仁爱新版英语八年级上册unit3 topic1复习课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,in ones spare time,go to the movie theater,do outdoor activities,walk a pet dog,collect stamps,go hiking,learn from,some of,be of great value,must be,used to,be pleased with,share sth with sb,在某人空闲时间,去电影院,做户外运动,遛狗,收集邮票,远足旅行,从,学习,中的一些,非常有价值,一定,过去常常,对,满意,和某人分享某物,过去经常做某事,习惯做某事,在暑假,自学,网上聊天,日常工作,在池塘里,在,前面教某人,(,做,),某事,养宠物,例如,洗澡,used to do sth,be/get used to doing sth,during/in the summer vacation,teach oneself,chat on the Net,daily work,in the pond,in front of,teach sb (to do )sth,keep pets,such as,take a bath,你过去有些什么爱好?,空闲时间你经常做什么,为什么不出去做些户外运动呢,或许我需要改变。,我对随着音乐跳舞感兴趣。,我喜欢遛狗。,What hobbies did you use to have?,What do you often do in your spare time?,Why not go out and do some outdoor activities.,Maybe I need a change.,Im interested in dancing to music.,Im fond of walking a pet dog.,见到你很高兴,.,收集邮票一定很有趣,!,他们当中的一些非常有价值,.,我过去喜欢听摇滚音乐,但是现在我爱收集油画和电话卡,.,我的爱好一直在改变,.,Pleased to see you!,Collecting stamps must be great fun!,Some of them are of great value.,Some of them are very valuable.,Some of them have great value.,I used to enjoy listening to rock music, but now I love collecting paintings and telephone cards.,My interests are changing all the time.,多漂亮的邮票啊!,你和我有共同的爱好吗,?,我现在是一个足球迷,但是我过去是一个影迷。,我对运动一点不感兴趣。,我的爱好是做运动,像游泳和踢足球。,谁教你游泳的?没有人教,我是自学的。,What beautiful stamps!/How beautiful the stamps are,!,Do you share my interests?,Im a soccer fan, but I used to be a movie fan.,I wasnt interested in sports at all.,My hobby is doing sports like swimming and playing soccer.,Who taught you to swim? Nobody. I taught myself.,他们养宠物,上网聊天或收集东西,如硬币,洋娃娃或邮票。,你过去有什么爱好?,过去暑假期间你常去游泳吗?,他喜欢水,我经常在我家后面的池塘里帮他洗澡。,他不介意它们是好的还是坏的。,They keep pets, chat on the Net and collect things,such as coins, dolls or stamps.,What hobbies did you use to have?,Did you use to go swimming during the summer vacation?,He likes water and I often help him take a bath in the pond behind my house.,He doesnt mind whether they are good or not.,喜欢,的表达方式还有:,like,love,enjoy,prefer,be fond of,be interested in,+v-ing,Grammar Structure,1,.in ones spare time=in ones free time,在某人的空闲时间,2.why not=why dont you ,后接动词原形。,what about=how about ,后接动词,-ing,。,would like,后接动词不定式。,3.interested,和,interesting,的区别,interested,是指“对,产生兴趣的,对,感兴趣的”,一般用,人做主语,,后常用介词,in,,,做表语不作定语,。,sb be interested in sth,。,Women are always interested in fashions.,女人总对时装感兴趣。,interesting,的意思是“有趣的”,指能够给人带来兴趣的某人或某事物,,一般修饰物,,,做表语和定语,。,He is an interesting old man.,他是个有趣的老头。,prefer,的用法,1.,相当于,like-better,后接名词,代词,动名词。,2.prefer to,常与,rather than,instead of,连用,eg.He preferred to die rather than (to) steal. / He perferred to die instead of stealing.,他宁死也不去偷窃。,I prefer to watch TV rather than go out.,我宁愿呆在家里也不出去。,3.prefer sth to sth,4.prefer doing sth to doing sth .,( )1.prefer_basketbal,l,to_model planes.,A.to play; make,B.playing;making,C.palying;make,D.play;make,B,used to的用法,used to 以前常作某事,过去常过某事”,1.used to的否定形式和一般疑问句形式有两种:,否定形式:,didnt use to 或usednt to,一般疑问句:,Did use to? 或Used to,? 如:,He didnt use to drink beer.,He usednt to drink beer. 过去他不常喝酒。,Did he use to play baskerball?,Used he to piay basketball? 