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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson two,10.10,Aim,1.Exercises to consolidate what we have discussed.,2.Further discussion of attributive clause.,1.,The people _I met at the party were from England.,2.Do you know anybody in the class_is very good at English.,3.This is the school _we all want to go to.,4.He pointed to the student about _we talked yesterday.,5.Can you pass the book _cover is red.,(whom/who/that),who/that,(which/that),whom,whose,一,.Exercises,6.Do you know the man_spoke at the meeting?,7.I know the man_you mean.,8 The stranger _Dr.,Jonson,is speaking to is the dead boys father.,9.The teacher is a person_teaches at school.,10.It sounds like a train_was going under the my house.,11.The car _my uncle just bought was destroyed in the accident.,who/that,(whom/that/who),(whom/that/who),who,that/which,(that/which),关系副词,when/where/why,的用法:,1.I still remember the day,when,I first came,to Beijing.,2.Well never forget the year,when,we were,born.,3.This is the house,where,we lived last year.,4.The factory,where,his father works is in the west of the city.,5.The reason,why,he said this is quite clear.,关系副词在从句中充当什么成分?,状语,when,指时间,修饰表示时间的先行词,where,指地点,修饰表示地点的先行词,why,指原因,先行词只有,reason,关系副词不能省略。,如何正确理解关系代词和关系副词,Do you see the man who we met him last week.,There is a shop near our school where we can buy coffee in it.,They live in a building,in front of its gate stands an old tree.,(F),(F),(F),关系代词和关系副词除了指代作用还有,连接作用。,whose,Join the following sentences with an,attributive clause,John is a very good student.,John is always ready to help others.,2.Can you introduce me a song.,The song can interest everybody in the class.,3.This is the blind man.,We lead the blind across the street everyday.,who/that,that/which,(whom/who/that),4.I share a desk with a boy.,His English pronunciation is very good.,5.Is there a shop near our school?,We can get fruits in the shop.,6.Can you remember that day?,You joined the party on that day.,7.The stranger is the dead boys father.,Dr.Johnson is speaking to him.,where,when,to whom,whose,8.The first thing is to advertise for a manager,We should do it,9.This is a good method.,We can solve the problem through this good method.,(that),through which,难点,1.,关系代词和关系副词的区别,Ill never forget the day_I joined the army.,I cant forget the five days _I spent in Beijing.,Our village is at the foot of a hill _there is a temple at the top of it.,Our village is at the foot of a hill_is very lonely.,Please tell me the reason_ you are late.,Have you asked her for the reason_may explain her mistakes?,when,(that/which),where,that/which,why,that/which,正确判断:,要从引导词在从句中的成分来判断,作主语或宾语,的用,that/which,,,作状语的用,when/where/why.,方法:,把先行词往定语从句的主语和宾语上放,能放进去就用,that,或,which,,,放不进去则用,where,或,when,或,why,。,错误判断:,先行词是时间或地点,则定语从,句就用,when,或,where,引导;先行词是,why,,,就用,reason,来引导。,难点,2.,关系副词和关系代词的转化,I know a wood,where,you can find wild strawberries.,=I know a wood,in which,you can find wild strawberries.,I can still remember the day,when,I was born.,=I can still remember the day,on which,I was born.,The reason,why,he didnt come was not clear.,=The reason,for which,he didnt come was not clear.,A.,在定语从句中,关系副词,when,和,where,都可,以转化成,prep.+which,,,介词的选择取决于它,和先行词的搭配,B.,关系副词,why,只能转化成,for+which,1.Do you know the reason _ I came late?,2.Is there a shop around _ we can get fruits?,3.Can you still remember the day _ you joined the Party?,4.Is this the university _ your brother studied five years ago?,5.Whats the name of the place _ you spent your holiday?.,6.The reason _ Im phoning you is to invite you to a party.,for which,in which,on which,in which,in which,for which,难点,3.whose,的转化,He lives in a big house,whose,windows,are very old.,=He lives in a big house,the window of which,are very old.,3)She is the student _father is a CEO,whose,2)I cant work out the math problem,whose,answer seemed quite strange.,=I cant work out the math problem,the,answer of which,seemed quite strange.,在,whose,表示物时,,whose,可以转化成,the+noun+of+which,的形式,但,whose,表示人时则不可以。,难点,4.way,后面的定语从句,They are trying to find a way_ can help us study better,Hes explaining a new way_ we are interested in.,I dont like the way _ you talk.,that/which,(that/which),in which,I dont like the way,that,you talk.,I dont like the way you talk.,(T),(T),way,后面的两种定语从句,:,1)way,在定语从句中起名词的作用,担任主语或宾语,用,that/which,引导,.,2)way,在定语从句中起副词的作用,担任状语,表示,in the way,的意思可以用,that/in which,引导,或干脆都不用。,难点,5.the first/last time,the moment,后的定语从句,The moment(that),he came in we stopped talking.,The last time(that),we saw him was in his school.,可以用,when,来替代,that,吗?,No,在,the first/last time,,,the moment,后的定语从,句不能用,when,引导,可用,that,,,但最常见的,是什么都不用。,难点,6.,以,as,引导的定语从句,I want to buy,the same,book,as,you bought yesterday.,It is,such,an interesting story,as,I have never heard before.,As,you can see,he does not quite agree with what we said.,I want to buy the same bike,as,is shown in the window.,The explanation is unreasonable,as,we all know.,定语从句中,as,是关系代词,作主语或宾语。,在以下,结构,时用,as,引导:,The sameas,和,suchas,句型中,非限定性定语从句放在句首时,在以下,意义


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