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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5 Travelling abroadUsing language-,Peru,Learning aims:,To learn something about Peru and four tours based at Cuzco.,To learn how to introduce,travel resources of a place .,Reading and speaking,Peru,Capital,_ is in the north of Peru,Position,On the Pacific coast of _,Geographical areas,1. A narrow _ belt 2. _,_running parallel to the coast,3. High, flat _ in the southeast,History,_ by Spain from_; _ in 1821.,Lima,South America,coastal,The Andes,plains,Governed,Gained independence,Mountains,the 16th century,A brief introduction of Peru,Revision,Famous places,_ is the highest lake in the world.,The ancient Inca capital, _ is found high in the Andes.,_ is the famous Inca ruins.,Resources,Abundant _,Lake Titicaca,Cuzco,Machu Picchu,plants,Official languages,_ & _.,Indian Spanish,A brief introduction,Turn to,P44,.,Read the text TOUR by TOUR and answer the following questions.,READING,What can people see on tour 1?,Jungle, wildlife, mountain scenery,ancient ruins, sunrise on Andes,2. In what way will people,travel on tour 1?,on hike, train,3. How long will tour 1 last?,four,days,Tour 1:,4. What places will people get to? (where),Cuzco, Puno, Lake Titicaca, floating,islands of the Uros people , Lima,5. In what way will people get there?,By bus, boat, plane,Puno (,谱诺,),Tour 3:,7. What places will people get to? (where),8. What can people,do,on this tour?,Andes, Cuzco, Machu Picchu (ruins),1).,learn,_,2). Visit_,3).,admire,_,4). Enjoy_,5). Buy_,about the history,the museums,the Spanish architecture,excellent Spanish cuisine,souvenirs,Tour 4:,9. What places will people get to?,10. In what way will people get there?,11. What can people,do,on this tour?,Cuzco, Andes, Amazon jungle,By plane, boat.,Enjoy,the view of Andes and explore the Amazon jungle,see,many birds.,writing,Part 2,concrete,(具体的),experiences,Part 1,overall(,总体的),introduction,If you want to introduce a place, you can put it into 2 or 3 parts.,Part 3,your opinions,假设你是一名导游,根据你对天祝的认识以及下列图片,现在要向游客介绍图片中的旅游路线。,Overall introduction,natural beauty;,Tibetan customs,天祝提供了丰富的旅游资源,从自然美景到藏族风俗。下列旅游项目都是从华藏寺出发。,What travel resources are there in Tianzhu ?,Concrete introduction,How long?,In what way?,What can you see?,体验,美丽的抓喜秀龙草原,,近距离,观赏白牦牛。,欣赏,高原乡村的,秀丽景色,。,在一天的步行旅游中,,草原的风景和藏区的生,活会令你叹为观止。,Concrete introduction,How long?,What will you do?,在天堂镇玩两天,,参观天堂寺,了解天堂寺的历史。,有一整晚的时间呆在当地居民家中,品尝藏族美味食物,了解他们的生活。,第二天,可以观赏“天祝三峡”的自然风光。,Tianzhu offers,a variety of experiences,from,natural beauty to Tibetan customs.,The following,tours are based at Huazangsi .,Tour 1,Experience,Zhuaxixiulong grassland and white,Yak,close up.,You will,enjoy fantastic views,of the,highland countryside. During this one-day walking,tour,you will be amazed by grassland scenery and,the Tibetan life.,Tour 2,Spend two days in the Paradise town.,Visit the,Paradise temple and learn about its history.,A,full-evening stay with a local family gives you an,opportunity to enjoy some excellent Tibetan cuisine,and learn more about Tibetan life .,On the Second,day, you can enjoy the natural beauty of,“three valleys of Tianzhu”.,1.,一个要将中国归于中央集权下的专制一统,一个要恢复天下到六国时代诸侯联盟的松散政制。这看上去好像只是一个是否认同统一的历史趋势的问题,现代人常常站在统一的立场上去批判项羽,仿佛只有用铁骑扫平了六国的秦王才算是一个民族英雄,其实问题并不这么简单。,2.,从历史的长时段看,统一的趋势是无法阻遏的。从根本上说,它是中华民族发展到一定阶段,文明内部各部分长期交往整合的必然结果。问题只在以何种方式统一,3.,可以设想,即使没有秦的武力,天下也终将归于一体,这也为汉以后的历史实际所一次次证明。无可否认的是,秦王的铁骑确实使这一过程大大简化了。看上去,历史似乎少走了许多弯路,细想来却又未必。,4.,先不说铁骑下呻吟的民众,是否也有追求自己那一点卑微的生活自由的权力,就是从文明的发展来说,统一的后果也有许多地方值得怀疑。,5.,中央集权确实加强了国家的权力,使秦汉帝国成为当时世界上少有匹敌的强大力量。但是,作为代价,从原始社会时代开始积累起来的那一种有限民主(哪怕是统治阶级内部民主),也彻底丧失了。,6.,春秋战国时期纵横捭阖的士,逐渐变成了可以“倡优畜之”的文人。当秦军焚烧着六国的宫殿,将天下一切珍奇全都劫掠汇聚向咸阳时,中华文明也就从多元变成了一元,从多中心变成了一个或最多两三个中心(所谓“两都”或“三都”)。,7.,燕京之所以成为当年第一流的综合性大学,更有赖司徒确立的办学方向,一开始就使燕京弥漫着浓厚的学术自由、思想自由的空气。,8.,今天,我们将一些传统节日提高到法定节假日的高度,也应该在传统节日中注入时代的精神风貌、时代的人文习俗,而不是单纯地重复过去的节俗。,


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