新世纪大学英语视听说Unit4 PPT及答案

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,list,U4,Vocabulary Focus,Lesson B Online dating,Lesson A An ideal date,An eligible bachelor,Imagine that you are going on a date. You have an unlimited amount of money and one afternoon to spend it. What would you do for your date?,LA_VF_1,Vocabulary Focus,Read this ad for a TV dating show. Who would you pick for Adam? Why?,THE WORLDS,BEST,CATCH,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,An eligible bachelor,LA_VF_A1,THIS WEEKS HIGHLIGHTS,Channel 3 8pm,W,e went on a search for the most,eligible,bachelor,we could find in short, we were looking for the Worlds Best Catch! After an exhausting search, we found him,browsing,in an antique bookstore: Hes Adam Hunt, 32, from Melbourne, Australia. A spokesperson for a major record label, Adam enjoys an active lifestyle. His future wife should enjoy the same.,“We should be,compatible,. If we dont have similar interests, whats the point?” he asks. Adam adds, “Im looking for a woman who isnt afraid to live life fully someone who has an,uninhibited,and free spirit,” he says.,Vocabulary Focus,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,An eligible bachelor,LA_VF_A2,Adam wasnt exactly eager to join our show to find his future wife. In fact, he was very,reluctant,to try something unusual. “Im usually in control Im used to,calling the shots,. And, my last girlfriend,cheated on,me. I didnt want to relive,that experience on TV.”,Everything changed, though, when Adam read the profiles of the women from our show. “Any of these women would make an,ideal,choice: theyre all intelligent, talented, and beautiful. I cant wait.”,Vocabulary Focus,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,An eligible bachelor,THE WORLDS,BEST,CATCH,THIS WEEKS HIGHLIGHTS,Channel 3 8pm,Read these highlights from Adams first dates with these women! Who will Adam pick for his second date? Watch tonight and find out!,“It rained, so we had our picnic indoors. It was silly and fun. After the date he walked me home in the rain. He was a little too overprotective of me which is a real,turnoff,for me.”,Real English,turnoff,= something that makes you lose interest in a person or thing,LA_VF_A3,Celeste,Vocabulary Focus,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,An eligible bachelor,“There was a lot of,chemistry,between Adam and me when we first met. At dinner, I couldnt eat anything on the menu because Im a strict vegetarian. That,didnt go over too well,with Adam.”,LA_VF_A4,“Our date wasnt exactly what I wanted to do. As the sun set, we watched some fireworks. Later we lit a bonfire and roasted marshmallows. We,hit it off,right away, but unfortunately I got a stomachache from the marshmallows!”,“We went museum-hopping and I got a big headache, but that didnt matter because I,fell head over heels,in love with Adam Ive already decided,that hes the perfect man for me.”,Sylvie,Mina,Isabel,eligible _,bachelor _,browsing _,compatible _,unihibited,_,Vocabulary Focus,Match the expressions in,A,with their definitions.,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,a. a single man,b. having similar tastes or interests,c. available for dating,d. free and unrestrained in behavior,e. looking around a store,Keys,a,d,c,e,b,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,An eligible bachelor,LA_VF_B1,W,e went on a search for the most,eligible,bachelor,we could find in short, we were looking for the Worlds Best Catch! After an exhausting search, we found him,browsing,in an antique bookstore: Hes Adam Hunt, 32, from Melbourne, Australia. A spokesperson for a major record label, Adam enjoys an active lifestyle. His future wife should enjoy the same.,“We should be,compatible,. If we dont have similar interests, whats the point?” he asks. Adam adds, “Im looking for a woman who isnt afraid to live life fully someone who has an,uninhibited,and free spirit,” he says.,reluctant _,call the shots _,cheat on _,ideal _,Vocabulary Focus,1.,2.,3.,4.,a. secretly have a relationship with another person,b. perfect,c. control the situation,d. hesitant,Keys,a,d,c,b,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,LA_VF_B2,Adam wasnt exactly eager to join our show to find his future wife. In fact, he was very,reluctant,to try something unusual. “Im usually in control Im used to,calling the shots,. And, my last girlfriend,cheated on,me. I didnt want to relive,that experience on TV.”,Everything changed, though, when Adam read the profiles of the women from our show. “Any of these women would make an,ideal,choice: theyre all intelligent, talented, and beautiful. I cant wait.”,An eligible bachelor,chemistry _,not go over well _,hit