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including:P,Paragonimus westermani,Paragonimus westermani,Oral sucker,Vetral sucker,Cecum,Uterus,Ovary,Testes,Excretory bladder,1.adult,Morphology,Oral suckerVetral suckerCecumU,新版寄生虫肺吸虫课件,2.Egg,卵盖,operculum,卵壳,eggshell,卵细胞,ovotid,卵黄细胞,yolk cell,2.Egg卵盖operculum卵壳eggshell卵细胞,Egg,operculum,ovotid,yolk cell,Eggoperculumovotidyolk cell,Live cycle,Adult,egg,Eggs pass into water in feces,miracidium,sporocyst,cercaria,All these stage are,growed in the snail,leave snail and are eated By crab,metacercaria,Man is infective by eating the raw crab.,worm,Worm move through,The internal organs,adult,Worms moving way:,Small intestine,Abdominal cavity,Thoracic cavity,Lung,Pass the diaphragmatic,surface,Are hatched in the duodenum,Live cycleAdult eggEggs pass i,新版寄生虫肺吸虫课件,新版寄生虫肺吸虫课件,Melania,Melania,Crab,Crayfish,CrabCrayfish,新版寄生虫肺吸虫课件,Attention:,1.Ectopic parasitism,Subcutaneous,liver,brain,spinal cord,eye.,Attention:1.Ectopic parasitis,Transport host:,Some parasite worm invade abnormal host,it can not become adult,it maintain the worm stage,but when it has chance to invade normal host it become adult,the abnormal host called it.,Transport host:Some para,Pathogenesis and clinical manifestation,1.Acute period,(cause by young worm),The young worms activity cause the partial tissue and organ damaged,bleed,inflamation,the damaged area became a hole and then lead to the tissue ibous,adhesions,particularly the liver.,Pathogenesis and clinical mani,2.Chronic period,Pathogenesis in lung,The adults mechanical spoil,And its secretion and excretion,inflammation,abscess,cyst,When the adult die or move Other place or the content Remove or bsorbed,Granulation tissue formed,fibrous,2.Chronic periodPathogenesis i,Clinical symptom,The patient feel chest discomfort,cough,hemoptysis,(,咳血,),Sputum is brown-flake,Egg is often found in the sputum,Clinical symptomThe patient fe,B.Ectopic parasitism,Subcutaneous-cysts in the skin,Brain-brain discomfort,epilepsy,(,癫痫,),paralysis,(,瘫痪,),Spinal cord-paresis,Eye-lose sight or vision disorder,Peritoneum,(,腹膜,)-,abdominal pain,diarrhea,blood-stood,enlarging liver,B.Ectopic parasitismSubcutane,新版寄生虫肺吸虫课件,Lungsymptom,Lungsymptom,Brain-spinal cords patient,Brain-spinal cords patient,Peritoneum,Peritoneum,Subcutaneous,Subcutaneous,Diagnosis,Make sure whether the patient has the habit of eating the raw crab,1.Examination,Use the water sedimentation method to,find the egg in the feces,Use the direct smear method to,find the egg in the sputum,DiagnosisMake sure whether the,2.X-ray,CT,for the pleura and brain-spinal cords patient,2.X-ray,CT,3.Immuniology examination,For the ectopic parasitism,Method:AST,ELISA,AST-ELISA,3.Immuniology examinationFor t,Epidemiology,Charcteristic:parasitic zoonoses,Paragonimiasis infect the wile animal,in the nature,when human being come,into the area he will be infect.,Paragonimiasis had ever taken place in Japan,Korea,Russia,EpidemiologyCharcteristic:par,Epidimiology factors:,1.Infective source:,A.Wild animal:,fox,wolf,leopard,cat,dog etc.,B.Human being,2.,Intermediate host:,The snail or the crab which grow in the small stream.,Epidimiology factors:1.Infect,3.Infective way:,Eat the raw crab or“drunk crab”,B.Eat the raw meat of transport host,C.Drink the unboiling water,3.Infective way:Eat the raw c,Treatment,Pay attention to the eating habit,not to eat the raw crab,not to drink,the unboiling water,2.Treat the patient:,Praziquantel,Albendazole,Tribendimidine,Artemether,Artesunate,TreatmentPay attention to the,Paragonimus skrjabini,Paragonimus skrjabini,Morphology,1.Adult,Shape:Olive,Sucker:Ventral sucker is larger than oral sucker,Testes and ovary have more lobation,2.Egg:,Similar to,paragonimus westermuni,Morphology1.AdultShape:Oliv,Live cycle,Essential similar to,paragonimus westermuni,The different from it is that:,1.Definitive host:fruit-eating fox(the main),Human:Abnormal host,only young worm,infect them.,2.The No.1 intermediate host:,The snail which grow in the small stream,Live cycleEssential similar to


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