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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 7,Its raining!,人教版七年级英语下册,Section B 1a-1e,Objectives,To learn more words about weather:,dry, cold, cool, warm, hot.,To learn to talk about weather.,To learn to ask and answer questions:,Hows it going?,sun,ny,cloud,y,wind,y,rain,y,snow,y,What do they mean?,Warming up,A: Hows the weather?,B: Its ,rain,ing,/ rain,y,sun,ny,cloud,y,snow,ing,/ snow,y,wind,y,=,Whats the weather like ?,A: How is the weather in?,(Whats the weather,like,in?),B: Its sunny/rainy/ windy/cloudy,Its,humid.,Hows the weather?,Its,cold.,Hows the weather?,Its,cool.,Hows the weather?,Its,warm.,Hows the weather?,100,cold cool warm hot,Its,hot.,Hows the weather?,How,s the weather in spring?,Its raining, humid, warm.,How,s the weather in summer?,Its sunny, hot, hot, hot.,What,s the weather,like,in autumn?,Its cool, cool, cool.,What,s the weather,like,in winter?,Its snowy, cold, cold, cold.,Chant,Match the words with the pictures.,1,. _,dry 3,. _,cool 5,. _,hot,2,. _,cold 4,. _,warm,d,a,e,b,c,1a,a,c,d,e,b,Ask and answer questions about,the weather in the pictures in 1a.,1b,Hows the weather in picture d?,Its dry.,Hows the weather in picture e?,Hows the weather in picture c?,Its hot.,Its cool.,Hows weather in picture a?,Hows the weather in picture b?,Its warm.,Its cold.,Hows the weather?,Its windy and cool.,Guessing,Its raining.,Hows the weather?,Its sunny and hot.,Hows the weather?,Hows the weather?,Its snowy and cold.,Hows the weather?,Its dry.,Hows the weather?,Its sunny and warm.,Hows it,going?,What are you,doing?,Hows the,weather?,Mary,Eric,great,not,bad,Listen and write what Mary and,Eric answer to,Hows it going,.,1c,Listen again. Write the answers to,What are you doing,and,Hows the weather,.,Hows it going?,What are you,doing?,Hows the,weather?,Mary,Eric,great,not,bad,Im visiting my,grandmother.,Im having a,party.,hot, dry, sunny,terrible,cold,raining,1d,Role-play a conversation,between Mary and Eric.,1e,Eric: Hi! Hows it going?,Mary: Hello! Oh, not too bad! What are you doing?,Eric: Im having a party. My family is here.,Mary: Sounds like fun. Hows the weather?,Eric: Terrible. Its cold and raining. Hows the weather in Mexico?,Mary: Hot. Hot and dry. And sunny.,Eric: Sounds good. So what are you doing?,Mary: Im visiting my grandmother.,listening to a letter,washing music,writing clothes,cleaning an e-mail,writing the room,watching the phone,answering the dishes,doing TV,.,连线。,Exercises,When the sun comes out, its _.,When there are some clouds,its _.,3. When its raining, its _.,4. When its snowing, its _.,5. When the wind is blowing(,吹,),its _.,sunny,cloudy,rainy,snowy,windy,.,根据句意填空。,1. We want _ this book now.,A. reading B. am reading,C. read D. to read,2. That boy isnt _the teacher .,A. listen B. listens,C. listening D. listening to,3. -_ you _the window? -Yes, I am.,A. Do, clean B. Is, cleaning,C. Are, cleaning D. Do, cleaning,.,单项选择。,4. Its eight oclock. Jims father _TV.,A. is watching B. are watching,C. watch D. to watch,5. -_ is the weather there? -Its windy.,A. What B. How C. Whats D. how,6. -_the weather like today? -Cloudy.,A. Hows B. What does,C. What D. Whats,7. -Whats the weather like today? -_,A. Its rain. B. Its raining.,C. It rainy. D. Its wind.,1. A: What _ Jim _?,B: He _ water.,2. A: _ the weather today?,B: Its _.,A: What _ the children _?,B: They are _ a great _ _ a,snowman.,.,看图补全对话。,is doing,is drinking,snowy,Hows,are doing,having,time making,3. A: Where are Bob and Tom?,B: Theyre _ the _.,A: What do they want to do?,B: They want to _ _ the lake.,by lake,swim in,Bob and Tom,4. A: Hows it going, Jack?,B: Not bad. Were _ a vacation _ _ _.,A: Hows the _?,B: Its _ and _, just right for walking.,weather,on/having,cloudy,cool,in,the,mountains,Make a new dialogue by yourself,about the weather in your city,and then practice it with your,partner.,再见,


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