中大英语2 专科 U11-12

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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,UNIT 11,Dialogue A,go back to,=return,When do you go back home from school?,Lets go back to what I was saying just now.,Our Spring Festival goes back to ancient times.,do some+v-ing,cooking,cleaning,reading,running,washing,be/get lost,inthecorner,onthecorner&atthecorner,inthecorner在拐角处,指的是在室内;atthecorner在拐角处,一般指在室外;onthecorner和atthecorner有时差不多;但是还有自己的用法:可以指在某个物体外表的拐角处。如onthecornerofthetable,银行就在拐角上。,Thebankis_thecorner.,在办公室的角落有一张桌子,在桌角上放着一个口袋。,_thecorneroftheofficestandsadesk,_ thecornerofwhichliesabag.,on/at,In,on,right adv.,他就站在我旁边。,He was standing right beside me.,迪克直视着那个人。,Dick looked the man right in the eye.,spend/take/pay/cost,spend-spent-spent-spending,take-took-taken-taking,pay-paid-paid-paying,cost-cost-cost-costing,spend/take/pay/cost,(1)spend的主语通常是人,Sb.spend some money/some time on sth.,Sb.spend some money/some time(in)doing sth.,他干这项工作用了3天。,He spent three days on the work.=,He spent three days(in)doing the work.,(2)take常用于“占用、花费时间,其主语通常为形式主语“it或物。,It takes sb.some time to do sth.Sth.takes sb.some time.,画这些漂亮的马花了我三年。,It took me three years to draw these beautiful horses.,这项工作会花我2天时间。,The work will take me two days.,(3)pay为“付款、赔偿之意,主语通常是人,Sb.pay(sb.)some money for sth.,我花50元买了这件大衣。,I paid fifty Yuan for the coat.,他买药已付医生50英镑。,He has paid the doctor 50 pounds for the medicine.,(4)cost的主语必须是物,Sth.cost(sb.)some money,(doing)sth.cost(sb.)some time,一台新电脑要花不少钱。,A new computer costs a lot of money.,他花了大量时间才记住了这些单词。,Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time.,Dialogue B分词作表语,一般来说,表示心理状态的动词都是及物动词,汉语意思是“使,假设人对感到,就是ed形式,假设人/物本身有(品质)时,就是ing形式。,使产生兴趣,interest,某人对感兴趣,somebody is interested in.,人/物本身有趣时,sb./sth.is interesting,exciting excited,delighting delighted,disappointing disappointed,encouraging encouraged,pleasing pleased,puzzling puzzled,satisfying satisfied,surprising surprised,worryingworried,令人冲动的感到冲动的,令人快乐的感到快乐的,令人失望的感到失望的,令人鼓舞的感到鼓舞的,令人愉快的感到愉快的,令人费解的感到费解的,令人满意的感到满意的,令人惊异的感到惊异的,令人担忧的感到担忧的,Traveling is _ but _.,旅行是有趣的,但是使人疲劳。,The pupils will get _ if they are made to learn too much.,如果让学生学得太多,他们会感到糊涂的。,The argument is very _.,论点很令人信服。,They were very _ at the news.,听到这个消息,他们非常冲动。,interesting,tiring,confused,convincing,excited,Passage Ahistoric&historical,historic 是指“历史性的、“因为有历史意义而应该记住的、“有历史纪念价值的、“会影响历史进程的。,历史性时刻historic moment,历史性的进步historic progress,历史性的飞跃historic leap,historical 是指“历史方面的、“与历史直接相关的。,历史方面的研究historical research,历史人物historical figure,史料historical material,Passage A P136-9,1.That be ones first+n.&something of+n.,be overseas,chance,American West,campus,the countryside,2.This time,but wondered if,enter the final,try that hard,win the game,be not as capable as boys,Passage B P138-12,1.It seems like+从句,travel in a foreign country,the promises(that)they have made,2.n.+often happen(s)to sb.(定语从句),quit school,worry too much about safety,3.With the development of+n.,business,product,become popular,world economy&trade,have a chance to do,people from different cultural backgrounds,deal with sb.,4.sth.+vt.+sb.+how to,software,analyze,the complicated figures/data,the shopping mall,UNIT 12,Dialogue A,used to do,过去常常,BrE:Used 主语to do?,主语 used not to do或usednt to do,AmE:Did 主语use to do?,主语didnt use to do,be/get used to sth./doing sth.,习惯于,be used to do,被用来做,1.Youll soon get used to(live)in the country.2.I never used to(eat)cakes,but I eat a lot now.3.When I was younger I was used to(walk)long distances.4.I used to(go)swimming on Saturdays.5.Didnt she use to(live)in Germany?,1.,living,2.,eat,3.,walking,4.,go,5.,live,1.Life here is much easier than it _ be.2.He is a good worker and _ hard work.3.Ive lived in Paris for six years now,so Im quite _ the traffic.4.Its difficult to understand Scottish people if you_ their accent.5.I dont play tennis much these days,but I _.6.The wood _ make desks and chairs.,1.used to,2.is used to,3.used to,4.are not used to,5.used to,6.is used to,Have been to,have gone to,曾经到过某地,已经去了某地,He has been to Beijing,.,He has gone to Beijing.,他现在已经不在北京了,他可能在去北京的路上,或是已到北京,反正人现在不在说话现场,Fill in the blanks with,have/has been(to)have/has gone(to),-,-Where is your father?,-He isnt here now.He _ _ to work.,2.-_ you ever _ to England?,-No,I _ _ there so far,but I,_ _ to America twice.,has gone,have been,Have,been,havent been,Dialogue B,“would+have+done虚拟语气,表示对过去事情的假设,意思是“本来会做。,I _(tell)you all about the boys story,but you didnt ask me.,Without your help,I _(achieve)so much.,“must+have+done表示对过去事情的肯定推测,译成“一定做过某事,一定已经,想必已经,该结构只用于肯定的陈述句中,否认句中用 cant have done。,It _(rain)last night,for the road is wet.,My sister met him at the theatre last night,so he _(attend)your lecture.,would have told,wouldnt have achieved,must have rained,cant have attended,Passage Aradio fog,book,cook,elbow,hand,head,water,Ive booked a room in the hotel.,My mother has cooked the best food for us.,She elbowed her way through the crowd.,Please hand in your homework tomorrow.,Who headed the department?,Were heading home.,She is watering the flowers in the garden.,It makes my


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