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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,旅 游 英 语,授课教师,:,王瑞仙,Arrangement,Tourist English,Hotel English,Unit 1,Dialogs,economic reform,open-up policy,经济改革,对外开放政策,1.Passport,please!,Sorry to have kept you waiting.,How long do you plan to stay?,itinerary,finalize,旅行路线,指南,把,最后定下来,2.About Itinerary,Please read it carefully to see if there is a need for any changes.,A visit to a community center in Shanghai has also been arranged,at your request.,I presume that some of your friends may have their own needs and wants,likes and dislikes.,Shall we make it a rule for them to approach me directly?,Please assure your friends that Ill be doing all that is within my power to make your visit in shanghai a pleasant experience.,Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.,Shall I say that we have finalized the itinerary?,Thats very considerate of you.,Tourist arrival,2.About Itinerary,Text,Why People Travel?,Ultimately at the top of the hierarchy there are,the needs,for self-actualization or self-realization,that is,the need,to develop ones own potential,the need,for aesthetics stimulation,the need,to create or to build ones own personality and character,etc.,Maslows hierarchy of needs,There is the desire to,get away from,routine,to identify with teams and individuals,which gives people a sense of belonging,and to dream of the role one would fulfill if he were playing.,In the,fast-moving modern society,where strain and stress have become part of an individuals life,people tend to have a change in environment and activities in order to rest and relax.,To,cater to this need,many travel agencies,specialized in,certain ethnic areas and people,providing specialized tours to return and visit“the old country”where some tourists may pick up a genealogical line or find their roots.,To be the first to go to an,exotic place,or to go where certain types of people go,offers some excitement and creates an illusion of enviable sophistication among ones friends.,Two aspects of leisure,were and are,important in promoting tourism:the time available for leisure,and peoples attitude toward leisure.,Today,in many countries,elaborate road systems have been built so that a person can go from border to border or even across,national borders,in the case of Europe without being affected by a single red light or two-way traffic on the same roadway.,Smaller family size and an increase of women in the,labor market,have made todays family more affluent,which greatly promotes the tourism industry.,With,increasing affluence and leisure,and,a relative decrease in cost of travel,the growth of the travel industry will surely continue.,Homework,Read the text“Beijing”and try your best to retell it.(Page 11),Complete the first and second part of the exercises.(Page 15),Review,Useful words,belong,finalize,actualization,ample,pious,enviable,affluent,为,所有,是,的成员,把,最后定下来,实现,现实化,足够的,充分的,虔诚的,信奉宗教,值得羡慕的,丰富的,富裕的,Useful expressions,discretionary income,disposable income,by and large,on a large scale,cater to,give an impetus to,so far asis concerned,可随意支配收入,一般地,大规模地,适应,迎合,促进,推动,就,而论,至于,Useful sentences,感谢您的理解与合作。,Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.,我们把这个旅行计划最后定下来了。,Shall I say that we have finalized the itinerary?,您太体贴了。,Thats very considerate of you.,抱歉让您久等了。,Sorry to have kept you waiting.,您打算待多久?,How long do you plan to stay?,请仔细阅读确定是否需要修改。,Please read it carefully to see if there is a need for any changes.,Homework,Read the text“Xian”and try your best to retell it.(Page 18),Complete the third and fourth of the exercise.(Page 17,18),Please divide into 10 groups,and there are 10 students in each group.Suppose you are a tourist guide,please prepare a commentary about famous scenic areas in China.Then share with us after 2 weeks.,Useful words,hierarchy,actualization,ample,genealogical,等级制度,统治集团,实现,现实化,足够的,充分的,家谱的,家系的,pious,enviable,affluent,self-actualization,self-realization,self-esteem,economic reform,open-up policy,虔诚的,信奉宗教,值得羡慕的,丰富的,富裕的,自我实现,自我发挥,自尊,经济改革,对外开放政策,Useful expressions,physical examination,discretionary income,disposable income,the Grand Tour,by and large,on a large scale,体检,可随意支配收入,大旅游,一般地,大规模地,谢谢观看,/,欢迎下载,BY FAITH I MEAN A VISION OF GOOD ONE CHERISHES AND THE ENTHUSIASM THAT PUSHES ONE TO SEEK ITS FULFILLMENT REGARDLESS OF OBSTACLES.BY FAITH I BY FAITH,


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