 , 但 偶 尔 也 作 后置 定 语 或 补 语 。活 着 的 .常 作 定 语 , 也 可 以 作 表语 , 作 表 语 时 相 当 于 alive。活 泼 的 , 有 生 气 的 .既 可 以 作 定 语 ,又 可 以 作 表 语 。6、 辨 析 live, alive, living和 lively。 . 根据要求完成句子 There will be a sports meeting this weekend. (改为同义句) There _ _ _ be a sports meeting this week.2. I think Sally will be a doctor in five years.( 对 画 线 部 分 提 问 ) _ _ you think Sally _ _ in five years?is going towhat dowill be 3. There will be fewer people in 100 years. (改 为 一 般 疑 问 句 ) _ there _ fewer people in 100 years?4. There wont be any paper money. (改 为 同 义 句 ) There will be _ _money.5. My classmates often help me learn English. (改 为 同 义 句 ) My classmates often _ me _ my English.will belittle paperhelpwith 1. Are you _ your winter holiday next week? A. going to have B. will have C. had D. have2. Do you often _ from your parents? A. heard B. hears C. to hear D. hear3. _ Lucy _ her homework in her room now? A. Is, doing B. Does, do C. Do, do D. Did, do4. She dances better than Mary _. A. is B. has C. does D. danceA D A C 单 项 选 择 5. Mary usually _ up at five oclock. A. will get B. got C. get D. gets6. They _ four English classes a week last term. A. has B. have C. had D. are having7. A bird can _ but I cant. A. flies B. flying C. flew D. fly8. They _ to see me yesterday evening. A. will come B. comes C. are coming D. cameD C D D 9. Were moving to a different town _. A. the day before yesterday B. last Sunday C. the day after tomorrow D. a week ago10. Look! The monkeys _ the tree. A. climb B. are climbing C. is climbing D. were climbing11. -When _ you _ to Australia? -Next Monday. A. did, fly B. will, fly C. are, fly D. do, fly12. Which team _ the next football match? A. wins B. won C. will win D. winC B B C Do you think you will have your own robots?Lets predict our future! robot In 100 years, people will have robots in their homes.In 100 years, there will be robots in our homes. We wont use any paper money There wont be any paper money. Books will only be on computers, not on paper.There will only be books on computers, not on paper. A B. C default.12 + =? 。 。 。Kids wont go to school. Theyll study at home on computers.There wont be a school. We wont have a school. Language Goal:Make predictions In 100 yearsA: Will people use the subways less?B: Yes,they will. / No,they wont. People will use the subways less. A: _?In 100 yearsWill there be more people inB: Yes,there will. A: Will there be fewer people in?B: No,there wont. _There will be more people. In 100 yearsA: _?B: _. Will there be more cars in Yes,there will / No,there wont. In 100 years A: _?B: _. In 100 years Will there be more trees in Yes,there willNo,there wont. In 100 years be going to + V原 形1)以 人 为 主 语 , 表 示 计 划 、 打 算 去 做 某 事 , 这 种计 划 和 打 算 往 往 是 事 前 就 有 的 。e.g. She is going to leave tomorrow.There is going to be a football match after class.2) 表 示 人 根 据 已 有 的 事 实 和 迹 象 , 认 为 某 事 。即 将 发 生 . 如 : Its going to rain. Grammar Focus一 般 将 来 时 The simple future tense 1.概 念 : ( 1) 表 示 将 要 发 生 的 动 作 或 存 在 的 状 态 。 We will go to see him tomorrow. 我 们 明 天 来 看 他 。 ( 2) 表 示 将 来 经 常 或 反 复 发 生 的 动 作 。 From now on, I will come every day. 从 现 在 起 , 我 每 天 都 来 。 肯 定 句否 定 句一 般 疑 问 句特 殊 疑 问 句主 语 + will +V原 形主 语 + will +not + V原 形Will +主 语 + V原 形特 殊 疑 问 词 + 一 般 疑 问 句2. 基 本 句 型简 略 回 答 Yes, I will. No, I wont. (注 意 缩 写 形 式 ) Will 句 式 总 结肯 定 否 定 一 般 疑 问 句 回 答I will have many toys. I wont have many toys. Will I have many toys? Yes, I will. No, I wont.He will do a good job. He wont do a good job Will he do a good job Yes, he will. No, he wont.There will be more people. There wont be more people. Will there be more people? Yes, there will. No, there wont. They will be happy. They wont be happy. Will they be happy? Yes, they will. No, they wont. 3. Will 表 示 将 来 时 态 , 其 后 常 跟 的 时 间 状 语tomorrow 明 天 next week 下 周next year 明 天 before 不 久next month 下 个 月 soon 不 久the day after tomorrow 后 天the year after next 后 年the week after next 下 下 周 注 意 :Will 常 用 于 第 二 、 三 人 称 , 但 在 口 语 中 各 种人 称 都 可 以 用 will。否 定 式 : will not = wont 一 般 将 来 时 The simple future tense There be 的 一 般 将 来 时 , 表 示 : 将 来 存 在 有( 1) 肯 定 句 : there will be e.g. There will be more people. There will be fewer trees.( 2) 否 定 句 : there wont be e.g. There wont be more papers. There wont be more buildings. . 用 一 般 将 来 时 填 空 。 (借 助 will)1. I _ (visit) my uncle tomorrow.2. There _ (be) a football match in our school next week.3. He _ (help) you with your English this evening.4. They _(play) soccer if it doesnt rain.5. We _ (have) a meeting tomorrow. will visit will be will helpwill playwill have . 翻 译 句 子1. 你 认 为 人 们 的 家 里 会 有 机 器 人 吗 ? Do _ _ there will be robots _ _ homes?2. 人 们 将 活 到 150岁 。 People _ _ _ _150 years old.3. 我 认 为 她 会 当 医 生 。 I think she _ _ a doctor.you think in peoples will live to be will be 4. 你 住 哪 儿 ? 我 住 在 北 京 。 _ _ _ _? I live in Beijing.5.他 反 复 看 她 的 来 信 。 He read her letter _ _ _ _.6.等 了 很 长 一 段 时 间 后 他 厌 烦 了 。 He _ _ after he waited for long. over and over again got boredWhere do you live . 完成句子1. 凯蒂不能参加运动会了。 Kitty _ _ _ _take part in the sports meeting.2. 昨天有好几百人来我们学校参观。 _ _ people came to visit our school yesterday.3. 彼得在上海找到了一份工作,他不得不在那里独自 生活。Peter finds a job in Shanghai, so he has to _there_.Hundreds ofis not able tolive alone 4. 我 们 家 乡 的 污 染 没 有 以 前 严 重 了 。 There is _ _ in our hometown than before.5. 十 年 后 你 会 是 什 么 样 子 ? How _ _ _ _ in ten years?less pollutionWill you be like .单 项 选 择 1.The next time you see Nikos, he _ sixteen years old. A. will be B. is C. was D. will 2.Margot_computer science last year. A. studies B. studied C. will study D. is studying 3.In ten years, John_ an astronaut. A. is B. will be C. was D. will AB B 4. How many people_ there fifty years ago. A. will B. were C. are D. will be 5. In AD 20 000,what_the world be like? A. is B. will C. was D. are 6.There is_ meat but_ cakes on the plate. Please have one. A. a little; a few B. a few; a little C. few; little D. little; a few DBD 7.There is very _on this street. A. few traffics B. little traffics C. few traffic D. little traffic 8.What is your favorite 21st century prediction ? I predict there will be _leisure time. A. many B. few C. fewer D. less D D


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