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,Unit3 Topic3,What would you like to drink?,Section B,Review the food words.,food,/f,u:d/,jiaozi,Group work,假设某同学邀请几个同学去家中吃饭。以右图展示有关的食物或上一张幻灯片上的食物为谈话内容,几人一组进行表演。,Key words,Help yourself, would like, yes, please/no, thank you, what about, please, for me, want, like,/,br,e,kf,st,/,What,do you often have for,br,ea,kf,a,st,?,I,usually have.,for breakfast.,morning,/,ju:li,/,=often,l,u,n,ch,What,do you usually have for,lunch,?,Iusually have.with .,for lunch.,/,ln,/,noon,/,sp,/,=supper,evening,What,do you usually have for,d,i,nn,er,?,/,dn,/,Iusually have.,for,dinner,.,Its my favorite food.,I usually,have,milk and bread,for,breakfast.,breakfast,have,在此处是“吃,喝”的意思。如:,have for breakfast/lunch/dinner,早饭,/,午饭,/,晚饭吃,/,喝,for-,对于。,What,do you usually have for .,?,A:,What do you,often,have in the morning,/evening/at noon?,B:,I often have milk/,jiaozi,/chicken for breakfast/dinner/,lunch.,Pairwork:,What,do you usually have for .,?,Look at the pictures and guess what,dose .havefor breakfast/lunch/dinner?,Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner,Match after 1a.,Michael has _ and _ for breakfast. He usually has _ with _ and some _ for lunch. He has _ for supper.,Read 1a and fill in the blanks.,milk,bread,rice,chicken,vegetables,jiaozi,Name,Item,B,reakfast,L,unch,Dinner,F,ood,D,rink,F,ood,D,rink,Make a survey.,A:What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?,B: I usually have .,Report.,You may begin like this:,This is my friend, Li Hua .,He usually has for breakfast.,And ,something to drink,a glass of,apple juice,something to eat,chicken with vegetables,/ sm/,What would Mr.Brown like?,A:,May I take your order, sir?,/me/ /tek/ :d/s:/,B: _ with vegetable and,_, please.,A: Would you like something to,drink?,B: Yes,.,A glass of _,please.,A: OK. Thank you.,Fish,rice,apple juice,May I take your order, sir?,(1),take ones order,意为“记下某人点的菜”。如:,The waiter comes over to take my order.,(2),sir,意为“先生,阁下”,是对不相识的男士、男上司、男性长辈或从事某一职务的男士的尊称,一般不与姓连用。如对方是女性,则用,madam,。,Complete the conversation and then act it out.,Rabbit:,Monkey:,Rabbit:,Monkey:,Rabbit:,Monkey:,Rabbit:,Monkey:,Rabbit:,_,Let me see. Mm .,_,No, thanks.,_,Bananas. Well, Id like seven bananas.,_,Banana juice, please.,_,A. Would you like some vegetables?,B. OK. Something to drink?,C. May I take your order?,D. Oh . All right.,E. What do you usually have for lunch?,C,A,E,B,D,同义句:,Let me have a look/Let me think.,A: May I take your order?,B:,Let me see,A: Would you like ,?,B: Yes,A: Something to drink, please.,B:,Repeat,then act it out.,Make a survey after class and report it in next class.,谁的食谱最健康,Name,Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner,Student 1,Student 2,Student 3,Student 4,Student 5,Student 6,Go on learning countable nouns and,uncountable nouns.,2. Useful expressions:,What do you usually have for breakfast?,May I take your order?,Would you like something to drink?,Sum up,Homework,1.,Revi,ew the lesson,.,2. Write a report, and report it in class next day.,Good-bye!,


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