过去他经常打篮球吗?,be used to do,used todo 和 be used to doing的区别,used to表示“过去常常做某事”.,be used to do的意思是“被用来做某事”;,be used to doing的意思是“习惯于做某事”., 重点突破,福建省专用,活学活用,1,单项填空,(,),I _ keep dogs for protection, but,now I keep them as pets.,A,would rather,B,had better,C,used to D,have to,C, 重点突破,福建省专用,2,根据汉语意思完成句子,(1)My father _a farmer, but now he is a worker.,我父亲过去是一位农民,但现在他已是一名工人了。,(2)I _ novels, but now I dont enjoy it.,我过去经常读小说,但现在不喜欢读了。,(3)_ you _ go swimming?,Yes, I did.,“,你过去经常游泳吗?,”“,是的,我经常游泳。,”,used to be,used to read,Did,use to, 重点突破,福建省专用,2,whether,conj,.,是否,He doesnt mind whether theyre good or not.,他并不介意他们是好是坏。,点拨,常用来引导宾语从句,且能与,or not,连用。,I dont know whether I will be able to come.,我不知道我是否能来。, 重点突破,福建省专用,活学活用,(,)Do you think _ Xiaoming can,pass the high school entrance exam or not?,Sorry, Ive no idea.,A,that,B,which,C,if D,whether,D,if,与,whether,的区别。二者在引导宾语从句时一般可换用。如:,1)I want to know if / whether it is going to rain tomorrow.,2) He didn,t understand if / whether the stranger told a lie.,但下列几种情况不能换用。,whether,后可紧接,or not,,而,if,一般不能。,Let me know whether or not you can come.,你能来还是不能来,请告诉我一声。,whether,引导的宾语从句,可移到主句前,,,if,则不能。,如:,Whether this is true or not, I can not say.,不定式前,用,whether,,不用,if,。,如:,I haven,t decided whether to go to the cinema or to stay,at home.,介词后,可用,whether,,不用,if,。如:,I haven,t settled the question of whether I,ll go back home.,We can learn a lot about people, places, history, and special times from stamps.,通过这些邮票我们可以学到许多关于人文、地理、历史和特殊时代的知识。,a lot,“,许多、大量,”,,用在动词后,同,very much,。如,:1,),She had told me a lot about how to learn English well.,她告诉我许多有关怎样学好英语的方法。,2,),Thanks a lot.,非常感谢。,另外,,a lot of,和,lots of,的意思也是,“,许多、大量,”,,要用在名词前,在肯定句中常代替,much,,,many,。在口语中尤其如此。如:,There are a lot of / lots of history books in the room.,屋里有许多历史书。,There is still a lot of / lots of snow on top of the house.,房上仍有许多雪。,a lot of,和,lots of,之间没有多大区别,都可以与可数名词和不可数名词连用。与不可数名词连用时,动词用单数,与可数名词连用时,动词用复数。,.I am interested in playing sports.,我对运动感兴趣。,be interested in (doing) sth,.,“,对,感兴趣,”,如,1,),I,am interested in reading books.,我对读书特别感兴趣。,2,),Jack is interested in football.,杰克对足球很感兴趣。,I often go fishing.,我经常去钓鱼。,go + doing,表示,“,去做某事,”,go +v-ing,结构很常用,多用于体育活动和业余娱乐活动。如,:1)Lets go fishing next Sunday.,下星期天我们去钓鱼吧。,2)Are you going hiking this weekend?,这个周末你打算去远足吗?,另外还有:,go hunting,去打猎,go shooting,去射击,go swimming,去游泳,go bathing,去沐浴,go shopping,去购物,go climbing,去爬山,Im a movie fan.,我是一个电影迷。,fan,(,运动、电影等,),狂热爱好者。如,:a film / football / star fan,同时,,fan,作为名词还有,“,风扇,”,的意思。如:,electric fan,电扇。,I also rent VCDs and watch them at home.,我也租一些,VCD,在家看。,watch “,观看、注视,”,。如:,1) I like to watch TV.,我喜欢看电视。,2) Are you going to play or watch?,你将参加比赛还是只是去看看?,Maybe I need a change. (Page 55),或许我需要改变。,maybe,“,也许、可能、大概,”,。,如:,1,),Maybe he will come, maybe he won,t.,也许他来,也许他不来。,2,),Is that true?,那是真的吗?,Maybe, I am not sure.,也许,我也不敢肯定。,I call him Pink pig. The color of his skin is light pink.,我叫他粉色,因为他的皮肤是淡粉色的。,light,“,淡色的、浅色的,”,,而,dark,的意思则是,“,深色的、暗淡的,”,如:,1)Which dress do you like, the light one or the dark,one?,你喜欢哪条裙子,浅色的还是深色的?,2)It is dark now. Lets go home quickly.,天黑了,咱们快点儿回家吧。,Pink likes to have a bath. Pink,喜欢洗澡。,have a bath,洗澡,短语,have a bath,与,take a shower,意思一样,,如:,游泳,have a swim,谈一谈,have a talk,洗一洗,have a wash,骑马,have a ride,看一看,have a look,休息一下,have a rest,


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