Apollo and Daphne

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Apollo and Daphne,英语语言文学系,092,刘玉婷,中英文名字对照,太阳神阿波罗,Apollo,,,the God of the Sun,月亮女神阿耳忒弥斯,Artemis,,,the Goddess of the Moon,宙斯,Zeus,伊烙克,/,丘比特,Eros/Cupid,the God of Love,达芙妮,Daphne,月桂树,the Laurel tree,桂冠,laurel,竖琴,lyre,TheLoveStoryBetweenApolloandDaphne,When bathing in the sun,we shall come up with the power of the sun.And when it comes to the sun,we have to associate with the god of sun-Apollo.,Apollo,As we all know,Apollo is the most widely admired god among the Olympian gods.He is the son of Zeus and Leto.He is the god of sun and the god of music and poetry.As Apollo is an energetic and handsome man,he is welcomed and beloved by many beautiful goddesses.But the love story between Apollo and Daphne is a very appealing and attractive one.,Daphne,is a lovely blooming fairy maiden.She is the daughter of the river god Peneus,.,Eros,The love story between them may be considered as a tragedy.And the culprit is Eros,the god of love,who is better known by his Latin name-Cupid,.,Story,Apollo and Daphne,is a story from ancient,Greek mythology,retold by,Hellenistic,and,Roman,authors in the form of an amorous,vignette,;,Apollo,and,Daphne,by,Antonio Pollaiuolo,.,The curse of Apollo,the god of the sun and music,was brought onto him when he insulted the young,Eros,(a.k.a.,Cupid,)for playing with,bow and arrows,Apollo was a great warrior and said to him,What have you to do with warlike weapons,saucy boy?Leave them for hands worthy of them.Behold the conquest I have won by means of them over the vast serpent who stretched his poisonous body over acres of the plain!Be content with your torch,child,and kindle up your flames,as you call them,where you will,but presume not to meddle with my,weapons,.,The petulant Eros took two arrows,one of,gold,and one of,lead,.The gold one was supposed to incite love,while the lead one was supposed to incite hatred.,With the leaden shaft,Eros shot the,nymph,Daphne and with the golden one,he shot Apollo through the,heart,.Apollo was seized with love for the maiden,Daphne,and she in turn abhorred him.In fact,she spurned her many potential lovers,preferring instead woodland sports and exploring the woods.Her father,Peneus,demanded that she get married so that she may give him,grandchildren,.However,she begged her father to let her remain unmarried,like Apollos twin sister,Artemis,He warned her saying,Your own face will forbid it.By saying this he meant that she was too beautiful to keep all her potential lovers away forever.,Apollo