语音学 课件 English+consonants_

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,BEP 3:English Consonants,Main content,Definition of consonants,Description and classification of English consonants,Voicing and aspiration,Syllable structure,forward,Definition of consonants,Vowels vs.consonants:phonetic definition,Vowels as median(air must escape over the middle of the,tongue,thus excluding lateral/l/,Vowels as oral(air must escape through the mouth,thus,excluding nasals),Vowels as frictionless(thus excluding fricatives),Vowels as continuant(thus excluding plosives),semivowels/j,w,r/,Vowels vs.consonants:phonological definition,the functioning of sounds in syllables in a particular language,Traditionally consonants are those segments which,in a particular language,occur at the edges of syllables,while vowels are those which occur at the centre of syllables.,(excluding/j,w,r/),Classification of consonants,Articulation,is the production of speech sounds using the speech organs to modify the,airstream,set in motion by the lungs.,Consonants are classified according to three distinctive parameters:,place of articulation,manner of articulation,voicing,Vocal organs,Cross-section of the human head(from Practical Phonetics by J.C.Wells and G.Colson,1971,发音器官,1,上下唇,2,上下齿,3,齿龈,4,硬腭,5,软腭,6,小舌,7,舌尖,8,舌面,9,舌根,10,咽腔,11,会厌软骨,12,声带,13,喉头,14,气管,15,食道,16,口腔,17,鼻腔,English consonants,(/,tr,dr,ts,dz,/not included),Places of articulation for English consonant sounds,p,b,m,bilabiallower lip,upper lip,f,v,labiodental,lower lip,upper teeth,Places of articulation for English consonant sounds,W,T,dentaltongue tip,upper teeth,t,d,n.l,s,zalveolartongue tip or blade,alveolar,(,ts,dz,)ridge,Places of articulation for English consonant sounds,r,(,tr,dr,)post-alveolartongue tip,rear of alveolar ridge,F,V,tF,dV,palato,-alveolarretracted blade of tongue,hard palate,Places of articulation for English consonant sounds,jpalatalfront of body of tongue,hard palate,k,g,N,velarback of tongue,soft palate,


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