university road

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,The university road,-,a very famous community behind Fudan University,Presenter,:Luna,Video,Producer,:Jane,2014.01.04,interview:Twinkle Luna Jane Mickey,PPT production,:Twinkle Luna Mickey,There is a very famous community behind Fudan University,-The unversity road,.The reason why is a block because the block design includes the University road,made like a European town distric,t.,Directory,Living in University Road,Location,Traffic,Enterprise environment,Featured shops,Location,Traffic,The university road located,in Yangpu Distric,t,Wujiaochang district in the south,new Jiangwan City in the north,JiangWan Stadium in the east and FuDan university and other key national institutions in the west,The subway line 10 to Jiangwan Stadium,The Creation and Innovation Community(KIC)is an important buliding on the university road.,This community include various companies.The project of these companies are new and original.Like eBaoTech,ORACLE,INNOSPACE and so on.,Innovative,creative and LOHAS are the topic of The Creation and Innovation Community.,Enterprise environment,Enterprise environment,Innospace is an imporant company in the KIC.Innnospace is an emerging business incubator,because it can provide money,office space,and resources to people who start an undertaking to achieve thier dream.,Here is full of freedom,relaxing atmosphere.,People living in,near the,University,road,is happiness,t,he small road brings together many exquisite shops.,the e,legant street can always make people find a better life,easily,.,上下若台湾,鏊烧,Per capita,:RMB 138,This store style is very simple,but their services are particularly good,giving a very warm feeling.Shop,design,is very elegant.This store is a,self-pot,restaurant,eat a food can have three,this approach is very popular in Taiwan.,Per capita,:RMB 54,松饼假日,This store signature dish is,pancake,afternoon tea is a good choice here,the environment is quiet and comfortable.They have a great amount of home cooking,order a hamburger,chips,can two people share,of course,except for big eaters.,This is a very low-key shop,shop name is house,and,“H”,is the middle word in order to make a mirror.The lobby has a large-screen projection,stood Europe and popular songs.It is suitable for friends,secretive and Petty!,House,Per capita,:RMB 60,In the nearby community we,interviewed passers,now please enjoy our video interview,Thank,you,


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