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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The Magic Stone,Lesson 18,The Magic StoneLesson 18,Whats this?,m,a,gic stone,(不可思议、有奇异魔力的),Whats this?magic stone(不可思议、有,Look at the story.,Look at the story.,There is no food for dinner.Im hungry.Im sad.,Oh,no.,There is no food for dinner.I,Magic stone,magic stone.I have a magic stone.,Who is he?,What,s in his hand?,Magic stone,magic stone.I ha,Little boy!Whats a magic stone?,It makes soup.,Little boy!Whats a magic sto,May I use it?,Sure!,May I use it?Sure!,We have a magic stone.It makes soup.,Lets have a look.,We have a magic stone.It make,I have some fish and noodles.,I have some chicken.,I have some vegetables.,Thank you.,I have some fish and noodles.I,What do they have?,I have some fish and noodles.,I have some chicken.,I have some vegetables.,What do they have?I have some,Mmm,good!,The soup is ready.Lets eat!,I like it.,Mmm,good!The soup is ready.L,There is no magic stone.You are the magic.Good-bye!,Hey!Little boy!Your magic stone.,There is no magic stone.You a,How many people(,人,)in the story?,Six.,Who has the magic stone?,A little boy.,How many people(人)in the stor,Read silently,and circle the answers.,1.How do the old man and old woman feel?,Sad.,2.What is a magic stone?,It,makes,soup.,(默读故事,圈出答案。),Read silently,and circle the,If you are their friend,what do you have to make the soup?,(你有什么可以用来帮助他们做汤),If you are their friend,what,What do you learn from the story?,通过故事,你学到了什么?,Lets help,each other.,我们应互相帮助。,What do you learn from the sto,分角色朗读故事,之后进行展示。,Lets read the story.,分角色朗读故事,之后进行展示。Lets read the,


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