单元主题写作七 规章制度

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单元主题写作七,整 体 感 知,实 例 分 析,单元主题写作七,整 体 感 知,话题分析,本单元的话题是,“,规章制度,”,。通过学习,使学生能够针对规章制度表达自己的观点,在日常生活中遵守规则,同时培养自己辨别是非的能力;学会运用,should/shouldnt be allowed to do sth.,结构,掌握表示赞同或反对观点的表达方式。,单元主题写作七,常用表达,1,I think twelveyearolds should be allowed to choose their own clothes.,2,Students shouldnt be allowed to have parttime jobs.,3,He should stop wearing that silly earring.,4,Parents should not be too strict with teenagers.,5,But sometimes these hobbies can get in the way of their schoolwork.,6,I am serious about running.,7,Smoking is not allowed in public.,实 例 分 析,单元主题写作七,典型例题,下面我们就结合实例加以分析。,最近你和父母针对,“,青少年该不该在周末与朋友外出,”,进行了讨论。请根据下列表格中的信息提示,以,“,Should teenagers go out with friends on weekends,?”,为题,写一篇,80,词左右英语短文。,单元主题写作七,Your parents ideas,Your ideas,1.go over lessons,2,have a good sleep,3,help parents do housework,1.,2,3,单元主题写作七,思路点拨,单元主题写作七,连句成篇,Should teenagers go out with friends on weekends?,Recently Ive had a discussion with my parents about whether teenagers should _ with friends on weekends.My parents think that teenagers should _ on weekends.They should _ their lessons.And they could have enough time to have a good sleep.They also think teenagers should help parents do some _ on weekends.,go,out,stay,at,home,go,over,housework,单元主题写作七,In my opinion,we teenagers should _ to go out with friends for fun on weekends,so we can relax more.And we can also share ideas with each other.Whats more,we can also take some exercise together to _.,be,allowed,keep,fit,单元主题写作七,自我展示,假如你是某班的班长,班主任让你明天早上在班上讲一下班级管理制度,请按以下要点写一篇,80,词左右的发言稿。,内容要点:,1.,上学要穿校服,服装整洁;,2,不迟到早退;,3,保持教室清洁;,4,课前要有准备。,元贝驾考网,http:/ 科目一 科目三 仿真试题,单元主题写作七,One,possible,version,:,Good morning,class!,Now I will tell you our class rules.First,we must wear school uniforms at school.Our clothes should be clean and tidy.Second,we are not allowed to be late for class or leave school before it is over.Third,its our duty to keep our classroom clean.So from today on,we will take turns to clean the classroom every day.Finally,in order to have good results,its necessary for us to get things ready for class before it starts.All the rules are necessary for everyone if you want to stay in a good class and learn something here.Lets work together to make our class a good one.,Thank you!,单元语法聚焦七,语 法 点 击,实 战 演 练,单元语法聚焦七,语 法 点 击,含有情态动词的被动语态,1,结构:情态动词,be,及物动词的过去分词。如:,Teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends.,应该允许青少年和朋友们外出。,2,含有情态动词的被动语态的句型,(1),一般疑问句,Must the work be done at once?,这项工作必须立即完成吗?,单元语法聚焦七,(2),特殊疑问句,When must the work be done?,这项工作必须在什么时候完成?,(3),反意疑问句,This bridge can be built next year,cant it?,这座桥明年能建成,不是吗?,(4),否定句,The work neednt be done at once.,这项工作没必要立即做。,单元语法聚焦七,3,含有情态动词的被动语态的一般疑问句的回答,含有情态动词的被动语态的一般疑问句的回答应保留原情态动词,但,must,表,“,必须,”,时,其否定回答应用,neednt;need,表示,“,必要;必须,”,时,其肯定回答应用,must,。如:,Should my exercises be finished today?,我的练习本今天应该完成吗?,Yes,they should./No,they shouldnt.,是的,应该完成。,/,不,不应该完成。,单元语法聚焦七,Must his exercise book be handed in at once?,他的练习本必须立即上交吗?,Yes,it must,.,是的,必须立即上交。,(No,it neednt.,不,不必立即上交。,),Need he be operated on at once?,他必须立即手术吗?,Yes,he must.,是的,他必须。,(No,he neednt.,不,他不必。,),实 战 演 练,单元语法聚焦七,(,)1.,2013,滨州,Its difficult to get to the other side of the river.,I think a bridge_ over the river.,A,should be built,B,should build,C,will build D,has built,A,解析,主语,a bridge,与,build,之间存在被动关系,故使用被动语态。,单元语法聚焦七,(,)2.,2013,安徽,Thanks to the Internet,different kinds of information_ in a short time.,A,can be learned B,has been learned,C,can learn D,has learned,A,金手指驾校,http:/,金手指驾驶员考试,2016,科目一 科目四,Grammar Focus,单元语法聚焦七,(,)3.How often do I need to feed the dog?,It_ food every day,or it will be hungry.,A,must give B,must be give,C,must be given D,must be gave,C,解析,句意:它必须每天被喂食。,it,与,give,之间存在被动关系,使用被动语态,其构成是,“,be,过去分词,”,。,单元语法聚焦七,(,)4.,2013,安顺,Should a teenager _ to get a driving license?,First go to a training center.,A,be allow B,allow,C,be allowed D,allowed,C,解析,含有情态动词的被动语态的基本结构是,“,情态动词,be,及物动词的过去分词,”,。,单元语法聚焦七,(,)5.Many trees must _ on the mountains.,A,plant B,planted,C,be plant D,be planted,D,解析,must be planted,意为,“,必须被种植,”,。,(,)6.The books _ out of the reading room.,A,can take B,cant take,C,can be take D,cant be taken,D,解析,“,cant be,过去分词,”,构成含情态动词的被动语态。,


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