health and lifestyle

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Ways to preserve life,Healthy diet,Food is the best medicine as well as the best nutriment !,So lets talk about the 7 nutrients first .,No. 1 water,Water is the most important element in our life , which is 70%80 % of our weight .,Water contributes to,health,y skin , aids in joint lubrication,(润滑作用), reducing your chance of injury in any activity. Water is also the best cure for constipation.,(便秘),We need 2L 3L of water a day .,No . 2 Carbohydrates,All carbohydrates that you can eat are sources of energy.,Complex carbs are better for you because they provide more energy, but it takes the body longer to break them apart, which means the energy lasts longer and keeps you feeling full for a longer time. Simple sugars are broken down very quickly, which causes your blood-sugar to rise rapidly. If you dont burn it right away, your body will turn it into fat,.,We need about 300 g carbs every day .,Whole wheat bread,,,unpolished rice and coarse food grains such as corn ,sweat potatoes are better choices for health .,Cakes , cookies and candies are bad carbs which you should avoid .,No . 3 protein,Protein is the building block of all life.,Every function of every cell in your body involves proteins. The highest concentration of protein is in muscle fibers, which help to consume more fat . Therefore, if you want to build up your muscles, you must consume more protein than your minimum daily requirements.,Milk , lean meat , seafood and bean products are sources of high - quality protein .,Fat is Fine (in small doses),Even though some people try to get rid of all fat, some fat in your diet is important. Do not try to eliminate it.,Fat aids in the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K.,Saturated and trans fats,(饱和,反式脂肪),increases the risk of heart disease. Unsaturated fats do not , and are therefore a better choice.,It is important to consume some of these good fat on a regular basis.,Eat some nuts ( peanuts ,walnuts ,almonds ) and use vegetable oil when cooking .,Minerals,Calcium,:,Maintains bones and teeth.,Aids heart and muscle contraction, nerve impulses, and blood clotting.,You should take in 8001200 mg a day,.,The most familiar and plentiful sources of calcium are dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, or cheese.,Zinc (Zn),:,Fights colds, flu, other infections.,Heals skin ailments and aids digestive complaints.,When looking for foods rich in zinc, think protein. Its abundant in beef, pork, liver, poultry (especially dark meat),whose zinc is easily absorbed .,Magnesium,(,Mg),:,Helps protect against heart disease and irregular heartbeat,Lowers high blood pressure.,Good food sources of magnesium are whole grains, nuts, legumes(,豆类), dark green leafy vegetables, and shellfish,Bananas are better choices as well .,Potassium,(,K,),Helps lower blood pressure,,,helps drain extra water off .,Fresh fruits and vegetables - such as bananas, oranges and orange juice, and potatoes - are very high in potassium. Meats, poultry, milk, and yogurt are also good sources,Other minerals . . .,Vitamins,We are quite familiar with functions of these vitamins ,so we just introduce some food which is rich in these .,VA,-livers of animals , carrots , pumpkins , pawpaw and other dark-color vegetables and fruits .,VB(1,2,6,12),-grains , peanuts , livers ,VC,- oranges , tomatoes ,VD,- sunshine ,VE,- most nuts ,vegetable oil ,Fibers,Fiber would be listed under carbohydrates . Itself has no calories because your body cannot absorb it , but it plays an important role which helps prevent from constipation, makes you feel fuller so that you will eat less if you have some hi-fiber food before meals .,These kinds of hi-fiber food are fruits ,such as apples ,pears ; green vegetables , whole wheat food , and,ponjack,(,魔芋,) .,PART 2 :,Points for attention while eating,There are some food that you d better not eat when you are on an empty stomach:,Bananas , oranges , tomatoes , milk ,If you dont sleep well at night , try to drink some milk , honey , vinegar before sleeping, and eat some more date , almond , longan , millet congee in daily life , at the same time avoid tea or coffee .,Have some hi-fiber food before the hi-fat ,some yogurt after the hi-carb , and some vinegar after the hi-sugar if you want to keep fit .,Haw , black coffee , tea are the kind of food which promote to digest after eating .,Some kinds of food ought not to or mustnt be eaten together :,Ca vs. oxalic acid,(草酸),: prevent Ca from absorbed,such as tofu with spinach &shallot , milk with chocolate .,Protein vs. oranges,: the former would be destroyed .,Cucumber vs. VC,:VC would be destroyed when eat or cooked with cucumber, as well as when overheated .,Sweat potatoes vs. tomatoes &bananas,: it would cause gastrectasia,(胃胀气),or even calculus,(结石),.,You should peel potatoes before eating .,Tofu & soybean milk isnt eaten with milk , pork liver , or honey .,Seafood with some fruit like hawthorn ,grapes,,,pawpaw ,apple is also avoided as possible .,Food abundant in,VB,and,VC,(most fruit and vegetables) should be eaten uncooked , while food rich in,VA , VE,( carrots ) had better be cooked .,Let s come to the next part -,Health protection in winter,We need more energy to maintain our metabolism (,新陈代谢,) and daily activities in cold winter . It is easier to catch a cold or fever, and asthma,(哮喘),happens frequently during this time . It is quite necessary to add some more supply for food .,Benefits,in winter : Have some warm food such as eggs , mutton, beef , date ; have more nuts ; have porridge .,At the same time , dont forget sufficient vegetables and fruits .,Keep yourself warm by wearing proper clothes .,Keep rooms airiness . In the day time its better to open windows , which can prevent you from a cold , keep you in high spirits as well.,You need a longer sleep than in summer .,Do some outdoor activities . Even though you are engaged in many things , or you are not fond of exercise ,walking,is still a good choice for everyone , male and female , old and young , enjoy the warm sunshine !,Ladies , would you like to keep your skin wet during the dry winter ?,There are also some secrets -,Drink more water undoubtly , especially when in a room with an air condition .,Use washing cream instead of soap , which dries your skin more .,Smear some cream after cleaning in order,to,hold,more water .,Fruit,is more helpful in the morning , for it is digested more easily compared with staple food , quicken the movement of your stomach and lessen its burden .,An old saying goes : fruit is gold in the morning , silver in the midday , but copper in the evening .,Add some vinegar in your everyday life , both when cleaning and eating .,Low sugar , low fat , low salt and high fiber are the best choice on your diet .,Have a wonderful winter !,We hope you like our presentation , gain some general knowledge about life as well !,Thanks,


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