Unit 14 Let’s help the old

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 14 Lets help the old,.,一、单元要点,1,知识概述,(,1,)逐步培养扶老携幼的意识。,(,2,)学习和掌握一定数量的动词短语词组。,(,3,)学习字母组合,th,在单词中的发 音。,2,单元重点词汇,3,交际用语,(,1,),What is he/she doing,?,He/She is mopping the floor.,(,2,),Here we are.,(,3,),Would you like to listen to my story,?,Yes,thanks a lot.,Would you like a cup of tea,?,Yes,please.,(,4,),Ill clean the kitchen.,(,5,),How can we make grandpa and grandma happy,?,二、单元学习,(,1,),Words and expressions,:,衣物:,a shirt,a dress,a skirt,a jacket,a hat socks,a T-shirt,glasses,trousers,shorts,a vest,shoes,a coat a blouse,名词性物主代词:,yours,mine,his,hers,ours,theirs,its,1,复习,(,2,),Sentences,:,This is my T-shirt.,These are my shorts.,Is that yours,?,Yes,this is mine.,Which one is different,?,D is different.,(,3,),Pronunciation,:,字母组合,ch,在单词中发 的音,发 时,双唇略微张开突出,舌尖抵上齿,用力吐气,声带不振动。,2,重难点知识讲解,Words and expressions:,tidy the books,feed the bird,mop the floor,sweep,the,floor,scrub,the,floor,clean,the,window,read a story book,comb,hair,clean,the,kitchen,make,tea,wash,the,tomatoes,feed,the,dog,clean,the,cupboard,Sentences:,A,What is he/she doing,?,他,/,她在做什么?,He/She is mopping the floor.,他,/,她在拖地。,He/She is+,现在分词,+,其它,他,/,她正在做,现在分词基本形式构成:,a,一般情况下在动词原形后加,-ing,。,b,以重读闭音节结尾的词,末尾只有一个辅音字母的,先双写这个辅音字母后再加,-ing,。,c,以不发音的,-e,结尾的动词,要去掉,e,再加,-ing,。,现在进行时肯定句的句式是:主语,+be(am,,,is,,,are)+,现在分词,+,现在进行时特殊疑问句的句式是:疑问词,+be,动词,+,主语,+,现在分词,+,主语是第三人称单数,,be,动词用,is,。,e.g.What is Pat doing,?,She is cleaning the window.,擦窗户,What is Sam doing,?,He is reading a story book.,看故事书,What is Fan doing,?,He is combing hair.,梳头,What is Lucy doing,?,She is making tea.,泡茶,What is An Qi doing,?,She is sweeping the floor.,扫地,What is Den doing,?,He is cleaning the cupboard.,擦橱柜,What is the boy doing,?,He is tidying the books.,整理书,What is the boy doing,?,He is feeding the bird.,喂鸟,What is the boy doing,?,He is mopping the floor.,拖地,What is the boy doing,?,He is scrubbing the floor.,擦地板,What is the girl doing,?,She is cleaning the window.,擦窗户,What is the boy doing,?,He is washing the tomatoes.,洗土豆,What is the girl doing,?,She is feeding the dog.,喂狗,B Would you like to do,?你想做什么吗?,Would you like+,n,.,?你想要什么吗?,e.g.Would you like to drink a cup of tea,?,你想喝杯茶吗?,Would you like a cup of tea,?,你想来杯茶吗?,(,2,),Study pronunciation,:,字母组合,th,在单词中发 ,发 时,舌尖轻轻伸出,上下齿轻轻咬住舌尖,发轻音。,Listen,look,point and say.,(,3,),Read and tick.,What can you do at home for your grandpa and grandma,?,Tick them.,What can you do at home for your grandpa and grandma,?,在家你能为你的爷爷奶奶做什么?,I can mop the floor.I can feed the dog.,我可以拖地。我可以喂狗。,I can clean the window.I can clean the cupboard.,我可以擦窗户。我可以擦橱柜。,I can wash the tomatoes.I can make tea.,我可以洗土豆。我可以泡茶。,I can read a book.I can comb hair.,我可以读书。我可以梳头。,I can tidy the books.I can sweep the floor.,我可以整理书本。我可以扫地。,I can do the all things.,我可以做所有的事情。,(,4,),A mini-play.,This is a story about two children helping the old grandpa.,(grandpa two pupils a car driver a bike-rider),Bike rider:Ding ling ling!Ding ling ling!,Grandpa:Oh,the bike is fast.I cant cross the street.,Driver:Beep!Beep!Beep!,Grandpa:Oh,I cant cross the street.The car is very fast.,Two pupils:Grandpa,let us help you.,Grandpa:Thank you very much.Thats very kind of you.,Pupil 1:Stop!Stop!,Pupil 2:Lets go,Grandpa.,Pupil 1:Ok,you can go now.,Grandpa:Thanks very much.,Two pupils:You are welcome.,Grandpa:Goodbye!,Two pupils:Bye-bye!,(,5,),Look,talk and share.,How can we make grandpa and grandma happy,?,我们怎么才能使爷爷奶奶高兴呢?,We can wash their feet.,我们可以帮他们洗脚。,We can sing for them.,我们可以为他们歌唱。,We can help them water the flowers.,我们可以帮他们浇花。,We can give our prizes to them.,我们可以把我们的奖赏给他们。,We can take them to a park or a zoo.,我们可以带他们去公园或动物园。,We can play computer games with them.,我们可以和他们一起玩电脑游戏。,We can give our toys to them.,我们可以把我们的玩具给他们。,We can dance for them.,我们可以为他们跳舞。,We can help them sweep the floor.,我们可以帮他们扫地。,(,6,),Lets chant and sing.,爷爷奶奶带我去学校。,给我书包并递给我食物。,爷爷奶奶带我去商店。,给我买了一个热狗和一个小时钟。,爷爷奶奶带我去动物园。,让我看动物们并给我一些水果。,爷爷奶奶经常努力工作。,他们说:活到老,学到老。,用心记住这句话。,(,7,),Listen,number and read.,答案:,I often do homework.,I run everyday.,I am good in class.,We are friendly(,友好的,).,I can help at home.,I can lend a hand(,帮助别人,).,I can help make things.,三、单元小结,tidy the books,feed the bird,mop the floor,sweep,the,floor,scrub,the,floor,clean,the,window,read a story book,comb,hair,clean,the,kitchen,make,tea,wash,the,tomatoes,feed,the,dog,clean,the,cupboard,2,Sentences,:,What is he/she doing,?,He/She is+,现在分词,+,Yes.,What can you do,?,I can,How can we,?,We can.,3,Pronunciation,:,字母组合,th,在单词中发 ,发 时,舌尖轻轻伸出,上下齿轻轻咬住舌尖,发轻音。,


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