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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit4 Global warming,windmills,solar panels,Hydro-electric power,geothermal energy,tidal energy,biomass energy,nuclear power plant,an oil refinery(,精炼厂,),coal power station ,natural gas,Coal,Oil,Natural gas,Uranium,Wind (wind power),Sun (solar energy),Water (hydro-electric power),Plant waste (biomass energy),Hot springs or geysers,间歇泉,(geothermal energy),The sea (tidal energy),Fossil fuels,Non-renewable,Renewable,What are fossil fuels?,Ancient animal and plant material below the surface of the earth with a high carbon content, such as coal, oil and natural gas, which can be burnt to produce energy. Also known as non-renewable energy because once they are used they have gone forever; they cannot be renewed.,Greenhouse,Scanning,3.What are the names of the three scientists mentioned in the article?,Sophie Armstrong, Earth Care.,1. What is the main topic of the article?,Global warming/ the warming of the earth.,2.Who wrote the magazine article? What is the name of the magazine?,Dr. Janice Foster, Charles Keeling, George Hambley.,4. What do they think about global warming? Do they agree with one another?,They dont agree with each other.,Dr. Janice Foster thinks the effects of,global warming could be very serious.,George Hambley thinks global warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences.,Charles Keeling believes it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that is resulting in a big increase in carbon dioxide.,5. What are the two graphs about?,The first graph shows the temperature increase of one degree Fahrenheit between 1860 to 2000.,The second graph shows the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1977.,Careful-reading,1. The temperature last century didnt increase much.,2. Everyone believes that global warming is caused by the activities of humans.,3. Janice Foster believes that global warming is caused by the burning fossil fuels.,4. Natural gas is a greenhouse gas.,5. Carbon dioxide is a byproduct of burning fossil fuels.,Read the passage carefully and judge whether the statements are true or false.,T,T,F,T,T,6. People accept Charles Keelings data because he took accurate measurements.,7. Flooding could be one of the effects of future global warming.,8. George Hambley believes scientists are just guessing about the effects of global warming.,9. George Hambley is worried about the effects of carbon dioxide on plant growth.,10. It is clear what the effects of global warming will be.,F,F,T,T,T,1. How has the global warming come about?,2. What are the effects of global,warming?,Read again,1).Burning of fossil fuels,1. Causes of global warming:,2).Cutting too many trees,Greenhouse gases emission,2. Effects of global warming:,The ice on top of the mountain is melting,.,The ice on the ocean is melting.,The sea level is rising and the coastal cities will be flooded.,Extreme weathers:,hurricanes,droughts,etc.,Think about the generations and so we want to make a better place for children,and the children,s children, so that they know it,s a better world for them and then they would make it a better place!,Heal the world, Make it a better place, For you and for me And the entire human race,There are people dying If you care enough for the living,Make a better place for you and for me,For you and for me And the entire human race,There are people dying If you care enough for the living,Make a better place for you and for me,Heal the worldMake it a better place,For you and for meAnd the entire human race,There are people dying If you care enough for the living,There are people dyingIf you care enough for the living,Make a better place for you and for me,There are people dyingIf you care enough for the living,Make a better place for you and for me,You and for me Make a better place,You and for me,Make a better place,Heal the world we are livingSave it for our children,Heal the world we are livingSave it for our children,Heal the world we are livingSave it for our children,


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