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专题二短语运用,外研版八年级下,一、英汉短语互译。,1.,最后一次,_ 2.,对某人微笑,_,3.,在那时,_ 4.,担心,_,5. as usual _ 6. make friends _,7. day by day _ 8. far away _,the last time,smile at sb.,at that moment,worry about,和平时一样,交朋友,一天天地,远的,9.,采访,_ 10.,亲自;当面,_,11.,一周一次,_ 12. ask for _,13. wait for _ 14. close down _,15. on air _,do interviews with,in person,once a week,要求得到; 寻求,等待,(,电台、电视台,),停止播音、播出,正在广播,二、单项选择。,1. Dogs are _ swimming and they like water very much.,A. good at,B,. good for,C. good to,D,. good with,A,2. Lucy is _ water so she doesnt want to go swimming.,A. harmful to,B,. bad for,C. afraid of,D,. proud,of,C,3,. We have decided to _ China next year because we all like its culture.,A. send for,B,. move to,C. keep away from,D,. keep clear,of,B,4,. What are you up to?,I am _ my project!,A. working on,B,. working with,C. working up,D,. working out,A,5. We can _ information on the Internet to help us finish this project.,A. search for,B,. ask for,C. make for,D,. send,for,A,6,. The moon _ the earth and it is a natural satellite of it.,A. goes for,B,. goes against,C. goes around,D.,goes,to,C,7,. She is deaf(,聋的,), so she cant _ others.,A. hear,B,. leave for,C. communicate,D,. be close to,A,8,. If our parents do everything for us children, we wont learn to _ ourselves.,A. stand for,B,. depend on,C. live on,D,. agree with,B,9. She _ in study because of her hard work.,A. made a progress,B,. makes progresses,C. has made a progress,D,. has made,progress,D,10,. You need to _ the application form first if you want to join the students union.,A. give out,B,. set up,C. fill in,D,. send out,C,11. Many families form close friendship _ the students and stay _ touch with them.,A. in; with,B,. to; and,C. of; in,D,. with;,in,D,12,. Welcome to my city and Ill _ the sights of my hometown for you.,A. find out,B,. look up,C. point out,D,. pull off,C,13. Mum, I have nothing to do in my free time but do homework.,My dear, you should _ a hobby like drawing or taking photos.,A. take up,B,. make up,C. set up,D,. put up,A,14. Your little brother has a bad cold. You neednt _ tomorrow morning.,A. get up him,B,. wake him up,C. wake up him,D,. get him,up,B,15,. I will miss my family when I go abroad for further study this autumn.,Dont worry. You can _ them by email.,A. come up,withB,. get along with,C. make friends,withD,. keep in touch with,D,16. Im not sure whether I can hold a party in the open air, because it _ the weather.,A. stands for,B,. depends on,C. lives on,D,. agrees with,B,17,. If you want to know the truth, why not ask him _?,I will.,A. in person,B,. on time,C. at times,D,. by himself,A,三、从方框中选择恰当的短语并用其适当形式填空。,1. What is _ the cake? It is like a star!,2. We _ our Chinese Dream and we will make it come true one day.,3. She can speak German _ English.,on top of, be proud of, take up, as well as, by the way, hear from, point out, in person, take a message, be patient with, keep quiet,on top of,are proud of,as well as,4. _, have you got an email address?,5. Have you _ your parents?,6. I wont _ much of your time.,7. Can you _ for me?,on top of, be proud of, take up, as well as, by the way, hear from, point out, in person, take a message, be patient with, keep quiet,By the way,heard from,take up,take a message,8. As a good nurse, you must _ the patients.,9. _ the mistake in this sentence, please.,10. Please _. Im trying to get some work done.,11. Youd better go and speak to him _.,on top of, be proud of, take up, as well as, by the way, hear from, point out, in person, take a message, be patient with, keep quiet,be patient with,Point out,keep quiet,in person,四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。,1.,别害羞,请试试。,Dont be shy. Please _ _ _.,2.,他喜欢甜食,喜欢吃蛋糕。,He had a _ _ and liked eating cakes.,3.,你在学校进行什么运动,?,What kind of sports do you do _ _?,have a try,sweet tooth,at school,4.,他努力练习,在演讲比赛中取得了一等奖。,He worked hard and got _ _ in the speaking competition.,5.,你的故事不必真实,你可以编造它。,Your story doesnt need to be true. You can _ _ _.,6.,你可以写写关于你的校园生活。,You can _ _ your school life.,first prize,make,it up,write about,7.,我们在倒数春节前的日子。,We are _ _ the days before the Spring Festival.,8. ,你能帮我一下吗,?,没问题。,Can you give me a hand? _ _.,9.,在将来,人们可能可以进行太空旅行。,In the future, people can probably have _ _.,counting down,No problem,space travels,10.,太阳系中最大的行星是什么,?,What is the biggest planet in the _ _?,11.,今天早晨那个老爷爷像平常一样在公园里散步。,The old grandpa walked in the park _ _ this morning.,12.,每次我听到这首歌,我就会想起我的童年。,_ _ I hear this song, I will think of my childhood.,solar system,as usual,Every time,13.,大卫不是俱乐部的成员,但他喜欢和这些成员交朋友。,David isnt a member of the club but he likes _ _ _ the members.,14.,在那时,一个男孩儿跑进教室。,_ _ _,a boy ran into the classroom.,15.,老师转过身来,看见丽萨正在纸上画画。,The teacher _ _ and saw Lisa _ on the paper.,making,At that moment,turned around drawing,friends with,16.,老师告诉我们月亮围绕地球转。,The teacher told us that the moon _ _ the earth.,17.,我正盼望着参观博物馆。,I am _ _ _ visiting the museum.,18.,玛丽上周参加了英语竞赛。,Mary _ _ _ the English competition last week.,goes around,looking forward to,took part in,19.,不要忘记在六点叫醒我。,Dont _ _ _ me up at 6,:,00.,20.,这部卡通片很快赢得了青少年的心。,The cartoon _ _ _ _ the teenagers soon.,21.,当红灯亮时,表示我们在播音。,When the red light is on,it means we are _ _.,forget to wake,won the hearts of,on air,22.,明天我带你参观颐和园。,Tomorrow Im going to _ you _ the Summer Palace.,23.,我们的电台晚上,12,点停止播音。,Our radio station _ _ at twelve oclock in the evening.,take,around,closes down,五、词语运用,。,In the past, I didnt,_1,but,_ 2,because I ate too much _,3.,I was fat and went to see a doctor. He told me to stop eating fast food and to _,4.,it is time, feel sleepy, go for a run, do any exercise, feel fit, make a mess, with a smile, become a member, keep fighting, get exercise, fast food,feel fit,feel sleepy,fast food,get exercise,At first, I thought, was I too fat to _5? Then a friend of mine told me, you hadnt _ 6 in your life as long as(,只要,) you start to take action now. Yes, _ 7 for me to do something to improve my situation.,it is time, feel sleepy, go for a run, do any exercise, feel fit, make a mess, with a smile, become a member, keep fighting, get exercise, fast food,made a mess,it was time,do any exercise,Then, I decided to _8every day and _ 9 of the local running team. I _ 10 my fat. After a year, now I become much fitter and a girl _ 11 on the face.,it is time, feel sleepy, go for a run, do any exercise, feel fit, make a mess, with a smile, become a member, keep fighting, get exercise, fast food,with a smile,go for a run,became a member,kept fighting,


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