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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Conversations in Hospital,医院会话,By Chris&Johnny,Warm-up,1.,Will you go to see the doctor directly when you are sick?,(生病后,会直接去看医生吗?),2.,What are the conversations like in hospitals of China?,(医患对话是什么样子的?),work in pairs,Contents,Background Knowledge,Words and Vocabulary,Sentence Patterns,Practices&Exercises,4,1,2,3,Background Knowledge,(背景),1,2,3,Family Doctor,(家庭医生),Drug Distribution,(药品配送),Procedures of Seeing a Doctor,(就医步骤),Family Doctor or Family Physician,Not for one person or family only,Chosen when people buy their health insurance,Drug Distribution,(医药配送),No drug sales in hospital.,Seeing a doctor,Getting the prescription,Going to the supermarket/chemists shop,Procedures(,就医步骤,),Being sick (,生病,),Appointment,(预约家庭医生),Diagnosis,(诊断),Referral,(推荐专科医生),Registering,(医院挂号),Words&Vocabulary,(词汇),headache,nausea,have a cold,感冒,have a cough,咳嗽,have a fever,发烧,have a stomachache,胃疼,have a toothache,牙疼,have a headache,头疼,Words&Vocabulary,(词汇),chilly,寒冷的,dizzy,晕眩的,feverish,发烧的,sick,恶心的,hot and cold,一阵冷,一阵热,short of breath,气短,loss of appetite,无食欲,get the diarrhea,腹泻,weakness in the limbs,四肢无力,Words&Vocabulary,(词汇),prescription,药方,tablet,药片,take medicine,吃药,服药,Sentence Patterns,I have a sore throat.,I have.,I have a pain in my stomach.,I have a pain in,eg:Ouch,Doc,Im suffering from a severe pain in my stomach,and I am not able to bear it.,I have some trouble with my heart.,I have some trouble with,Sentence Patterns,Whats wrong,the matter(with you)?,Whats your trouble,,,young man?,How are you(feeling)now?,Are you feeling better today?,When did the pain start?,Dialogue,预约,appointment,预约,(appointments),Nurse:,Good morning.This is Jing Xi Hospital.,What can I do for you,?,what can I do for you?,表示主动提供帮助,Patient:,Yes,Id like to,make an appointment,to see a,specialist,in Neurological Department this week.,make an appointment,预约,specialist,专家,;,专门医师,预约,(appointments),Nurse,:Well,lets see,.,Im afraid,the specialists are,fully booked,on Monday and Tuesday.,Im afraid,恐怕,fully booked,预约满了,预约,(appointments),Patient:,How about,Thursday?,what about/how about,怎么样?,Nurse:,Sorry,but I have to say they,are also occupied,on Thursday.So,will Wednesday be O.K.for you?,occupied,已占用的;使用中的;无空闲的,Patient:,Wednesday will be,fine,.,fine,可以的,预约,(appointments),Nurse:,Could you tell me,your name and phone number,please?,Could you tell me,你能告诉我,Patient:,Yes,my name is Li Ping.My phone number is 463-0765.,Nurse:,All right.So,I have,made the appointment,.Please take your ID card when you come to get your registration card,.,Dialogue,诊断,diagnosis,诊断,(diagnosis),Doctor:Please come in.,What is your trouble,?,Patient:Its my stomach.I think probably I had too much at supper yesterday evening.,Doctor:Can you tell me what you had for supper yesterday evening,?,诊断,(diagnosis),Patient:Seafood,roast duck.Oh,a great variety of things,I cant name them exactly.,Doctor:Have you,vomited,?,诊断,(diagnosis),Patient:Yes,I have,vomited,three times and made several trips to the bathroom last night.,vomit,呕吐,Doctor:I see.Now you have to,get,your stools,tested,.Ill write out a slip and you can take it to the laboratory.Wait for a while and pick up the report,and then bring it back to me.,gettested,给,做检查,诊断,(diagnosis),Patient:All right,doctor.Ill see you later.,Doctor:See you later.,(after the check),Patient:Here my report,Doctor.,诊断,(diagnosis),Doctor:Take your seat,and let me have a look.Its nothing serious,only,indigestion,due to too much oily food.I will,prescribe,you some medicine for it to make you feel better.I do advise you to avoid oily food for the next few days.,indigestion,消化不良,prescribe,开药,Patient:I will follow your advice.Thanks a lot.,Doctor:You are welcome.,Dialogue,在药店,in the chemists shop,In the Chemists Shop,(在药店),Patient:Good morning,doctor.,Chemist:Good morning,madam.,What can I do for you,?,Patient:Can you,fill the prescription,for me,?,fill the prescription,按药方抓药,Chemist:Of course.Please show me the,prescription,.,Patient:Here you are.,Chemist:Just a moment,please.All right.Your,prescription,is ready.,Patient:Thank you very much.,Chemist:Dont mention it.By the way,you got the prescription from Dr.Johnson,didnt you,?,Patient:Yes,indeed.,Chemist:Did he tell you how to,take the medicine,?,take the medicine,吃药,Patient:No.he didnt say anything about it.,Chemist:All right.Let me tell you what you have to do.Take two of these,tablets,three times a day after meals.,tablet,药片,Patient:How about this,cough syrup,?,cough syrup,止咳糖浆,Chemist:First,shake the bottle.Take two,spoonful of,the cough syrup three times a day.,spoonful of,几勺,Patient:Thank you very much indeed.,Chemist:Youre welcome.I hope you will,recover,in no time.,recover,恢复,康复,Thank You!,Your Business Company slogan in here,


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