it off _,fall head over heels _,Vocabulary Focus,1.,2.,3.,4.,a. meet for the first time and immediately,like each other,b. fall in love completely,c. the way two people relate to each other,d. not well received (by another person),Keys,a,d,c,b,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,An eligible bachelor,LA_VF_B3,“There was a lot of,chemistry,between Adam and me when we first met. At dinner, I couldnt eat anything on the menu because Im a strict vegetarian. That,didnt go over too well,with Adam.”,“Our date wasnt exactly what I wanted to do. As the sun set, we watched some fireworks. Later we lit a bonfire and roasted marshmallows. We,hit it off,right away, but unfortunately I got a stomachache from the marshmallows!”,“We went museum-hopping and I got a big headache, but that didnt matter because I,fell head over heels,in love with Adam Ive already decided that hes the perfect man for me.”,Vocabulary Focus,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,An eligible bachelor,LA_VF,Ask &,Answer,Why do you think shows like this are popular?,Ask,&,Answer,Would you consider going on a reality show like “The Worlds Best Catch”? Why or why not? Would you recommend it for anyone? If so, whom?,Proper names,Paragon Airlines Corky,Other words and phrases,Im starving.,I bet youll do fine.,Lets not even go there.,I couldnt get a word in edgewise.,hit it off (with,sb,.),apologetic,That sounds tough.,cocker spaniel,juicy (topics),foot the bill (for ),be stood up,long-haul flights,beagle,off the list,bossy,jerk,Listening,Dont talk about that!,Here are some words and phrases you will hear in,B,C,and,D,. Read them aloud.,Language Notes,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,LA_L,Listening,Dont talk about that!,Which topics do you think are OK to talk about on a first date? Which should be avoided? Make two lists.,Topics OK to talk about: _,Topics to avoid: _,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,LA_L_A,Listening,Jesse and Ashley are on a blind date (theyve never met before). Listen to the first part of the conversation and find out about their jobs and hobbies.,(Track,5,-,4,-,1,),Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,LA_L_B,Dont talk about that!,Jobs,Hobbies,Jesse,Ashley,Keys,pilot,firefighter,running (short-distance), skydiving, mountain climbing,long-distance running,Ask,&,Answer,Have you (or someone you know) ever been on a blind date? How was it? If you havent been on a blind date, would you go on one? Why or why not?,Listening,Now listen to the second part of the conversation. What else do they talk about on their date? Check (,) the boxes.,(Track,5,-,4,-,2,),Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,Dont talk about that!,apartments,past dating experiences,pets,politics,previous boy /,girlfriend,salaries,Keys,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,Real English,foot the bill (for something) =,pay for something,LA_L_C,Listening,Listen to the whole conversation. Circle whether the phrase describes Ashley (A), Jesse (J), or someone else (S).,Keys,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,likes a job with flexibility,thirty minutes late,had to pay for dinner,was stood up,forgot a date,reluctant to go on another date,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,LA_L_D,Dont talk about that!,(Track,5,-,4,-,3,),A J S,A J S,A J S,A J S,A J S,A J S,Ask &,Answer,What are some advantages of a blind date? Some disadvantages?,Speaking,Can I get back to you about that?,Listen to three short dialogues and decide if in each case the invitation is accepted, declined, or maybe accepted.,1. _.,2. _.,3. _.,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,LA_S_A,(Track,5,-,4,-,4,),Keys,maybe accepted,accepted,declined,Speaking,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,LA_S_B1,Can I get back to you about that?,Mark wants a date for Friday night. He has asked out several women.,Read their responses to his invitation and decide whos interested in going out with him, whos not interested, and who might be interested.,Would you like to go bowling with me after work on Friday?,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,Alison:,Mia:,Sue:,Sachiko,:,Erika:,Dalia,:,Sun-,hee,:,Jennie:,Let me think about it, OK? _,Id love to. What time? _,Can I get back to you about that later? _,I have to work late. How about another,day? _,Sorry, Im sure Im busy then. _,Hmmm. Ill have to check my calendar. _,Sure, sounds good. _,Im afraid I cant. Thanks, though. _,Speaking,Who is really interested in going out with Mark?,Who isnt interested?,.Who may be interested?,Keys,Mia and Sun-,hee,they both accept.,Sachiko,wants to go on another day.,Erika