continually followed her,begging her to stay,but the nymph continued her flight.They were evenly matched in the race until,Eros,intervened and helped Apollo gain upon Daphne.,Seeing that Apollo was bound to catch her,she called upon her father,Help me,Peneus,!Open the earth to enclose me,or change my form,which has brought me into this danger!,He warned her saying,Your own face will forbid it.By saying this he meant that she was too beautiful to keep all her potential lovers away forever.,Apollo continually followed her,begging her to stay,but the nymph continued her flight.They were evenly matched in the race until,Eros,intervened and helped Apollo gain upon Daphne.,Seeing that Apollo was bound to catch her,she called upon her father,Help me,Peneus,!Open the earth to enclose me,or change my form,which has brought me into this danger!,.,阿波罗与达芙妮,的故事源於罗马诗人,奥维德,的,变形记,;,达芙妮,为,河神,皮里奥斯,(Peneus),的女儿。,宙斯,有一个儿子和一个女儿,儿子叫,阿波罗,。他是一个俊美的男生,他力大无比,是专门掌管,太阳,的,太阳神,。女儿则是掌管,月亮,的,月亮女神,,有一天 阿波罗接到父亲的指示去射杀一个妖怪,在回来的路上看到一个小孩在玩弄一张弓,他就走到孩子的面前说,:,你们小孩不可以玩弓,并提起射杀得的妖怪给他看。好说了很多轻蔑的话,那个小孩就是就是掌管爱的,伊烙克,,也有人叫他,丘比特,。,丘比特因阿波罗的话十分生气,就说,:,你信不信我回会用我的箭射中你,.,阿波罗当然不相信。于是丘比特对着天空射出了两支特别的箭:第一支箭会使人深深陷入爱河;第二只箭则使人不会对异性动心。第一支箭射中了阿波罗,第二只箭射中了河神的女儿,一个名叫达芙妮的美丽少女,她是,神界,中第一大美女。阿波罗一看到达芙妮就深深爱上了她,他对她的爱就像疾病一样无法控制。,他如影随形地跟着达芙妮。不过那名少女崇尚月亮女神,想追随她成为一个永恒的,处女,,因此对男性非常排斥,根本不理会阿波罗的追求。可阿波罗并没有放弃。一天啊波罗在树林里见到了达芙妮,就走过去想向他表白 可是因为丘比特的箭的作用,她不停的逃开他,达芙妮越跑越惊慌,,因为这一次阿波罗是铁了心肠不让她离开,就在他快要追到的时候,终于她停住了,因为他被一条大河拦住了。达芙妮向他前面的大河求救,:,爸爸你请你张开大口把我吞下去吧,.,河神向来疼爱这个美丽的女儿,因此施展河神将她变成一株月桂树,.,阿波罗看到了变成月桂树的达芙妮,感到懊悔万分,他轻拥着月桂树向她道歉,并且,言明,虽然她无法成为自己的妻子,但他对她的爱慕永远不变,他要用她的木材做他的,竖琴,,用她的花朵装饰他的,弓箭,,让她永远青春永驻,不必担心衰老。,因此,古希腊人把月桂树看做是阿波罗的神木,称为“阿波罗的月桂树”,(The Laurel of Apollo),。起先,他们用月桂枝叶编成冠冕,授予在祭祀太阳神的节目赛跑中的优胜者。后来在奥林匹亚,(Olympia),举行的体育竞技中,他们用桂冠赠给竞技的优胜者。从此世代相传,后世欧洲人以“桂冠“作为光荣的称号。,由于阿波罗是主管光明。青春。音乐和诗歌之神,欧洲人又把源自“阿波罗的月桂树“的桂冠,献给最有才华的诗人,称“桂冠诗人“。,第一位著名的“桂冠诗人“就是欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义的先驱者。意大利诗人彼特拉克,(Francesco Petrarch,,,1304-1374),。,传说二,当年与宙斯的大儿子,阿波罗,互相爱慕。终于,有一天阿波罗终于按捺不住自己对月桂女神的爱恋,对她展开的追求。可是因为阿波罗自己是太阳神,身体聚集了大量的热能,使得月桂难以忍受。所以每次阿波罗追月桂,她就会躲。就这样,一追一躲,终于月桂无法忍受了,她大喊救命。她的父亲河神,林恩,因不忍女儿遭受如此痛苦,就将大地劈裂了一条大缝。月桂纵身一跳,化成了一棵大树从裂缝中长出。自此,这棵树就叫做,月桂树,。而阿波罗并不知道缘由,认为月桂宁可变成大树也不愿和他在一起。直到有一天,他突然意识到原来是因为自己太热了才使得月桂化作一棵大树。阿波罗发誓要永远为月桂留下一片遮蔽。那就是我们现在知道的太阳黑子,在太阳神心中留下的永远的遮蔽,他为月桂留下的遮蔽。,Influences,Many artists like to use this theme in creation.,Apollo and Daphne is a statue a famous sculptor,Gian Lorenzo Bernini,carved according to the love story.,Gian Lorenzo Bernini,杰安,劳伦佐,贝尼尼(又名,Giovanni Lorenzo Ber


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