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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,module,5,Unit,2,Can Sam play football,?,module5Unit2,Can you run fast?,Can you run fast?,Yes,I can.Yes,I can.,Can you jump far?,Can you jump far?,No,I cant.No,I cant.,Song,Can you run fast?Song,What is she doing?,She is riding a bike.,Can,you ride a bike,?,Yes,I,can,.,No,I,cant,.,What is she doing?She is ridi,Can,you jump high?,Yes,I,can,.,No,I,cant,.,Can you jump high?,Can,you swim?,Yes,I,can,.,No,I,cant,.,Can you swim?,Can,she/he,?,Yes,she/he,can.,No,she/he,cant.,Can+,动词(原型),Can she/he?Can+动词(原型),Can,he,play basketball?,Yes,he,can.,Can he play basketball?,Can,he,run fast?,No,he,cant.,Can he run fast?,Can,she,fly a kite?,Yes,she,can.,Can she fly a kite?,Listen to the tape and then answer the questions.,Q1:Can sam play football?,Q2:Can lingling play basketball?,Yes,he can.,Yes,she can.,Listen to the tape and then an,Can Sam play football?,Yes,he can.,Hes strong.,Can Sam play football?Yes,he,Can lingling play basketball,?,Yes,she can.,She s tall.And she is our start.,Can lingling play basketball?,Look and match,A,B,C,D,E,swim,jump high,ride a bike,play football,play basketball,Look and match AB C D E swimju,CHOOSE.,1._,you,do taijiquan,?,_yes,I can.,A.,Are,B.,Can,2.,Can you fly a kite?,No,I _,.,A.,isnt,B.,Cant,3.,Can you run_?,No,I cant.,A.,fast,B.,far,CHOOSE.1._you do taijiqu,CHOOSE.,4.Can he play basketball,?,_yes,_ can.,A.,she,B.,he,5,.,He can _a kite,can you?,No,I cant,.,A.,fly,B.,flying,6,.,Oh,you can jump really _?,A.,fast,B.,high,CHOOSE.4.Can he play basketb,Can you?,Yes,I can.,No,I cant.,Can,she/he,?,Yes,she/he,can.,No,she/he,cant,.,Sum-up,Can you?Sum-up,Homework,1.Read the new words and the text,。,Homework 1.Read the new words,Teacher:Ms Han,Teacher:Ms Han,


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