How to Wear a Business Suit for Interview

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,How to Wear a Business Suit,民商,2010,级 杨颖,Business Suit Style,Suit styles come and go but for the most part youre going to consider either a single-breasted two-button or three-button suit.The two-button suit is preferred.,A four-button,double-breasted suit can look good on a small or average size guy but if youre on the beefy(,大块头,)side,the style will make you look bulky.If you do go with this look,the suit should always remain buttoned.,double-breasted,single-breasted,Business Suit Color,Your best choices are those traditional colors that look sharp on most guysblue,black and grey.Loud colors and prints that will attract attention should not be worn.A pinstripe,(细条纹),or subtle design are both appropriate.,Business Suit Trousers,There are various styles from which you can choose.Flat fronts are slimming,straight forward and simple,while pleated,(褶),fronts look stylish,(时尚的,雅观的),and allow for movement.,Cuffs,(袖口,翻边),are optional.A cuffed leg has a more formal feel,while the uncuffed look more casual.As far as body type goes,uncuffed legs give the illusion of length and can make someone on the shortside look a bit taller.Cuffs do the opposite,creating a terminus and making a guy look shorter.,Business Suit Fit,Fit is important when choosing a business suit.If youre wearing a suit thats too big,youll be swimming in it,and it will overwhelm(,覆盖,淹没,)your body.On the other hand,a business suit thats tight will bind up and restrict your movement.,The suit should fit smooth across the back of the shoulders and the neck should leave about 1 cm of shirt collar exposed.The shoulders should appear to be slightly cushioned.Your suit sleeve should ride 11 cm above the tip of your thumb,revealing 1 or 2 cm of your shirtsleeve.,Button the suit when you put it on.If one side of the suit is fighting against the other,tight and pulling apart,its too small;if it hangs down or blouses out,its too big.,The trousers should fit to your waist and not your hips.When standing naturally,your pant leg needs to break slightly on the top-middle part of your shoe.If your pants are too short,your socks will be exposed when you walk and youll be wearing“high waters.”,Suit Accessories,Shirt and Tie,As far as shirts go,its hard to go wrong with white.When choosing ties,its best to do so in order to complement a specific shirt.If youre looking for a color shirt over which almost any tie will look good then go with pale blue.Another good choice is to choose a solid,light-colored shirt,such as a purple one,and then buy a dark-colored tie that features purple stripes in various shades.,Shoes,Belt and Socks,Choose shoes and a belt that are appropriate for your suit.Sneakers and other types of informal footwear should not be worn.A leather belt with an appropriate small to medium sized buckle,(扣环),and that is free from imperfections is an excellent choice.Wear shoes and a belt of the same color.Black dress shoes and a black leather belt go with a black suit.,Either brown or black may be worn with other colors but if the occasion is formal then black is the way to go.,Socks are to be coordinated with pants.They dont have to be the same color but they should certainly be related in terms of tone.,Jewelry and Pocket Squares,These accessories should be kept to a minimum.A watch,cufflinks(,袖扣,),tie clip,lapel pin and pocket square,(方巾),may all be appropriate.If youre wearing a watch with your suit,it should be a good quality timepiece with a leather,silver or gold strap.,When it comes to coordinating jewelry,wear either all silver or all gold and do not mix and match.,Finally,pocket squares made from silk may be puffed up and placed in the front pocket of the suit.Coordinate your pocket square with your tie and the other fabric elements of your outfit.,Thank You for Watching,


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