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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit Two,There is a park near my home.,Lesson Ten,We are going to learn:,How to ask the way?,How to show the way to others?,vs,Rule:,You should open each envelope,finish the task and then you can get a hint (,提示词,)from the box and you will know what you will do at last.,Do tasks in pairs or in groups.,Matching game.,Make a new map.,Express the“Road Signs”.,Challenges,Supermarket,We buy healthy food there.,We put money in there.,We see flowers and trees there.,We buy different books there.,We go to see a doctor there.,We live there when we are out.,Task One,paste,There is/are (prep).,Supermarket,Task Two,write,Go,down,this street.,N,W,E,S,straight/along,street,N,W,E,S,Go _ Apple _.,down,Street,APPLE STREET,N,W,E,S,_.,Go down Green Road,GREEN ROAD,Turn right,at the traffic lights.,traffic lights,(left),on the right,on the left,Go down,the street and,turn right,.The bookshop is,on the,left,.,N,W,E,S,_ and _.The _ is _.,Go down the street,turn left,on the right,hotel,N,W,E,S,_ and _._ _.,Go down the road,turn left,is on the right,The bank,N,W,E,S,cross,the street,(,v.,),N,W,E,S,Cross the street you can see a bookshop.,street,You can see _,_.,a clothes shop,cross the street,N,W,E,S,Clothes Shop,Cl,cl,othes,cl,ever,cl,ass,cl,ose,cl,ear,cl,ap,cl,imb,Lets chant.,cl/kl/,Cl,are is always,cl,ean.,Cl,are is always kind.,Cl,are makes a,cl,ever plan,in her,cl,ear mind.,Task Three,match,C.,Excuse me.Where is the?,E.,How long does it take to go there on foot?,F.,Go down the street.,A.,Go along the road.,D.,Turn left/right at the traffic lights.,B.,Youll see theon the left/right.,Asking the way,Showing the way,C,E,A,B,F,D,G.,About fifteen,minutes,.,G,How many,minutes,are there in an hour?,a few minutes,How many,minutes,are there in each class?,bookshop,15 minutes,by bus,bank,30 minutes,on foot,Lets play.,clothes shop,a few minutes,by car,Listen and draw the arrows.,SUBWAY,WANDEZHUANG STREET,WEI,JING,ROAD,WANDEZHUANG NANBEI JIE,SUBWAY,STATION,SHUANGFENG STREET,CHANGJIANG STREET,Task Four,talk about,Paste,write,match,and,talk about.,HONGQI ROAD,HANGZHOU STREET,I want to go to the _.,You can go down Hongqi _ and turn_.,Go along _,and,you can see the _ on the _.,Its _ the _ and the _.,cake shop,Road,left,Hangzhou Street,cake shop,right,between,clothes shop,supermarket,HONGQI ROAD,HANGZHOU STREET,I want to go to the,cake shop,.You can go down,Hongqi Road,and turn,left,.Go along,Hangzhou Street,and,you can see the,cake shop,on the,right,.Its,between,the,clothes shop,and the,supermarket,.,Show Time,We should try to help others!,Ask the way,Where is the?,How long does it take to go there?,Go down the street/road.,Show the way,Turn left/right at the traffic lights.,The is on the left/right.,It takes youminutes to go there.,亲爱的,读者,:,春去春又回,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。,


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