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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2013-3-21,#,Unit 12,Dont eat in class,!,language goals,Free talk,What can you do at school,or in the classroom?,What cant you do ?,tick,or cross,Can we?,Yes, we can.,(No, we cant.),( ) do homework after school,( ) play computer games,( ) listen to the teachers in class,( ) watch TV on school nights,( ) read a book,( ) play soccer in the street,( ) listen to music in class,( ) eat anything in class,( ) draw on the wall,( ) sing songs in math class,Well,done,!,Classroom,/kla:srum/,教 室,Hallway,/h:lwei/,走 廊,dining hall,/ daini/ /h:l/,餐 厅,fight,/fait/,打架 争吵,arrive late,for class,上课迟到,class + room = classroom,教室,hall +,way = hallway,走廊 过道,dining,+,hall,= dining hall,餐厅,Out,+,side,=,out side/ aut said/,在外面,rule / ru:l /,规则,fight /fait/,打架,have to,不得不,else / els /,别的 其它的,导学案,Try to remember them.,看谁反应快,Hallway,走廊,看谁反应快,Fight,打架,争吵,看谁反应快,arrive late,for class,上课迟到,看谁反应快,classroom,教 室,看谁反应快,dining hall,餐 厅,SCHOOL,arrive late,Can we arrive late for class?,No.we cant arrive late for class,.,Dont arrive late for class,.,hallway,Can we run in the hallways?,No. we cant run in the hallways.,Dont run in the hallways.,Dont eat in the classrooms,.,No.We cant eat in the classrooms.,Can we eat in the classrooms?,Can we listen to music in the classrooms?,No. we cant,listen to music in the,classrooms,Dont,listen to music in the classrooms.,Dont fight.,No.We cant,fight,.,Can we fight?,Dont fight.,fight,Dont listen to music in the classroom.,SCHOOL,Dont arrive late for class,.,arrive late,Dont run in the hallways.,hallway,Dont eat,in the classroom.,Dont eat,in the classroom.,Dont run in the hallways,.,Dont listen to music in the classroom.,Dont arrive late for class,.,SCHOOL,Dont fight.,Dont talk in class.,School rules,Are they good students?,What rules are these students,breaking,?,SCHOOL,RULES,What are the rules?,Dont run in the,hallways.,SCHOOL,RULES,What are the rules?,Dont eat in the,classrooms.,What are the rules?,Dont arrive late,for class.,SCHOOL,RULES,SCHOOL,RULES,What are the rules?,dont fight.,SCHOOL,RULES,What are the rules?,Dont listen to music in class,1.,Dont arrive,late for class.,2.,Dont run,in the hallways.,3.,Dont eat,in the classrooms.,4.,Dont listen to,music in the classrooms or the hallways.,5.,Dont fight,.,School Rules,A:,What are the rules?,B:,We cant _.,Pairwork:,1c,A:,Can we,_,?,B:,No,we cant.,Boys,Girls,See who can say as many rules as he/she can.,Competition,between boys and girls,Dont.,We cant.,Well,done,!,(,男女同学比赛,看哪组说出更多的校规,),See you!,


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