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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,qweqwe,*,Reading,Home alone,1,qweqwe,ReadingHome alone1qweqwe,1 A presentation of the play by the students,2 What,adjectives,would you use to describe,the four people.,3 Find evidences to support your choices.,distrustful stubborn,responsible reasonable,independent strict,disrespectful naughty,2,qweqwe,1 A presentation of the play,3 What does the writer do to show the character of the people?,4 If you were to draw a line to show the development of the play,what would the line be like?Your line should show the beginning,development,climax and end.,3,qweqwe,3 What does the writer do to s,Eric with the dog,Mom and Dad back,surprised,happy,Mom and Dad,find the mess,doubtful,angry,Mom and Dad,Scold Daniel,angry,Dad shouts,Eric runs and slams,angry,Act I,Act II,Scene I,Scene II,David hates them,angry,Mom begins to regret,angry,4,qweqwe,Eric with the dogsurprisedMom,Moms reaction when seeing the mess,Dads reaction at the sight of the mess,(to Daniel),(to Eric),Analysis,5,qweqwe,Moms reaction when seeing the,Eric,hes so tired and hungry!What did you do with the money we left?,Daniel,we thought you were an adult a person from whom we could expect good decisions,6,qweqwe,Eric,hes so tired and hung,Trash all over the place!Where is your brother?,Listen to me young man,remember the day,when we left you in charge?We thought you could act like an adult!Whom we could trust!,7,qweqwe,Trash all over the place!Wher,1 Mum,Dad,Youre back early!2 But,butYou werent supposed to come home until tomorrow!,3 You dont hate them!I can tell them Then they wont be mad anymore.,8,qweqwe,1 Mum,Dad,Youre back earl,1 Mum,Dad,I can explain,2 Stop shouting at me,Im still a teenager!Why is everything always my fault?,3 They never gave me a chance to explain.I hate them!Dont tell them anything!They didnt trust me.They dont deserve to know the truth.Why didnt they ask me what happened instead of shouting at me?,9,qweqwe,1 Mum,Dad,I can explain9qwe,1.What can you infer from the analysis?,Which is the elder of the two?,What did Mom tell Daniel to do when they,left for the vacation?,3.What does the writer want to reveal by this story?Was he successful?,Discussion,2.What caused the family fight?,10,qweqwe,1.What can you infer from the,Which part of the story makes you anxious,to know what to happen next?,The highlight of the play and the suspension,11,qweqwe,Which part of the story makes,It seems the play has now got nowhere,into a deadlock.,Will the story change for the better,or worse?,Add an end to the story.,12,qweqwe,It seems the play has now got,13,qweqwe,13qweqwe,包装本身的商品性也越来越显著,它已成为一种不再依附于商品生产的特殊产品,一种所有商品都离不开的、广泛应用的产品。国科学家研究出一款由电解质制成的环保塑料袋,这种环保塑料袋不但可以被无害分解,而且这款环保塑料袋还能溶于水中。,塑料袋 铝箔袋真空袋 自动包装卷膜 包装袋,http:/ 铝箔袋真空袋 自动包装卷膜 包装袋,mgh70nei,根据科学家解释,生活中常见的高分子塑料材料做成的产品,需要数百年的时间才能够完全的被分解,将存在地球上好几百年。根据实际数字显示,有,80%,使用后的塑料袋,最终与一般垃圾一样被运至垃圾堆田区处理,仅有百分之七的塑料被回收循环使用。,这种新的环保塑料袋在分解过程不会释出有害的物质,甚至还能分解为昆虫喜爱的天然物质,对保护自然环境起了极大的帮助。,没有。唉,五两啊!就当是舍不得孩子掏不着狼吧。谁知道梁公公这个老油条说没说实话,四阿哥才给了半两?不可能吧,那他可真是名副其实的铁公鸡!这还是他自个儿求的赐婚呢,这要是皇上硬下的圣旨,还不才只给壹个铜钱?第壹卷 第七十七章 失算眼见吕公公出了府,十四阿哥兴奋得立即吩咐府里今天要好好庆贺壹番!十四福晋完颜氏穆哲壹见爷这么高兴,心里的气真是不打壹处来!这府里又不缺诸人,什么样的诸人爷没有见过,至于这么高兴吗?可是心里再不满意,表面上也不敢再表现出来,爷的事情她哪里敢说个“不”字?十四阿哥壹见穆哲对他的话磨磨蹭蹭地不赶快去准备,脸上又是壹副不情不愿的别扭样子,就知道这个醋坛子又在发酸了,于是哼了壹句:“妇人之见!”“爷,妾身就是壹个妇人,难道还能有爷们之见?”“你懂什么!这伊尔根觉罗氏可是壹个大宝贝呢!”“爷!您这还没有娶进府里呢,就开始偏袒她,将来妾身可是没有活路了啊!”“你!你嚎什么!你跟八嫂不学点儿好,净学这个!”“哟!这是谁啊!背地里说我什么不学好,净学这个?”十四阿哥这叫壹个叫苦不迭!八哥八嫂跟他们壹家关系极好,从来都是不用请也不用约,直接上门就来。可巧刚刚接完圣旨,他们还没回后院呢,就在前厅拌起嘴来。八哥八嫂怎么来得就是这么巧,恰好听到了他训斥穆哲的那句话!他就是跟八哥八嫂关系再好,这讽刺八嫂的话,还是让他觉得不好意思:“嘻,八嫂这可是听岔了呢,十四弟这不是让穆哲好好跟您学学,也像八嫂那样,把弟弟这十四贝子府也能够治理得水泄不通!别整天净游手好闲的!”“什么?你小子怎么净变着法子欺负你八嫂?你不说我治府有方,居然敢说我们八贝勒府是水泄不通?”“八嫂息怒,八嫂息怒,我家爷从来没个正形,这不是见着八嫂高兴,想跟您斗斗嘴嘛,刚刚还跟弟妹我拌嘴呢!”八福晋郭络罗氏那木泰壹见穆哲出面打圆场,也就懒得再跟老十四斗嘴,直奔了主题:“行了,老十四,看你兴致还真高啊!还能跟你八嫂嬉皮笑脸呢。你是真不知道还是假不知道?你四哥可是刚被皇阿玛赐了婚!”“八哥八嫂跟四哥住隔壁,四哥府上什么事情能逃得过您的火眼金睛?不过,皇阿玛又不是给八哥赐婚,您急什么啊!”“你能不能有点儿正形!说正经事儿呢!”“好,好,正经事儿,您说,这回又是哪个倒霉丫头进了四哥的王府?”“年氏!”“年氏?哪个年氏?”“就是年羹尧那奴才的妹妹!”“那个年玉盈?不可能,这件事情我早就知道了,他那个妹妹是年大人的义女,连选秀都参加不了的,怎么,”“,什么呀!是年羹尧的亲妹妹,今天刚被皇阿玛摞了牌子就赐给了四哥呢!”“那,那,他还有壹个亲,14,qweqwe,包装本身的商品性也越来越显著,它已成为一种不再依附于商品生产,


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