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, , , , , , ,*,L/O/G/O, , , , , , ,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,PEP,三年级,(,上,),英语期末总复习,words,单词,Sentences,句型,Practice,练习,1,2,3,Revision,Key words,重点词汇,3,2,Colors,颜色,4,Animals,动物,5 Food & drink,食品饮料,1,Stationery,文具,words,6,Numbers,数字,Body parts,身体部位,pen pencil,pencil-box ruler eraser crayon,book bag no不 your你的,1、向别人问好应该说,A:Hello! B: Hi!,2、问别人的名字应该说-,A:Whats your name?,B:My names Chen Jie. 。,3、跟别人分手应该说,A: Bye. Good bye!,B: See you.(再见) Goodbye.,4、 A: I have a ruleran eraser,B: Me too .,-1.show me your pen. 让我看看你的钢笔。,2. open your pencil-box. 翻开你的铅笔盒。,3. close your book .,关上你的书。,4. carry your bag.,背起你的书包,C,o,l,o,r,s,(,颜色,),red yellow,green blue white black orange,brown ok mum,、早上相见应该说-A: Good morning.,B: Good morning!,6、下午相见应该说,A: Good,afternoon! B: Good afternoon!,7、跟新朋友第一次见面,A: Nice to meet you!,B: Nice to meet you,too!,8、 A: This is Mr Jones,B: Nice to meet you!,9. A: Colour it brown.,B: Ok 好。,1.Show me green.,2.Show me red.,3.Show me blue.,4.Show me yellow.,5. Black, black. Stand up.,6. Orange, orange. Sit down.,7. White, white. Touch the ground.,8. Brown, brown.Turn around.,9,I see green.。,headfacenosemouth,头脸鼻子嘴,eyeeararmhand,眼睛耳朵胳膊手,fingerlegfootbody,手指腿脚身体,head face nose mouth eye leg ear arm leg foot body,schoo,l,10. A: Lets go to school! B: OK!,11、看见久未见面的朋友或者别人身体不舒服,你该这么打招呼A: How are you B: Fine,thank you Very well, thanks.,12、A: Lets paint. B. Ok,13. A: Lets play.,B: Ok. 好。,14.A: Lets make a puppet!,.B: Great! 好极了!,1. Close your eyes.,2. Open your mouth. 3.Touch your nose.,4. Touch your ear.,5.Touch your face.,6.Look at me.,7.This is my face,8. Clap your hands. 9.Touch your head.,。,10.Wave your arms. 11.Shake your legs. 12.Shake your body.,13. Stamp your foot.,cat,dog,monkey,panda,rabbit,duck,pig,bird,bear,elephant,cat dog monkeypanda duck pig bird bear,elephant tiger zoo funny,16. A: Whats that B: Its an elephant. 。,17.A: Whats this B:Its a bear.,18. A: I like it. B:Thanks.,1.Act like an elephant. ,2.Act like a bird.。,3.Act like a tiger.,4.Act like a monkey.,5.Act like a panda.,食品,&,饮料,What do you like,cake,bread,chicken,hamburger,hot dog,French fries,What do you like,water,milk,juice,Coke,tea,coffee,cake bread juice milk water egg fish rice,19. A: Id like some juice, please.,B: Here you are.,20A: Can I have some water,please,B: Here you are.,21、 A: Here you are B: Thank you.,16、A: Thank you.,B: Youre welcome.,17、A: Have some milk.,B: Thank you.,1. Have some eggs.,2.Have some juice.,3.Eat some bread.,4.Drink some milk.,5. Drink some water.,6.Eat some fish.,7. Eat some rice.,8.Cut the cake.,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,one two,three four five,six,seven,eight nine,ten brother,plate,17、A:Happy birthday.,B: Thank you.,18、A: How old are you,B: Im six years old.,19、A: Lets eat the birthday cake.,B: Great!,1.Show me six.,2.Show me seven.,3.Show me eight.,4.Show me nine.,5.Show me ten.,找出不属于同类的单词。,( ) 1.A.pig B.purple C.pink,( ) 2.A.elephant B.eight C.bear,( ) 3.A.milk B.tea C.chicken,( ) 4.A.hand B.head C.hot dog,( ) 5.A.coffee B.ruler C.pencil,( ) 6,、,A,、,red B,、,leg C,、,black D,、,blue,( ) 7,、,A,、,show B,、,touch C,、,foot D,、,eat,( 8,、,A,、,Zoom B,、,ruler C,、,Sarah D,、,Mike,( 9,、,A,、,bag B,、,duck C,、,bear D,、,squirrel,( 10,、,A,、,milk B,、,bread C,、,coffee D,、,juice,二. 