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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1,Unit 1,Whats the matter?,Section B 1,1a-2e,New words,bandage,n.,绷带,v.,用绷带包扎,Her mother is very,sick,.,她母亲病得很厉害。,sick,adj.,生病的;有病的,knee,n.,膝盖,nosebleed,n.,鼻出血,Fish can not,breathe,out of water.,鱼离开水就不能呼吸。,breathe,v.,呼吸,sunburned,adj.,晒伤的,climber,n.,登山者,accident n.,交通事成心外遭遇,rock,n.,岩石,knife,n.,刀,blood,n.,血,control,n.&v.,限制;约束;管理,spirit,n.,勇气;意志,Did these accidents happen to you,When they happen,what should you do,get hit on the head,cut her finger,Discussion,fall down,have a nosebleed,When these accidents happen,what should you do Put the actions in order.,_ Put a bandage on it.,_ Run it under water.,_ Put some medicine on it.,2,3,1a,1,_ Go to the hospital.,_ Get an X-ray.,_ Rest for a few days.,1,2,3,_ Clean your face.,_ Put your head back.,_ Put on a clean T-shirt.,1,3,2,Listen to the school nurse.Check(,)the problems you hear.,Problems,Treat,ments,Problems,Treat,ments,Someone,felt sick.,b,c,Someone had a nosebleed.,Someone,cut his knee.,Someone hurt,his back.,Someone,had a fever.,Someone got,hit on the head.,Listening,1b,Listen again.Write the letter of each treatment next to the problems you checked in the chart above.,a.put a bandage on it,b.took his temperature,c.told him to rest,d.put some medicine on it,e.took him to the hospital to get an X-ray,f.told her to put her head back.,1c,Problems,Treat,ments,Problems,Treat,ments,Someone,felt sick.,b,c,Someone had a nosebleed.,Someone,cut his knee.,Someone hurt,his back.,Someone,had a fever.,Someone got,hit on the head.,d,a,b,c,f,e,Role-play a conversation between the nurse and the teacher.Use the information in 1b and 1c.,Who came to your office today,First,a boy cam in.He hurt himself in P.E.class.,What happened,He has a nosebleed.,1d,Speaking,Accidents or problems can sometimes happen when we do sports.Write the letter of each sport next to each accident or problem that can happen.,A=soccer B=mountain climbing,C=swimming,_ fall down _ have problems breathing,_ get hit by a ball _ get sunburned,_ cut ourselves _ hurt our back or arm,A,A,B,B,C,C,2a,Presentation,Read the passage and underline the words you dont know.Then look up the words in a dictionary and write down their meanings.,Words,Meanings,2b,Reading,Finding the Order of Events,Writers describe events in a certain order.Finding the order of the events will help you understand what you are reading.,Read,the statements and circle True,False or,Dont Know.,1 Aron almost lost his life,three times because of,climbing accidents.,True False Dont know,2 Aron had a serious,accident in April 2003.,True False Dont know,3 Aron ran out of water,after three days.,True False Dont know,4 Aron wrote his book,before his serious accident.,True False Dont know,5 Aron still goes mountain,climbing.,True False Dont know,2c,Read the passage again and answer the questions.,1.Where did the accident happen on,April 26,2003,2.Why couldnt Aron move,3.How did Aron free himself,4.What did Aron do after the accident,5.What does“between a rock and,a hard place mean,2d,1.Where did the accident happen on,April 26,2003,2.Why couldnt Aron move,3.How did Aron free himself,It happened in Utah,America.,His arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains.,He used his knife to cut off half his,right arm.,4.What did Aron do after the accident,5.What does“between a rock and a,hard place mean,He wrote a book called,Between a,Rock and a Hard Place,.,It means being in a difficult situation,that you cannot seem to get out of.,Put the sentences in the correct order.Then use them to tell Arons story to your partner.Try to add other details from the reading.,1.On April 26,2003,he had a serious mountain climbing accident.,2.Aron loves mountain climbing and doesnt mind taking risks.,2e,The correct order:2,1,5,4,3,3.Aron did not give up after the accident and keeps on climbing mountains today.,4.He wrote a book about his experience.,5.Aron lost half his right arm from the 2003 accident.,摔倒,对感兴趣,习惯于,因为,用完,fall down,be interested in,be used to,because of,run out of,Important phrases,准备做,切除,离开,掌管,管理,继续或坚持,做某事,be ready to do sth.,cut off,get out of,in control of,keep on doing sth.,1)He found himself in a very dangerous,situation.,2)He was climbing by himself.,3)He bandaged himself so that he would not,lose too much blood.,4)we find ourselves“between a rock and,a hard place,himself,和,ourselves,称为,_,代词。,反身,Language points,1.观察以下句子。,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,单数,myself,himself herself itself,复数,yourselves,填写以下表格。,yourself,ourselves,themselves,1)He bandaged himself,so that,he would not lose too much blood.,2)His love for mountain climbing is,so,great,that,he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.,2.,观察以下两个句子,总结,so that,,和,so that,的用法。,so that 既可引导目的状语从句又可引导结果状语从句。,引导目的状语从句时可译为“为了,引导结果状语从句时可译为“以便。,e.g.I speak loudly so that all the students,can hear me clearly.(目的状语从句),Maria likes the woolen dress so that,she decides to buy it immediately.,(结果状语从句),so.th


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