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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Reading,八年级英语 上,Unit 2,School life,Reading 八年级英语 上 Unit 2,an American school,a British school,How much do you know about the life in a British and American school?,an American schoola British sc,Answer the questions,What are the names of the two students?,2.What is Nancys favourite subject?,3.What does John do after school?,John and Nancy.,French.,Do sports.,Answer the questionsWhat are t,Compare two school lives,British school life,American school life,What kind of school is Nancy in?,What do students do during the Reading Week?,When does John do sports?,2.What does he do in the Buddy Club?,Compare two school livesBritis,B,ritish school life,Check the exercises on Page 21-22,British school lifeCheck the e,Language points,1.Learning foreign languages is fun.,Doing sth.is+adj.=It is+adj+to do sth,.,Its fun to learn foreign languages.,2.Time,seems to go,faster when we are reading interesting books.,Seem,的用法:,seem to do sth,seem+adj.,It seems that,从句,Language points1.Learning for,Language points,3.He oftenand offers me help.,offer sb sth.=offer sth.to sb.,.,4.Our school ends earlier than usual.,end v.“,结束”,=finish=be over,win,的用法:,win the first,win the match/game,win the prize,5.Our school won two games last month.,Language points3.He oftenand,Introduce your school life.,My school life,1.grade,school:,2.favourite subject:,3.favourite sport/,activity/club:,4.buddy,5.,Which?,What?Why?,What?How often?How?,Who?,Introduce your school life.My,Group work,Talk about your dream school life,timetable/homework,subjects/lessons,classmates/teachers,after-school activities/clubs,sports centre/libraries,Group workTalk about your dre,A,merican school life,B,ritish school life,C,hinese school life,D,ream school life,American school life,Dear,How are you?In our dream school,we want because .,Write a letter to your e-friend.,Homework,Can you tell me about your school life?I hope to hear from you soon.,Yours faithfully,Dear Write a letter to your e,Write an article about your own school life,Homework,Write an article about your o,牛津译林版英语八上8aunit2reading2课件,初中英语课件,金戈铁骑整理制作,初中英语课件金戈铁骑整理制作,


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