找出以下不同类的单词,将其编号写在括号里.,( ) 1. A. eraser B. yellow C. crayon D. pencil,( ) 3. A. black B. green C. pencil D. red,( ) 4. A. eye B. nose C. mouth D. bird,( ) 5. A. morning B. afternoon C. good D. night,( ) 6. A. book B. pen C. pencil D. ruler,( ) 7. A. car B. cat C. monkey D. bear,( ) 8. A. ball B. boat C. plane D. car,句子配对,( )1.Good morning. A.Thank you.,( )2.Whats your name B.Me, too.,( )3.See you . C.Sure ,here you are .,( )4.Happy birthday . D.Good morning.,( )5.Nice to meet you. E.Bye,( )6.How old are you F.Ok.,( )7.Wheres your nose G. I m Nine,( )8.I like hot dog H.Nice to meet you, too,. ( )9.Lets go to school. . I. My name is John,( )10.Can I have chicken J.Here it is .,) 1. Good afternoon. A. Good morning!,( 2. Whats your name B. Sure. Here you are.,( ) 3. Hello! C. Fine, thank you.,( ) 4. Goodbye! D. Great!,( 5. Lets go to school! E. Nice to meet you, too.,( ) 6. Good morning! F. My names John.,( ) 7. How are you G. See you!,( ) 8. Nice to meet you. H. Good afternoon.,( ) 9. Lets paint! I. Hi!,( )10. May I have a look J. OK!,将这个对话按正确的表达顺序重新排列。,( ) Youre welcome.,( ) OK. Here you are.,( ) Have some juice!,( ) Thank you.,( ) No, thanks. I like Coke.,情景反响。,( )1、有一天,你在街上遇见一位很久没有见面的同学,你应该如何问候 A. Who are you B. How are you C. Here you are.,( )2、你第一次认识Mike,感到十分快乐,,你应该这样说: A. Me too. B. Nice to meet you.C. Good afternoon.,( )3、John说:“I like yellow.你的爱好跟他一样,你可以说:,A. Great! B. My names Bai Ling. C. Me too.,3 ( )4、教师请你拍手,用英语该这样说: A. Clap your hands. B. Clap my hands. C. Snap your fingers.,( )5、Sarah是班长,教师走进教室准备上课,她应该这样,A. Sit down. B. Good morning. C. Stand up.,( )6、Mike想吃汉堡包,你拿给他时说:,A. Can I have a hamburger,B. Here you are.,( )7、向妈妈表示自己想喝果汁时说:,A. Have some juice, please.,B. Can I have some juice,( )8、别人请你吃东西,你不想吃了说:,A. Yes, thank you. B. No, thank you.,( )9、想看别人的东西时问:,A. May I have a look B. How old are you,( )10、你想知道对方年龄可以问:,A. How are you B. How old are you,( )11、别人向你道谢,你应该说:,A. Thank you! B. Youre welcome.,( )12、要邀请别人喝牛奶,可以说:,A. Have some milk! B. I like milk.,( )13、你想知道对方是谁,可以问:,A. How are you B. Who are you,( )14、别人帮你的忙,你应该说:,A. Thank you! B. Youre welcome.,( )15、Mike的生日到了,你对他说:,A. Happy birthday! B. Happy Teachers Day,16. Mike认识了一位新朋友,他应该怎样介绍自己呢?,A. My names Mike. B. How are you,C. Nice to meet you,too.,( )17. 早上在校门口你遇到你的同学,你应该说:,A. Good afternoon B. Good evening. C. Good morning.,( )18. 当别人夸你的衣服很漂亮时,你应该说:,A. Yes, I am. B. Thank you C. You are nice.,4 ( )19. Sarah对你说“How are you时,你应该怎样答复:,A. Very well, thanks.B. How are you C. Nice to meet you.,( )20.爸爸给你买了一本书,你应该怎样致谢:,A. Im OK. B. Here it is! C. Thank you., 21、当你想知道别人的姓名的时候,你可以说:,( ) A、Nice to meet you! B、How do you do,C、Whats you name, 22、你去参加同学的生日晚会,你应对他说:,A、Here you are! B、Happy birthday!,C、My name is Wang Hong., 23、我们国家的珍稀野生动物的代表是 ,A、kangaroo B、monkey C、panda, 24、你的同桌买了一支新钢笔,一想看一下你可以说: ,A、Hello! B、May I have a look,C、Thank you very much.,2),Sentence句子要求会在真实语境中灵活用,1. Hello! Im Zoom. / Hi! Im Zip.,2. Goodbye! / Bye, Miss White! / See you!,3. Whats your name My names Louise.,4. Good morning! / Good afternoon!,5. This is John. / This is my friend, Sarah.,6. Lets go to school. / OK.,7. Nice to meet you. / Nice to meet you, too.,8. How are you / Fine, thank you. And you / Very well, thanks.,9. Who are you / Im John.,10.I have a Teddy bear. / Oh, really,11. Look! I have a rabbit. / (Cool! / Super! Great! Wow!),12. May I have a look / Sure.,13. Here you are./Thank you.,14. Oh, its nice! I like it./Thanks.,15. I like hamburgers. / Me too!,16. Have some French fries. / Thank you.,17. Thank you! / Youre welcome.,18. Have some juice! / No, thanks. I like Coke.,19. Can I have some chicken / Sure. Here you are.,20. Happy birthday! / Thank you.,21. How old are you / Im 9.,22. Lets eat the birthday cake. / Great.,23. How many gifts / 10.,24. This is for you, Zip! / Wow! Thanks.,25. Lets paint! / Great.,Goodbye!,Best wishes for your exams!,


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