and Jenniethey both say no, and dont offer another plan.,Alison, Sue, and,Dalia,but none of them makes a specific plan.,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,LA_S_B2,Can I get back to you about that?,Speaking,How should Mark respond? Match an appropriate response from Mark to each woman in,B,. You may use a response more than once.,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,Can I get back to you about that?,Oh, OK. Maybe some other time.,Well, let me know if youre free, then.,Sure, just let me know.,d. Great. How about 7:00?,e. What about Saturday?,1.,2.,3.,4.,Alison:,Mia:,Sue:,Sachiko,:,Let me think about it, OK? _,Id love to. What time? _,Can I get back to you about that later? _,I have to work late. How about another day? _,Would you like to go bowling with me after work on Friday?,Keys,c,d,b,e,LA_S_C1,Sorry, Im sure Im busy then. _,Hmmm. Ill have to check my calendar. _,Sure, sounds good. _,Im afraid I cant. Thanks, though. _,Speaking,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,Can I get back to you about that?,Oh, OK. Maybe some other time.,Well, let me know if youre free, then.,Sure, just let me know.,d. Great. How about 7:00?,e. What about Saturday?,5.,6.,7.,8.,Would you like to go bowling with me after work on Friday?,Keys,a,b,a,d,LA_S_C2,Erika:,Dalia,:,Sun-,hee,:,Jennie:,Speaking,What would you like to do on Saturday? Fill in the blanks and rank each of the ideas from 1 (most appealing) to 5 (least appealing).,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,LA_S_D,Can I get back to you about that?,Ideas for Saturday Rank,a. go to a lecture about _,b. see a _ movie,c. have dinner at a _ restaurant,d. go to a _ concert,e. go to a _ game,Speaking,Group work.,Work in groups of four. Take turns to make and respond to invitations for the activities in,D,. Try to find one person who will do an activity with you in,D,. Accept invitations only for your favorite activities, and refuse the others politely.,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,LA_S_E,Can I get back to you about that?,F,Group work.,Now imagine that your best friend has just invited you to a great party on Saturday. Go back to the two people whose invitations you accepted in,D,and cancel the arrangements. Give an excuse, but dont tell them about the party!,Im really sorry, but I cant ,Im afraid Im not going to be able to ,Sorry, somethings come up and ,Here are some words and phrases you will hear in,B,C,and,D,. Read them aloud.,The etiquette of breaking up,Optional Listening,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,LA_OL,Proper names,Love Line,Global Radio,Harmony TaylorDr. Richard Hartman,Other words and phrases,etiquette,thoughtful,in public,in private,make sense,instant messaging (IM) handle (,vt,.,)farewell,Language Notes,possible ways of breaking up,:,_,_,_,Pair work,What are different ways that you can break up with someone? Which are the most common? The least common? Which are proper and which are improper? Make a list with a partner and then share your ideas with the class.,Optional Listening,in person,Keys,The etiquette of breaking up,Lesson A An ideal date,by email / answering machine / instant message,by letter,over the phone,Lesson B Online dating,LA_OL_A,_,_,_,_,Harmony Taylor, the host of the,Love Line,program on,Global Radio, is talking to Dr. Richard Hartman, author of,The Etiquette of Breaking Up,. Listen to the talk and note down the methods for breaking up mentioned.,Optional Listening,email or instant messaging,avoiding or not contacting someone,face-to-face,phone,(Track,5,-,4,-,5,),Keys,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,The etiquette of breaking up,LA_OL_B,Pair work.,Now listen to the talk again. Is it OK to use the methods noted down in,B,to break up with someone? Check,Yes,or,No,. For each,Yes,answer, explain when the method should be used.,Optional Listening,Methods,(Track,5,-,4,-,6,),Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,The etiquette of breaking up,LA_OL_C,OK to use?,When should you use this method?,email or instant messaging,avoiding or not contacting someone,face-to-face,phone,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,if youve been dating for a while,Keys,for a long-distance relationship,if youve just met or had an online relationship,Optional Listening,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,LA_OL_D2,The etiquette of breaking up,Note,Although experts recommend breaking up in person, many Internet sites are now offering “break-up e-cards” to end a relationship. It may be bad manners, but its the ultimate in convenience!,Ask,&,Answer,Do you ever send e-cards? For what occasions? Do you think sending an e-card is a good way to end a relationship? Why or why not? Which is a better way to break up, sending an e-card or a real card?,Ask,&,Answer,Do you agree with the advice given in the talk? Why or why not? Which method would you use to break up with someone? Why?,Now listen to the talk a third time. Then answer the questions below with information you hear.,Optional Listening,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,LA_OL_D1,The etiquette of breaking up,(Track,5,-,4,-,7,),If you split up with someone face-to-face, what should you think about?,_,Before you send a break-up message by e-mail or IM, what should you do first?,_,Why is the silent treatment rarely a good way to split up with someone?,_,1.,2.,3.,Your partners feelings.,Keys,Think about how you would feel.,Some people think that there is still hope for the relationship.,Online Dating Rules,Characters in the video:,(1),(2),(3),TV reporter,(,voice only,),Laura Gray, a relationship expert,Athol,Raysfield, a New York schoolteacher, online dater,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,LB_1,(4),Lydia Barnes, a three-year veteran of online dating,Before You Watch,Here are some words and phrases you will hear in the video clip. Read them aloud.,Proper names,JayDate,Match,Other words,obnoxious,take a backseat (to ),throw oneself at ,profile,push for,in-person,cyber romance post (,v,.),the beauty of,Language Notes,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,LB_BYW_A,Online Dating Rules,Before You Watch,_ 1.,_,2.,_,3.,_,4.,a.,b.,c.,d.,Match each word or phrase with the correct meaning.,the advantage of,warning signal,start doing something enthusiastically,be less important than,take a backseat to,throw yourself at,red flag,the beauty of,c,a,d,b,Keys,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,Online Dating Rules,LB_BYW_B1,Before You Watch,_ 1.,_,2.,_,3.,_,4.,a.,b.,c.,d.,repeatedly ask for,sth,.,a short description that gives important details about a person, a group of people, or a place,put a message or computer document on the Internet so that other people can see it,very offensive, unpleasant, or rude,profile,post (,v,.),obnoxious,push for,sth,.,c,a,d,b,Keys,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,Online Dating Rules,LB_BYW_B2,Before You Watch,In this video clip, the reporter talks about online dating rules and interviews people who offer some guidelines for dating in the Internet Age.,Look at the pictures and read the statements below them carefully, and then think about the following questions before you watch the video.,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,Online Dating Rules,LB_BYW_C1,You just delete people you dont like. Thats the beauty of online.,After more than 100 dates and seven years of cyber romances, Athol,Raysfield,is still struggling with online etiquette.,Lesson A An ideal date,While technology may have made meeting your match more convenient, it certainly hasnt made it less complicated.,Relationship experts are throwing themselves at the challenge of coming up with guidelines.,Lesson B Online dating,Online Dating Rules,LB_BYW_C2,Before You Watch,1.,2.,3.,4.,Lesson A An ideal date,What issues or questions occur to you when you think of onlinedating and its rules? The topic of the video is online dating rules. What rules, “dos” or “donts” or both, do you expect the reporter and the interviewees to talk about?Can you think of some specific online dating rules that would be mentioned in the video? Are online dating rules and in-person meeting rules similar or different? Why?,Lesson B Online dating,Online Dating Rules,LB_BYW_C3,1.,2.,Internet technology has made it less complicated to meet your match (romantic partner).,Internet technology has created a whole new set,of dating rules.,Read these sentences.,Then watch the video and check (,) the sentence that expresses the main idea of the video.,While You Watch,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,Online Dating Rules,LB_WYW_A,Keys,While You Watch,Lesson A An ideal date,Lesson B Online dating,Online Dating Rules,LB_WYW_B2,Keys,An unanswered email, like an unanswered phone call, suggests something.,The Internet makes it much easier to meet your match.,Lydia Barnes is still not sure what online dating rules to follow after going on over 90 dates.,According to Lydia Barnes, if the first email is too long, its a warning signal.,According to,Raysfield, the schoolteacher, you should appear disinterested. Otherwise people may think of you as being too eager.,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,T / F,T / F,T / F,T / F,T / F,Read the statements.


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